RGD Reference Report - Persistent HPV16/18 infection in Indian women with the A-allele (rs6457617) of HLA-DQB1 and T-allele (rs16944) of IL-1β -511 is associated with development of cervical carcinoma. - Rat Genome Database

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Persistent HPV16/18 infection in Indian women with the A-allele (rs6457617) of HLA-DQB1 and T-allele (rs16944) of IL-1β -511 is associated with development of cervical carcinoma.

Authors: Dutta, Sankhadeep  Chakraborty, Chandraditya  Mandal, Ranajit Kumar  Basu, Partha  Biswas, Jaydip  Roychoudhury, Susanta  Panda, Chinmay Kumar 
Citation: Dutta S, etal., Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2015 Jul;64(7):843-51. doi: 10.1007/s00262-015-1693-5. Epub 2015 Apr 17.
RGD ID: 36174015
Pubmed: PMID:25893807   (View Abstract at PubMed)
DOI: DOI:10.1007/s00262-015-1693-5   (Journal Full-text)

The aim of this study was to understand the association of human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16/18 infection and polymorphisms in the HLA-DQB1 (rs6457617) and IL-1β -511 (rs16944) loci with the development of uterine cervical cancer (CaCx). The distribution of HLA-DQB1 G > A and IL-1β -511 C/T polymorphisms was determined in HPV-negative cervical swabs from normal women (N = 111) and compared with cervical swabs of HPV-cleared normal women (once HPV infected followed by natural clearance of the infection, N = 86), HPV16/18-positive cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN, N = 41) and CaCx biopsies (N = 107). The A-allele containing genotypes (i.e. G/A and A/A) of HLA-DQB1 was significantly associated with CaCx compared with HPV-negative [OR = 2.56(1.42-4.62), p = 0.001] or HPV-cleared [OR = 2.07(1.12-3.87), p = 0.01] normal women, whereas the T-allele containing genotypes (i.e. C/T and T/T) of IL-1β showed increased risk of CIN [OR = 3.68(0.97-16.35), p = 0.03; OR = 3.59(0.92-16.38), p = 0.03] and CaCx development [OR = 2.03(1.03-5.2), p = 0.02; OR = 2.25(0.96-5.31), p = 0.04] compared with HPV-negative or HPV-cleared normal women. Considering these two loci together, it was evident that the T- and A-alleles rendered significantly increased susceptibility for development of CIN and CaCx compared with HPV-negative and HPV-cleared normal women. Moreover, the T-allele of IL-1β showed increased susceptibility for CIN [OR = 3.62(0.85-17.95), p = 0.04] and CaCx [OR = 2.39(0.91-6.37), p = 0.05] development compared with the HPV-cleared women, even in the presence of the HLA-DQB1 G-allele. Thus, our data suggest that persistent HPV16/18 infection in the cervix due to the presence of the HLA-DQB1 A-allele and chronic inflammation due to the presence of the IL-1β -511 T-allele might predispose women to CaCx development.

RGD Manual Disease Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
H2-Ab1Mousecervical cancer susceptibilityISOHLA-DQB1 (Homo sapiens)associated with Papillomavirus Infections and DNA:polymorphism: :HLA-DQB1 G > A (rs6457617)(human)RGD 
HLA-DQB1Humancervical cancer susceptibilityIAGP associated with Papillomavirus Infections and DNA:polymorphism: :HLA-DQB1 G > A (rs6457617)(human)RGD 
IL1BHumancervical cancer susceptibilityIAGP associated with Papillomavirus Infections and DNA:SNP:promoter: -511 C>T (rs16944)(human)RGD 
Il1bRatcervical cancer susceptibilityISOIL1B (Homo sapiens)associated with Papillomavirus Infections and DNA:SNP:promoter: -511 C>T (rs16944)(human)RGD 
Il1bMousecervical cancer susceptibilityISOIL1B (Homo sapiens)associated with Papillomavirus Infections and DNA:SNP:promoter: -511 C>T (rs16944)(human)RGD 
RT1-BbRatcervical cancer susceptibilityISOHLA-DQB1 (Homo sapiens)associated with Papillomavirus Infections and DNA:polymorphism: :HLA-DQB1 G > A (rs6457617)(human)RGD 
IL1BHumancervix uteri carcinoma in situ susceptibilityIAGP associated with Papillomavirus Infections and DNA:SNP:promoter: -511 C>T (rs16944)(human)RGD 
Il1bMousecervix uteri carcinoma in situ susceptibilityISOIL1B (Homo sapiens)associated with Papillomavirus Infections and DNA:SNP:promoter: -511 C>T (rs16944)(human)RGD 
Il1bRatcervix uteri carcinoma in situ susceptibilityISOIL1B (Homo sapiens)associated with Papillomavirus Infections and DNA:SNP:promoter: -511 C>T (rs16944)(human)RGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Il1b  (interleukin 1 beta)
RT1-Bb  (RT1 class II, locus Bb)

Genes (Mus musculus)
H2-Ab1  (histocompatibility 2, class II antigen A, beta 1)
Il1b  (interleukin 1 beta)

Genes (Homo sapiens)
HLA-DQB1  (major histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ beta 1)
IL1B  (interleukin 1 beta)

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