RGD Reference Report - Genetic determination of cardiac mass in normotensive rats: results from an F344xWKY cross. - Rat Genome Database

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Genetic determination of cardiac mass in normotensive rats: results from an F344xWKY cross.

Authors: Sebkhi, A  Zhao, L  Lu, L  Haley, CS  Nunez, DJ  Wilkins, MR 
Citation: Sebkhi A, etal., Hypertension 1999 Apr;33(4):949-53.
RGD ID: 69706
Web Url: http://www.hypertensionaha.org/cgi/content/full/33/4/949
Pubmed: PMID:10205229   (View Abstract at PubMed)

Genetic determinants affect adult cardiac mass and the predisposition to develop cardiac hypertrophy. The aim of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) that control heart and left ventricular (LV) weight by use of normotensive inbred rat strains that differ in their adult cardiac mass phenotype. We studied 126 male F2 rats derived from a cross of normotensive Wistar-Kyoto and Fischer 344 rats. At 12 weeks of age, total heart weight and LV weight were measured. Genomic DNA from these animals was screened by use of polymorphic microsatellite markers across the whole genome (excluding the sex chromosomes). In this cross, the genetic contribution to total heart weight variation was 56%, and the genetic contribution for LV weight was 55%. Using the Mapmaker/QTL computer package, we identified a significant QTL on chromosome 3 with a log10 likelihood (LOD) score of 4.8, which accounted for 16.5% of the total variance of LV weight. This QTL was centered close to the marker D3Rat29. The QTL was also found to be significantly linked with total heart weight (LOD=4.4). These data provide the first demonstration of a QTL on chromosome 3 that plays a role in determining the difference in LV mass between normotensive Fischer 344 and Wistar- Kyoto inbred rat strains. The prostaglandin synthase 1 gene is located within the QTL.

RGD Manual Disease Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
Cm25RatLeft Ventricular Hypertrophy  IDA  RGD 

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Mammalian Phenotype

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
F344/NHsdRatdecreased heart left ventricle weight  IAGP as compared to WKY/CrukRGD 
F344/NHsdRatdecreased heart right ventricle weight  IAGP as compared to WKY/CrukRGD 
F344/NHsdRatdecreased heart weight  IAGP as compared to WKY/CrukRGD 
WKY/NCrukRatdecreased systemic arterial blood pressure  IAGP compared to F344/NHsdRGD 
Cm25Ratheart left ventricle hypertrophy  QTM  RGD 
WKY/NCrukRatincreased heart left ventricle weight  IAGP compared to F344/NHsdRGD 
WKY/NCrukRatincreased heart right ventricle weight  IAGP compared to F344/NHsdRGD 
WKY/NCrukRatincreased heart weight  IAGP compared to F344/NHsdRGD 
F344/NHsdRatincreased systemic arterial blood pressure  IAGP as compared to WKY/CrukRGD 

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Objects Annotated

Cm25  (Cardiac mass QTL 25)

F344/NHsd  (F344/NHsd)
WKY/NCruk  (NA)

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