RGD Reference Report - Sterol carrier protein2: further evidence for its role in adrenal steroidogenesis. - Rat Genome Database

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Sterol carrier protein2: further evidence for its role in adrenal steroidogenesis.

Authors: Chanderbhan, RF  Kharroubi, AT  Noland, BJ  Scallen, TJ  Vahouny, GV 
Citation: Chanderbhan RF, etal., Endocr Res. 1986;12(4):351-70.
RGD ID: 9999179
Pubmed: PMID:3030719   (View Abstract at PubMed)

Homogeneous rat liver sterol carrier protein (SCP2) has been implicated in adrenal steroidogenesis by studies utilizing as a model system various sub-cellular fractions of rat adrenals. Levels of SCP2 were measured in rat adrenal subcellular fractions and various rat tissues using a highly sensitive radioimmunoassay. The levels of SCP2 in various tissues correlate well with the capacity of each tissue to either synthesize or metabolize cholesterol. The high level of SCP2 in adrenal mitochondria (46% of total tissue SCP2) is consistent with its proposed role of enhancing transfer of cholesterol from the outer to the inner mitochondrial membrane. Neither ACTH nor cycloheximide treatment of rats had a significant effect on SCP2 levels or distribution in the adrenal subcellular fractions. Western blot analysis of adrenal subcellular fractions indicates the presence of a protein of identical molecular weight and at least similar antigenicity as homogeneous rat liver SCP2. In the present studies, intact dispersed rat adrenal fasciculata cells fused with liposomal encapsulated anti-SCP2 IgG showed a 40-65% reduction in their ability to produce corticosterone when stimulated with ACTH. The steroidogenic competence of these anti-SCP2 IgG treated cells can be restored by treatment of the cells with liposomal encapsulated SCP2 prior to ACTH stimulation. These findings provide direct evidence for the involvement of SCP2 in ACTH stimulated steroidogenesis in rat adrenocortical cells, and suggests that SCP2 may not be the putative high turnover "labile protein" involved in acute steroidogenesis.

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Biological Process

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
Scp2Ratpositive regulation of steroid biosynthetic process  IMP  RGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Scp2  (sterol carrier protein 2)

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