RGD Reference Report - Nephron deficit is not required for progressive proteinuria development in the Munich Wistar Fromter rat. - Rat Genome Database

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Nephron deficit is not required for progressive proteinuria development in the Munich Wistar Fromter rat.

Authors: Schulz, A  Hansch, J  Kuhn, K  Schlesener, M  Kossmehl, P  Nyengaard, JR  Wendt, N  Huber, M  Kreutz, R 
Citation: Schulz A, etal., Physiol Genomics. 2008 Sep 17;35(1):30-5. Epub 2008 Jul 22.
RGD ID: 2312602
Pubmed: PMID:18647879   (View Abstract at PubMed)
DOI: DOI:10.1152/physiolgenomics.90270.2008   (Journal Full-text)

The Munich Wistar Fromter (MWF) rat represents a genetic model with an inherited nephron deficit and exhibits mild hypertension and progressive albuminuria, which is more pronounced in males than females. Previously, we demonstrated in a consomic strain that replacement of a quantitative trait locus on chromosome 6 normalized the nephron deficit and suppressed albuminuria development, suggesting a link between the two findings. Here we tested the role of a second major locus linked to albuminuria in MWF on chromosome 8 and generated the consomic strain MWF-8(SHR) by transfer of chromosome 8 from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) into MWF. The early onset of albuminuria at 8 wk of age in MWF (>50-fold increase compared with SHR) was significantly suppressed in consomic animals, and the development of marked proteinuria at 32 wk significantly diminished. Total nephron number in consomic rats (23,771 +/- 1,352) and MWF (27,028 +/- 1,322) were similar and significantly lower (-36%) compared with SHR (36,979 +/- 1,352, P < 0.0001). The development of mild albuminuria in female MWF was also significantly diminished in MWF-8(SHR). Thus, the development of overt and mild albuminuria in male and female MWF rats is not a mandatory consequence of the inherited nephron deficit. The locus on chromosome 8 appears of interest, because its exchange between MWF and SHR protects against the development of albuminuria in MWF-8(SHR) animals despite their inherited nephron deficit and higher systolic blood pressure.

RGD Manual Disease Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
MWF/FubRkbRatAlbuminuria  IAGP as compared to SHR/FubRkb and MWF-Chr 8SHR/RkbRGD 
MWF-Chr 8SHR/RkbRatglomerulosclerosis  IAGP as compared to SHR/FubRkbRGD 
MWF/FubRkbRatglomerulosclerosis  IAGP as compared to SHR/FubRkbRGD 

Phenotype Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Mammalian Phenotype

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
MWF-Chr 8SHR/RkbRatdecreased heart left ventricle weight  IAGP as compared to SHR/FubRkbRGD 
MWF/FubRkbRatdecreased heart left ventricle weight  IAGP as compared to SHR/FubRkbRGD 
MWF-Chr 8SHR/RkbRatdecreased kidney weight  IAGP as compared to SHR/FubRkbRGD 
MWF/FubRkbRatdecreased kidney weight  IAGP compared to SHR/FubRkb strainRGD 
MWF-Chr 8SHR/RkbRatdecreased systemic arterial systolic blood pressure  IAGP as compared to SHR/FubRkbRGD 
MWF/FubRkbRatdecreased systemic arterial systolic blood pressure  IAGP compared to SHR/FubRkb strainRGD 
MWF-Chr 8SHR/RkbRatincreased blood urea nitrogen level  IAGP as compared to SHR/FubRkbRGD 
MWF/FubRkbRatincreased blood urea nitrogen level  IAGP as compared to SHR/FubRkbRGD 
MWF-Chr 8SHR/RkbRatincreased circulating creatine level  IAGP as compared to SHR/FubRkbRGD 
MWF/FubRkbRatincreased circulating creatine level  IAGP as compared to SHR/FubRkbRGD 
MWF-Chr 8SHR/RkbRatincreased creatinine clearance  IAGP as compared to MWF/FubRkbRGD 
MWF-Chr 8SHR/RkbRatincreased urine protein level  IAGP as compared to SHR/FubRkbRGD 
MWF-Chr 8SHR/RkbRatrenal interstitial fibrosis  IAGP as compared to SHR/FubRkbRGD 
MWF/FubRkbRatrenal interstitial fibrosis  IAGP as compared to SHR/FubRkbRGD 

Objects Annotated

MWF-Chr 8SHR/Rkb  (NA)
MWF/FubRkb  (Munich Wistar Fromter)

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