RGD Reference Report - Megakaryocyte and platelet ultrastructure in the Wistar Furth rat. - Rat Genome Database

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Megakaryocyte and platelet ultrastructure in the Wistar Furth rat.

Authors: Leven, RM  Tablin, F 
Citation: Leven RM and Tablin F, Am J Pathol. 1988 Sep;132(3):417-26.
RGD ID: 11531112
Pubmed: PMID:3414775   (View Abstract at PubMed)
PMCID: PMC1880760   (View Article at PubMed Central)

Wistar Furth (WF) rats were studied and compared with Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats to determine if ultrastructural abnormalities in platelets or megakaryocytes could explain their macrothrombocytopenia. WF rats had one third of the platelet count of healthy rats and two times the platelet volume. Megakaryocyte number was decreased and the size of mature stage three megakaryocytes also was decreased. WF platelets had large membranous inclusions, and otherwise showed normal ultrastructural morphology. The WF megakaryocytes showed abnormal aggregates of the demarcation membrane system. Ruthenium red staining was more intense on WF megakaryocytes and platelets, indicating a possible increase in surface mucopolysaccharides. It is possible that abnormal megakaryocyte membrane structure may lead to WF macrothrombocytopenia.

Phenotype Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Mammalian Phenotype

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
WF/NHsdRatdecreased body weight  IAGP compared to SDRGD 
WF/NHsdRatdecreased megakaryocyte cell number  IAGP compared to SDRGD 
WF/NHsdRatenhanced megakaryocyte emperipolesis  IAGP compared to SDRGD 
WF/NHsdRatincreased leukocyte cell number  IAGP compared to SDRGD 
WF/NHsdRatincreased mean platelet volume  IAGP compared to SDRGD 
WF/NHsdRatthrombocytopenia  IAGP compared to SDRGD 
Objects Annotated

WF/NHsd  (NA)

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