RGD Reference Report - New modulatory alpha subunits for mammalian Shab K+ channels. - Rat Genome Database

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New modulatory alpha subunits for mammalian Shab K+ channels.

Authors: Salinas, M  Duprat, F  Heurteaux, C  Hugnot, JP  Lazdunski, M 
Citation: Salinas M, etal., J Biol Chem 1997 Sep 26;272(39):24371-9.
RGD ID: 737625
Pubmed: PMID:9305895   (View Abstract at PubMed)

Two novel K+ channel alpha subunits, named Kv9.1 and Kv9.2, have been cloned. The Kv9.2 gene is situated in the 8q22 region of the chromosome. mRNAs for these two subunits are highly and selectively expressed in the nervous system. High levels of expressions are found in the olfactory bulb, cerebral cortex, hippocampal formation, habenula, basolateral amygdaloid nuclei, and cerebellum. Interestingly Kv9.1 and Kv9.2 colocalized with Kv2.1 and/or Kv2.2 alpha subunits in several regions of the brain. Neither Kv9.1 nor Kv9.2 have K+ channel activity by themselves, but both modulate the activity of Kv2.1 and Kv2.2 channels by changing kinetics and levels of expression and by shifting the half-inactivation potential to more polarized values. This report also analyzes the changes in electrophysiological properties of Kv2 subunits induced by Kv5.1 and Kv6.1, two other modulatory subunits. Each modulatory subunit has its own specific properties of regulation of the functional Kv2 subunits, and they can lead to extensive inhibitions, to large changes in kinetics, and/or to large shifts in the voltage dependencies of the inactivation process. The increasing number of modulatory subunits for Kv2.1 and Kv2.2 provides an amazingly new capacity of functional diversity.

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Biological Process

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
Kcnb1Ratpotassium ion transport involved_inIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 
Kcnb2Ratpotassium ion transport involved_inIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 
Kcnf1Ratpotassium ion transport involved_inIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 
Kcng1Ratpotassium ion transport involved_inIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 
Kcnb1Ratprotein localization to plasma membrane involved_inIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 
Kcnb2Ratprotein localization to plasma membrane involved_inIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 
Kcng1Ratregulation of potassium ion transmembrane transport involved_inIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 

Cellular Component

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
Kcnb1Ratplasma membrane located_inIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 
Kcnb2Ratplasma membrane located_inIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 
Kcnb1Ratvoltage-gated potassium channel complex part_ofIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 
Kcnb2Ratvoltage-gated potassium channel complex part_ofIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 
Kcnf1Ratvoltage-gated potassium channel complex part_ofIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 
Kcng1Ratvoltage-gated potassium channel complex part_ofIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 

Molecular Function

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
Kcnb1Ratdelayed rectifier potassium channel activity enablesIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 
Kcnb2Ratdelayed rectifier potassium channel activity enablesIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 
Kcnf1Ratpotassium channel regulator activity enablesIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 
Kcng1Ratpotassium channel regulator activity enablesIDA PMID:9305895UniProt 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Kcnb1  (potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 1)
Kcnb2  (potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 2)
Kcnf1  (potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily F member 1)
Kcng1  (potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily G member 1)

Objects referenced in this article
Gene KCNS1 potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily S member 1 Homo sapiens
Gene KCNS2 potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily S member 2 Homo sapiens
Gene Kcns1 K+ voltage-gated channel, subfamily S, 1 Mus musculus

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