RGD Reference Report - Increased presence of dendritic cells and dendritic cell chemokines in the sinus mucosa of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and allergic fungal rhinosinusitis. - Rat Genome Database

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Increased presence of dendritic cells and dendritic cell chemokines in the sinus mucosa of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and allergic fungal rhinosinusitis.

Authors: Ayers, CM  Schlosser, RJ  O'Connell, BP  Atkinson, C  Mulligan, RM  Casey, SE  Bleier, BS  Wang, EW  Sansoni, ER  Kuhlen, JL  Mulligan, JK 
Citation: Ayers CM, etal., Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2011 Jul-Aug;1(4):296-302. doi: 10.1002/alr.20046. Epub 2011 Apr 11.
RGD ID: 7483612
Pubmed: PMID:22287435   (View Abstract at PubMed)
DOI: DOI:10.1002/alr.20046   (Journal Full-text)

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine if there is a link between local dendritic cells (DCs) and various subtypes of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS): CRS with nasal polyposis (CRSwNP), CRS without nasal polyposis (CRSsNP), and allergic fungal rhinosinusitis (AFRS). Once DC presence was established we considered possible mechanisms for DC recruitment to the sinuses. METHODS: Biopsy specimens were taken from the osteomeatal complex during endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with AFRS (n >/= 5), CRSsNP (n >/= 6), and CRSwNP (n >/= 6). Control patients (n >/= 5) were undergoing either tumor resection or repair of cerebrospinal fluid leak and had no radiographic or endoscopic evidence of inflammatory sinus disease. Tissue samples were immunohistochemically stained for DC marker, CD209, costimulatory molecules, CD80 and CD86, and chemokine receptors, CCR2 and CCR6. Sinus tissue lysates were examined for levels of the DC chemoattractants, chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2) and CCL20. RESULTS: Analysis of sinus tissue from AFRS and CRSwNP revealed elevated numbers of cells staining positive for CD209, CD80, CD86, CCR2, and CCR6 compared to controls. CCL2 and CCL20 levels were elevated in AFRS and CRSwNP compared to controls, similar to increases in their receptors, CCR2 and CCR6, respectively. While there were trends toward increases in all markers in CRSsNP, none was statistically significant compared to control. CONCLUSION: AFRS and CRSwNP have increased numbers of DCs displaying costimulatory molecules, DC chemoattractants, and their corresponding receptors in the sinus mucosa compared to controls. These differences represent a possible mechanism for increased numbers of DCs with a T helper 2 (Th2)-skewed profile seen in CRSwNP and AFRS.

RGD Manual Disease Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
CCL2Humanfungal infectious disease  IEP protein:increased expression:sinus:RGD 
CCL20Humanfungal infectious disease  IEP associated with RhinosinusitisRGD 
CCR2Humanfungal infectious disease  IEP  RGD 
CCR6Humanfungal infectious disease  IEP associated with RhinosinusitisRGD 
Ccl2Ratfungal infectious disease  ISOCCL2 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:sinus:RGD 
Ccl2Mousefungal infectious disease  ISOCCL2 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:sinus:RGD 
Ccl20Ratfungal infectious disease  ISOCCL20 (Homo sapiens)associated with RhinosinusitisRGD 
Ccl20Mousefungal infectious disease  ISOCCL20 (Homo sapiens)associated with RhinosinusitisRGD 
Ccr2Ratfungal infectious disease  ISOCCR2 (Homo sapiens) RGD 
Ccr2Mousefungal infectious disease  ISOCCR2 (Homo sapiens) RGD 
Ccr6Ratfungal infectious disease  ISOCCR6 (Homo sapiens)associated with RhinosinusitisRGD 
Ccr6Mousefungal infectious disease  ISOCCR6 (Homo sapiens)associated with RhinosinusitisRGD 
CCL2HumanNasal Polyps  IEP protein:increased expression:sinus:RGD 
CCL20HumanNasal Polyps  IEP associated with RhinosinusitisRGD 
CCR2HumanNasal Polyps  IEP  RGD 
CCR6HumanNasal Polyps  IEP associated with RhinosinusitisRGD 
Ccl2MouseNasal Polyps  ISOCCL2 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:sinus:RGD 
Ccl2RatNasal Polyps  ISOCCL2 (Homo sapiens)protein:increased expression:sinus:RGD 
Ccl20MouseNasal Polyps  ISOCCL20 (Homo sapiens)associated with RhinosinusitisRGD 
Ccl20RatNasal Polyps  ISOCCL20 (Homo sapiens)associated with RhinosinusitisRGD 
Ccr2MouseNasal Polyps  ISOCCR2 (Homo sapiens) RGD 
Ccr2RatNasal Polyps  ISOCCR2 (Homo sapiens) RGD 
Ccr6RatNasal Polyps  ISOCCR6 (Homo sapiens)associated with RhinosinusitisRGD 
Ccr6MouseNasal Polyps  ISOCCR6 (Homo sapiens)associated with RhinosinusitisRGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Ccl2  (C-C motif chemokine ligand 2)
Ccl20  (C-C motif chemokine ligand 20)
Ccr2  (C-C motif chemokine receptor 2)
Ccr6  (C-C motif chemokine receptor 6)

Genes (Mus musculus)
Ccl2  (C-C motif chemokine ligand 2)
Ccl20  (C-C motif chemokine ligand 20)
Ccr2  (C-C motif chemokine receptor 2)
Ccr6  (C-C motif chemokine receptor 6)

Genes (Homo sapiens)
CCL2  (C-C motif chemokine ligand 2)
CCL20  (C-C motif chemokine ligand 20)
CCR2  (C-C motif chemokine receptor 2)
CCR6  (C-C motif chemokine receptor 6)

Objects referenced in this article
Gene Ccl12 C-C motif chemokine ligand 12 Mus musculus
Gene Ccl12 C-C motif chemokine ligand 12 Rattus norvegicus

Additional Information