The active site of sepiapterin reductase (SPR), which is a member of the NADP(H)-preferring short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) family and acts as the terminal enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of tetrahydrobiopterin cofactor (BH4), was investigated by truncation and site-directed mutagenesis. The truncation mutants showed that N-terminal and C-terminal residues contribute to bind coenzyme and substrate, respectively. The mutant rSPRA29V showed decreased activity; however, the A-X-L-L-S sequence, which has been reported as a putative pterin binding site, was estimated to preferably work as a component in the region for binding coenzyme rather than substrate. Site-directed mutants of rSPRS158D, rSPRY171V, and rSPRK175I showed low, but significant, activity having similar Km values and kcat/Km values less than 25%, for both sepiapterin and NADPH. Both amino acids Tyr-171 and Ser-158 are located within a similar distance to the carbonyl group of the substrate in the crystal structure of mouse SPR, and the double point mutant rSPRY171V+S158D was indicated to be inactive. These results showed that Ser-158, Tyr-171, and Lys-175 contributed to the catalytic activity of SPR, and both Tyr-171 and Ser-158 are simultaneously necessary on proton transfer to the carbonyl functional groups of substrate.