Bombesin (BN)-like peptides including gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) are known to inhibit feeding. In the amygdaloid body BN receptors have been found in moderate to high densities. The central part of the amygdala (ACE) is essentially involved in the regulation of feeding and body weight. In the present experiments GRP was injected into the ACE and liquid food intake, general behavioural activity, as well as core temperature, were examined in male CFY rats. Food intake was measured every 5 min for 30 min and at the 40th and the 60th min following GRP or vehicle microinjections. Bilateral application of 50, 100 or 150 ng GRP resulted in transient inhibition of food intake while bilateral injection of 25 or 300 ng GRP did not modify feeding. Effect of GRP was eliminated by prior application of BN receptor antagonist [Leu(13)-psi(CH(2)NH)-Leu(14)]BN. After GRP or vehicle treatments animals were video-monitored and food intake, the first meal latency (FML), intermeal intervals (IMI), the time spent feeding (FT), grooming, resting and exploration were analysed at 5-min intervals for 30 min. However, FML did not change after GRP, the first IMI increased and intake, FT and intake/FT significantly decreased during the first 5 min. Duration of resting gradually increased after GRP and animals spent less time with exploration after GRP treatment than after vehicle injection. These differences were significant during the 25-30-min period. In body temperature, no significant changes were observed. Our results show that GRP in the ACE inhibits feeding and that GRP may decrease the efficiency of eating and may act as a satiety signal.