RGD Reference Report - The expression of molecular mediators in the idiopathic cutaneous calcification and ossification. - Rat Genome Database

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The expression of molecular mediators in the idiopathic cutaneous calcification and ossification.

Authors: Kim, SY  Choi, HY  Myung, KB  Choi, YW 
Citation: Kim SY, etal., J Cutan Pathol. 2008 Sep;35(9):826-31. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0560.2007.00904.x. Epub 2008 Apr 18.
RGD ID: 9068449
Pubmed: PMID:18422975   (View Abstract at PubMed)
DOI: DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0560.2007.00904.x   (Journal Full-text)

BACKGROUND: Idiopathic cutaneous calcification and ossification occur in the absence of an abnormal serum calcium level or pre-existing tissue abnormality. The pathogenesis has not been fully elucidated. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of several molecular mediators in the idiopathic cutaneous calcification and ossification. METHODS: Immunohistochemical study was used to evaluate the expression of molecular mediators, bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP-4), beta-catenin, osteopontin, osteonectin and osteocalcin, and cell markers, smooth muscle actin, CD29 and CD44. And confocal laser scanning microscopy was used to evaluate the colocalization of BMP-4 and BMP receptor type IA. RESULTS: BMP-4, beta-catenin, osteopontin, osteonectin and osteocalcin were expressed on the calcified and ossified tissue. Especially, BMP-4 was expressed on the surrounding mesenchymal cells. Smooth muscle actin positive mesenchymal cells were on around the immature ossified tissue. Mesenchymal stem cell markers, CD29 and CD44 were not expressed. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that BMP-4, beta-catenin, osteopontin, osteonectin and osteocalcin may be involved in the idiopathic cutaneous calcification and ossification. And smooth muscle actin positive mesenchymal cells may be involved in the cutaneous ossification. This study suggests that the idiopathic cutaneous calcification and ossification is highly complicated and regulated active process like ectopic calcification of other tissues.

RGD Manual Disease Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
BGLAPHumancalcinosis  IEP protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
BMP4Humancalcinosis  IEP protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
BglapMousecalcinosis  ISOBGLAP (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
BglapRatcalcinosis  ISOBGLAP (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
Bmp4Mousecalcinosis  ISOBMP4 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
Bmp4Ratcalcinosis  ISOBMP4 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
CTNNB1Humancalcinosis  IEP protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
Ctnnb1Mousecalcinosis  ISOCTNNB1 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
Ctnnb1Ratcalcinosis  ISOCTNNB1 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
SPARCHumancalcinosis  IEP protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
SPP1Humancalcinosis  IEP protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
SparcMousecalcinosis  ISOSPARC (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
SparcRatcalcinosis  ISOSPARC (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
Spp1Ratcalcinosis  ISOSPP1 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
Spp1Mousecalcinosis  ISOSPP1 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
BGLAPHumanprogressive osseous heteroplasia  IEP protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
BMP4Humanprogressive osseous heteroplasia  IEP protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
BglapRatprogressive osseous heteroplasia  ISOBGLAP (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
BglapMouseprogressive osseous heteroplasia  ISOBGLAP (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
Bmp4Ratprogressive osseous heteroplasia  ISOBMP4 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
Bmp4Mouseprogressive osseous heteroplasia  ISOBMP4 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
CTNNB1Humanprogressive osseous heteroplasia  IEP protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
Ctnnb1Ratprogressive osseous heteroplasia  ISOCTNNB1 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
Ctnnb1Mouseprogressive osseous heteroplasia  ISOCTNNB1 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
SPARCHumanprogressive osseous heteroplasia  IEP protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
SPP1Humanprogressive osseous heteroplasia  IEP protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
SparcRatprogressive osseous heteroplasia  ISOSPARC (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
SparcMouseprogressive osseous heteroplasia  ISOSPARC (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
Spp1Ratprogressive osseous heteroplasia  ISOSPP1 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 
Spp1Mouseprogressive osseous heteroplasia  ISOSPP1 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:dermis:RGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Bglap  (bone gamma-carboxyglutamate protein)
Bmp4  (bone morphogenetic protein 4)
Ctnnb1  (catenin beta 1)
Sparc  (secreted protein acidic and cysteine rich)
Spp1  (secreted phosphoprotein 1)

Genes (Mus musculus)
Bglap  (bone gamma carboxyglutamate protein)
Bmp4  (bone morphogenetic protein 4)
Ctnnb1  (catenin beta 1)
Sparc  (secreted acidic cysteine rich glycoprotein)
Spp1  (secreted phosphoprotein 1)

Genes (Homo sapiens)
BGLAP  (bone gamma-carboxyglutamate protein)
BMP4  (bone morphogenetic protein 4)
CTNNB1  (catenin beta 1)
SPARC  (secreted protein acidic and cysteine rich)
SPP1  (secreted phosphoprotein 1)

Additional Information