RGD Reference Report - The relation of conformation and association of insulin to receptor binding; x-ray and circular-dichroism studies on bovine and hystricomorph insulins. - Rat Genome Database

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The relation of conformation and association of insulin to receptor binding; x-ray and circular-dichroism studies on bovine and hystricomorph insulins.

Authors: Wood, SP  Blundell, TL  Wollmer, A  Lazarus, NR  Neville, RW 
Citation: Wood SP, etal., Eur J Biochem. 1975 Jul 15;55(3):531-42.
RGD ID: 11557981
Pubmed: PMID:1175610   (View Abstract at PubMed)

Crystal and solution structure studies on insulins of different sequences and of widely different receptor binding affinities are reported. Bovine insulin, studied as a control, has a circular dichroism spectrum which is dependent both on protein concentration and zinc concentration. The spectrum appears to be related to the level of association of the insulin molecules. This implies that when using circular dichroism to compare solution structures of insulin derivatives or species variants one must make the comparison at equivalent levels of association and not merely at the same concentration. Changes in circular dichroism are related to the known crystal structure of zinc insulin hexamers. The chinchilla insulin spectrum shows a reduced zinc dependence in low-salt conditions which correlates with the inability to form crystals in similar conditions. This is attributed to an amino acid substitution at position B4. Crystals are obtained in high-salt conditions and X-ray diffraction patterns show these to be isomorphous with bovine 4Zn insulin crystals. Guinea pig insulin failed to crystallise under conditions which are normally conducive to the formation of crystals of zinc insulin hexamers and the circular dichroism showed no zinc dependence. This is consistent with a monomeric structure. The significance of the association behaviour of chinchilla and guinea pig insulins may be in the storage of the hormone in vivo. Whereas the monomeric form of chinchilla insulin has a structure closely related to bovine insulin, the circular dichroism indicates a gross structural difference for guinea pig insulin. This may be similar to that in des-A21, des-B30-insulin, as both lack the Arg-B22--Asn-A21 carboxylate ion pair. The similarity of structure of chinchilla and bovine insulins is reflected in their receptor binding whereas the low receptor binding of guinea pig insulin probably results from the changes in its conformation rather than an alteration in residues of a receptor binding region.

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Biological Process

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
InsChinchillaprotein hexamerization  IDA  RGD 

Molecular Function

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
InsChinchillazinc ion binding  IDA  RGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Chinchilla lanigera)
Ins  (insulin)

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