RGD Reference Report - Individual gap junction plaques contain multiple connexins in arterial endothelium. - Rat Genome Database

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Individual gap junction plaques contain multiple connexins in arterial endothelium.

Authors: Yeh, HI  Rothery, S  Dupont, E  Coppen, SR  Severs, NJ 
Citation: Yeh HI, etal., Circ Res. 1998 Dec 14-28;83(12):1248-63.
RGD ID: 1598435
Pubmed: PMID:9851942   (View Abstract at PubMed)

Gap-junctional intercellular communication in endothelial cells is implicated in the coordination of growth, migration, and vasomotor responses. Up to 3 connexin types, connexin40 (Cx40), Cx37, and Cx43 may be expressed in vascular endothelium according to vascular site, species, and physiological conditions. To establish how these connexins are organized at the level of the individual endothelial gap junction, we used affinity-purified connexin-specific antibodies raised in 3 different species to permit double and triple immunolabeling in combination with confocal and electron microscopy. Using HeLa cells transfected with Cx37 and Cx40 for characterization, the anti-Cx37 antibody (raised in rabbit) and the anti-Cx40 antibody (raised in guinea pig) were shown to recognize single bands of 37 and 40 kDa, respectively, on Western blots and to give prominent punctate labeling at the cell borders, specifically in the corresponding transfectant. By applying these antibodies together with mouse monoclonal anti-Cx43 for double and triple immunofluorescence labeling at confocal microscopy, rat aortic and pulmonary arterial endothelia were found to express all 3 connexin types, whereas coronary artery endothelium expressed Cx40 and Cx37 but lacked Cx43. High-resolution en face confocal viewing of the aortic endothelium after double labeling demonstrated frequent colocalization of connexins, with distinct variation in the expression pattern within a given cell, where it made contact with different neighbors. Triple immunogold labeling at the electron-microscopic level revealed that aortic endothelial gap junctions commonly contain all 3 connexin types. This represents the first definitive demonstration of any cell type in vivo expressing 3 different connexins organized within the same gap-junctional plaque.

Gene Ontology Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Cellular Component

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
Gja1Ratconnexin complex  IDA  RGD 
Gja4Ratconnexin complex  IDA  RGD 
Gja5Ratconnexin complex  IDA  RGD 
Gja1Ratfascia adherens  IDA in ventricular myocardiumRGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Gja1  (gap junction protein, alpha 1)
Gja4  (gap junction protein, alpha 4)
Gja5  (gap junction protein, alpha 5)

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