RGD Reference Report - Toll-like receptor polymorphisms and susceptibility to urinary tract infections in adult women. - Rat Genome Database

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Toll-like receptor polymorphisms and susceptibility to urinary tract infections in adult women.

Authors: Hawn, TR  Scholes, D  Li, SS  Wang, H  Yang, Y  Roberts, PL  Stapleton, AE  Janer, M  Aderem, A  Stamm, WE  Zhao, LP  Hooton, TM 
Citation: Hawn TR, etal., PLoS One. 2009 Jun 22;4(6):e5990. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0005990.
RGD ID: 7246906
Pubmed: PMID:19543401   (View Abstract at PubMed)
PMCID: PMC2696082   (View Article at PubMed Central)
DOI: DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0005990   (Journal Full-text)

BACKGROUND: Although behavioral risk factors are strongly associated with urinary tract infection (UTI) risk, the role of genetics in acquiring this disease is poorly understood. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To test the hypothesis that polymorphisms in Toll-like receptor (TLR) pathway genes are associated with susceptibility to UTIs, we conducted a population-based case-control study of women ages 18-49 years. We examined DNA variants in 9 TLR pathway genes in 431 recurrent cystitis (rUTI) cases, 400 pyelonephritis cases, and 430 controls with no history of UTIs. In the Caucasian subgroup of 987 women, polymorphism TLR4_A896G was associated with protection from rUTI, but not pyelonephritis, with an odds ratio (OR) of 0.54 and a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 0.31 to 0.96. Polymorphism TLR5_C1174T, which encodes a variant that abrogates flagellin-induced signaling, was associated with an increased risk of rUTI (OR(95%CI): 1.81 (1.00-3.08)), but not pyelonephritis. Polymorphism TLR1_G1805T was associated with protection from pyelonephritis (OR(95%CI): 0.53 (0.29-0.96)). CONCLUSIONS: These results provide the first evidence of associations of TLR5 and TLR1 variants with altered risks of acquiring rUTI and pyelonephritis, respectively. Although these data suggest that TLR polymorphisms are associated with adult susceptibility to UTIs, the statistical significance was modest and will require further study including validation with independent cohorts.

RGD Manual Disease Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
TLR5Humancystitis severityIAGP DNA:nonsense mutation:cds:p.R392X (human)RGD 
Tlr5Ratcystitis severityISOTLR5 (Homo sapiens)DNA:nonsense mutation:cds:p.R392X (human)RGD 
Tlr5Mousecystitis severityISOTLR5 (Homo sapiens)DNA:nonsense mutation:cds:p.R392X (human)RGD 
TLR1Humanpyelonephritis susceptibilityIAGP DNA:snp:cds:p.S602I (human)RGD 
Tlr1Ratpyelonephritis susceptibilityISOTLR1 (Homo sapiens)DNA:snp:cds:p.S602I (human)RGD 
Tlr1Mousepyelonephritis susceptibilityISOTLR1 (Homo sapiens)DNA:snp:cds:p.S602I (human)RGD 
TLR4Humanurinary tract infection susceptibilityIAGP DNA:snp:cds:p.D299G (human)RGD 
Tlr4Raturinary tract infection susceptibilityISOTLR4 (Homo sapiens)DNA:snp:cds:p.D299G (human)RGD 
Tlr4Mouseurinary tract infection susceptibilityISOTLR4 (Homo sapiens)DNA:snp:cds:p.D299G (human)RGD 

Phenotype Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Manual Human Phenotype Annotations - RGD

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
TLR1HumanAbnormal renal physiology susceptibilityIAGP DNA:snp:cds:p.S602IRGD 
TLR5HumanAbnormality of the bladder severityIAGP DNA:nonsense mutation:cds:p.R392X RGD 
TLR4HumanAbnormality of the urinary system susceptibilityIAGP DNA:snp:cds:p.D299GRGD 
TLR1HumanBacteriuria susceptibilityIAGP DNA:snp:cds:p.S602IRGD 
TLR5HumanBacteriuria severityIAGP DNA:nonsense mutation:cds:p.R392X RGD 
Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Tlr1  (toll-like receptor 1)
Tlr4  (toll-like receptor 4)
Tlr5  (toll-like receptor 5)

Genes (Mus musculus)
Tlr1  (toll-like receptor 1)
Tlr4  (toll-like receptor 4)
Tlr5  (toll-like receptor 5)

Genes (Homo sapiens)
TLR1  (toll like receptor 1)
TLR4  (toll like receptor 4)
TLR5  (toll like receptor 5)

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