RGD Reference Report - Mapping and functional characterization of rat chromosome 4 regions that regulate arthritis models and phenotypes in congenic strains. - Rat Genome Database

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Mapping and functional characterization of rat chromosome 4 regions that regulate arthritis models and phenotypes in congenic strains.

Authors: Backdahl, L  Ribbhammar, U  Lorentzen, JC 
Citation: Backdahl L, etal., Arthritis Rheum 2003 Feb;48(2):551-9.
RGD ID: 629560
Pubmed: PMID:12571866   (View Abstract at PubMed)
DOI: DOI:10.1002/art.10782   (Journal Full-text)

OBJECTIVE: DA rats are highly susceptible to experimental models of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Linkage analyses in different models have identified several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) within a 70-cM region of DA rat chromosome 4 (C4). We produced congenic strains for these QTLs in order to map and characterize their impact on arthritis development. METHODS: Selective breeding was used to transfer C4 intervals from arthritis-resistant PVG.1AV1 rats onto DA rats. These congenic strains were evaluated for susceptibility to arthritis induced by intradermal injection of rat type II collagen, pristane (a well-defined synthetic adjuvant oil), mycobacteria, or squalene (an endogenous adjuvant oil used in human vaccine). RESULTS: Rats congenic for PVG.1AV1 genes in the 70-cM region were less susceptible than DA rats to collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), pristane-induced arthritis, adjuvant-induced arthritis, and squalene-induced arthritis (SIA). Experiments in subcongenic strains indicated a gene regulating arthritis in males located in a 20-cM interval overlapping the QTL Pia5. A second gene, located in a 10-cM interval harboring the QTL Oia2, attenuated SIA and CIA. The latter caused a change in anticollagen antibody isotype levels toward a pattern similar to that seen in PVG.1AV1 rats. CONCLUSION: The QTL Oia2 regulates arthritis induced both by the nonimmunogenic immunostimulant squalene and by cartilage collagen. In CIA, it also skews anticollagen isotype profiles, suggesting qualitative regulation of autoimmunity. Interestingly, the homologous human chromosome region 12p12-p13 has also been linked to RA, suggesting that genetic and functional dissection of this locus will provide clues to disease pathways that lead to joint inflammation.

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Mammalian Phenotype

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
PVG.1AV1/KiniRatdecreased susceptibility to induced arthritis penetranceIAGPpristane or squalene or type II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvant or Freund's complete adjuvantcompared to DA/ZtmKiniRGD 
PVG.1AV1/KiniRatincreased IgG1 level  IAGPtype II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvantcompared to DA/ZtmKiniRGD 
DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203)Ratincreased IgG2b level  IAGPtype II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvantcompared to DA/ZtmKiniRGD 
PVG.1AV1/KiniRatincreased IgG2b level  IAGPtype II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvantcompared to DA/ZtmKiniRGD 
PVG.1AV1/KiniRatincreased IgG2c level  IAGPtype II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvantcompared to DA/ZtmKiniRGD 
DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat56)Ratincreased susceptibility to induced arthritis  IAGPtype II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvantcompared to PVG.1AV1/KiniRGD 
DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-Spr)Ratincreased susceptibility to induced arthritis  IAGPpristane or type II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvantcompared to PVG.1AV1/KiniRGD 
DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203)Ratincreased susceptibility to induced arthritis  IAGPtype II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvant or pristane or squalenecompared to PVG.1AV1/KiniRGD 
DA/ZtmRatincreased susceptibility to induced arthritis penetranceIAGPpristane or squalene or type II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvant or Freund's complete adjuvantcompared to control strain PVG.1AV1RGD 
DA/ZtmKiniRatincreased susceptibility to induced arthritis  IAGPpristane or squalene or type II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvant or Freund's complete adjuvantcompared to control strain PVG.1AV1/KiniRGD 
DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat56)Ratjoint inflammation sexual_dimorphismIAGPtype II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvantin males and compared to DA/ZtmKiniRGD 
DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-D4Rat84)Ratjoint inflammation penetranceIAGPsqualene or pristane or Freund's complete adjuvant or type II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvantcompared to DA/ZtmKiniRGD 
DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203)Ratjoint inflammation susceptibilityIAGPpristanecompared to PVG.1AV1/KiniRGD 
DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203)Ratjoint inflammation severityIAGPsqualene or type II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvantcompared to DA/ZtmKiniRGD 
DA/ZtmKiniRatjoint inflammation susceptibilityIAGPpristane or squalene or type II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvant or Freund's complete adjuvantcompared to control strain PVG.1AV1/KiniRGD 
Oia8Ratjoint inflammation  IAGP  RGD 
PVG.1AV1/KiniRatjoint inflammation penetranceIAGPtype II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvant or pristane RGD 
Pia22Ratjoint inflammation  IAGP  RGD 
Pia7Ratjoint inflammation  IAGP  RGD 
Pia9Ratjoint inflammation  IAGP  RGD 
DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Mgh17-D4Rat56)Ratweight loss sexual_dimorphismIAGPtype II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvantin males and compared to DA/ZtmKiniRGD 
DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-D4Rat84)Ratweight loss  IAGPFreund's complete adjuvant or squalenecompared to PVG.1AV1/KiniRGD 
DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat155-Spr)Ratweight loss  IAGPtype II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvant or pristanecompared to PVG.1AV1/KiniRGD 
DA.PVG.1AV1-(D4Rat63-D4Rat203)Ratweight loss severityIAGPFreund's incomplete adjuvant and type II collagencompared to DA/ZtmKiniRGD 
DA/ZtmKiniRatweight loss susceptibilityIAGPpristane or squalene or type II collagen and Freund's incomplete adjuvant or Freund's complete adjuvantcompared to control strain PVG.1AV1/KiniRGD 

Objects Annotated

Oia8  (Oil induced arthritis QTL 8)
Pia22  (Pristane induced arthritis QTL 22)
Pia7  (Pristane induced arthritis QTL 7)
Pia9  (Pristane induced arthritis QTL 9)

Objects referenced in this article
QTL RA20_H Rheumatoid arthritis QTL 20 (human) Homo sapiens
QTL Aia2 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 2 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Aia3 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 3 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Aia5 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 5 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Cia13 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 13 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Cia3 Collagen induced arthritis QTL 3 Rattus norvegicus
Strain DA DA Rattus norvegicus
QTL Oia2 Oil induced arthritis QTL 2 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Pia5 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 5 Rattus norvegicus
Strain PVG.1AV1 Piebald-Virol-Glaxo Rattus norvegicus

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