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Strain: FHH-Tg(CAG-Rab38)2Mcwi

Symbol: FHH-Tg(CAG-Rab38)2Mcwi
Strain: FHH-Tg(CAG-Rab38)1
Substrain: Mcwi
RGD ID: 5687689
Citation ID: RRID:RGD_5687689
Ontology ID: RS:0003113
Also Known As: T2Rab38-B ; FHH-T2Rab38-B
Type: transgenic
Available Source: Not Available
Origination: Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Description: A Sleeping Beauty transposon expressing the wild type (BN strain) Rab38 coding sequence under the control of the ubiquitous chicken-actin-globin (CAG) promoter was injected into FHH embryos with a mRNA source of transposase to produce (CAG-Rab38) transgenic on FHH background. This transgene insertion in line 2 was found to be within a long interspersed nuclear element (LINE) sequence and could not be unambiguously mapped to a specific chromosome location.
Last Known Status: Unknown


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Data registered by Dr. Howard Jacob's group Personal communication between Dr. Howard Jacob's group and the RGD curators.


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