RGD Reference Report - Neutrophil elastase inhibitor (ONO-5046) prevents lung hemorrhage induced by lipopolysaccharide in rat model of cerulein pancreatitis. - Rat Genome Database

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Neutrophil elastase inhibitor (ONO-5046) prevents lung hemorrhage induced by lipopolysaccharide in rat model of cerulein pancreatitis.

Authors: Guo, L  Yamaguchi, Y  Ikei, S  Sugita, H  Ogawa, M 
Citation: Guo L, etal., Dig Dis Sci. 1995 Oct;40(10):2177-83.
RGD ID: 10450559
Pubmed: PMID:7587785   (View Abstract at PubMed)

The protective effects of a neutrophil elastase inhibitor (ONO-5046) on cerulein-induced pancreatitis followed by a septic challenge with intraperitoneal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were studied in a rat model. Pancreatitis was induced by four intramuscular injections of cerulein (50 micrograms/kg at 1-hr intervals). ONO-5046 was administered by continuous intravenous infusion via the right jugular vein (50 mg/kg/hr, 30 min prior to the first cerulein injection to 20 hr following the last cerulein injection). Significant differences in serum amylase and pancreatic wet weight ratio were not observed between the animals with pancreatitis treated with or without ONO-5046. There was no significant difference in the in vitro tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) production by peritoneal macrophages from rats with pancreatitis treated with or without ONO-5046. In a second experiment, LPS (10 mg/kg) was administered intraperitoneally as the septic challenge 6 hr following the first cerulein injection. Lung hemorrhage was seen in the animals with pancreatitis untreated with ONO-5046 24 hr following the first cerulein injection. No significant lung hemorrhage was observed in the animals with pancreatitis treated with ONO-5046 administering 30 min prior to the first cerulein injection. These results suggest that lung hemorrhage in cerulein-induced pancreatitis that follows a septic challenge with LPS can be prevented by the intravenous administration of ONO-5046. Thus there is a significant role for neutrophil elastase in pancreatitis-associated lung injury.

RGD Manual Disease Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
ELANEHumanPulmonary Hemorrhage  ISOElane (Rattus norvegicus)associated with Pancreatitis more ...RGD 
ElaneRatPulmonary Hemorrhage  IMP associated with Pancreatitis more ...RGD 
ElaneMousePulmonary Hemorrhage  ISOElane (Rattus norvegicus)associated with Pancreatitis more ...RGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Elane  (elastase, neutrophil expressed)

Genes (Mus musculus)
Elane  (elastase, neutrophil expressed)

Genes (Homo sapiens)
ELANE  (elastase, neutrophil expressed)

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