Exhibits ACI-like susceptibility to 17b-estradiol- induced mammary cancer, but, like the COP model, lacks treatment related morbidity associated with pituitary lactotroph hyperplasia/adenoma. It is well suited for investigators focusing on mammary cancer etiology, particularly in long-term studies.
This strain is a homozygous inbred double congenic harboring COP/CrCrl alleles at the Ept1 locus on RNO6 and the Ept2 locus on RNO3, introgressed onto ACI/SegHsd genomic background. The strain was generated by intercrossing ACI.COP-Ept1 (RGD ID 2292564) and ACI.COP-Ept2 (RGD ID 2292566) homozygous inbred rat strains and selectively breeding progeny for animals homozygous for COP alleles across both loci.