GWAS602734_H QTL Report (Homo sapiens) - Rat Genome Database

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QTL: GWAS602734_H (alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 2 measurement QTL GWAS602734 (human)) Homo sapiens

Symbol: GWAS602734_H
Name: alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 2 measurement QTL GWAS602734 (human)
RGD ID: 406953758
Trait: kidney adrenomedullin amount   (VT:0010754)    
Measurement Type: kidney adrenomedullin level   (CMO:0002916)    
LOD Score: Not Available
P Value: 2.0E-26
Variance: Not Available
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
GRCh383165,777,354 - 165,777,355RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh38
GRCh373165,495,142 - 165,495,143RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh37
Population Stats: Not Available
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Experimental Data Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS602734_HHumankidney adrenomedullin level  IAGPrs71674639405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:36168886

Vertebrate Trait
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS602734_HHumankidney adrenomedullin amount  IAGPrs71674639405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:36168886

Experimental Factor Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View
Experimental Data Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement

Vertebrate Trait


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. RGD GWAS Catalog Import Pipeline RGD pipeline to import data from GWAS Catalog and create human variant and QTL records


Genes in Region
The following Genes overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Analysis Tools
RGD IDSymbolNameChrStartStopSpecies

Position Markers

Peak: (rs71674639)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCh383165,777,354 - 165,777,355RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINE

QTLs in Region (GRCh38)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
406955585GWAS604561_HATP synthase subunit beta, mitochondrial measurement QTL GWAS604561 (human)1e-18protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406949057GWAS598033_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS598033 (human)7e-25protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406940866GWAS589842_Hadenylyltransferase and sulfurtransferase MOCS3 measurement QTL GWAS589842 (human)1e-28adenylyltransferase and sulfurtransferase MOCS3 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406947650GWAS596626_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS596626 (human)6e-13protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406952007GWAS600983_Hinterleukin-34 measurement QTL GWAS600983 (human)5e-21interleukin-34 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406948167GWAS597143_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS597143 (human)3e-30protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406961094GWAS610070_Htyrosine-protein kinase ZAP-70 measurement QTL GWAS610070 (human)3e-23tyrosine-protein kinase ZAP-70 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406949193GWAS598169_Hphosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform measurement QTL GWAS598169 (human)3e-14phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform measurement3165777354165777355Human
406951369GWAS600345_Hcytochrome p450 3a4 measurement QTL GWAS600345 (human)3e-13cytochrome p450 3a4 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406942922GWAS591898_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS591898 (human)1e-17protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406947404GWAS596380_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS596380 (human)2e-15e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF43 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406944718GWAS593694_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS593694 (human)2e-19protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406953934GWAS602910_HC-C motif chemokine 1 measurement QTL GWAS602910 (human)8e-27C-C motif chemokine 1 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406950608GWAS599584_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS599584 (human)3e-18protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406952912GWAS601888_Htropomyosin beta chain measurement QTL GWAS601888 (human)2e-25tropomyosin beta chain measurement3165777354165777355Human
406960851GWAS609827_Htetratricopeptide repeat protein 17 measurement QTL GWAS609827 (human)4e-15tetratricopeptide repeat protein 17 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406950739GWAS599715_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS599715 (human)4e-27protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406943827GWAS592803_Hcasein kinase II subunit alpha measurement QTL GWAS592803 (human)1e-14pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase PRP16 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406943701GWAS592677_Hepididymal-specific lipocalin-10 measurement QTL GWAS592677 (human)4e-34epididymal-specific lipocalin-10 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406948948GWAS597924_Hthymidine kinase, cytosolic measurement QTL GWAS597924 (human)4e-12thymidine kinase, cytosolic measurement3165777354165777355Human
406955351GWAS604327_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS604327 (human)5e-23protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406949846GWAS598822_Hkallikrein-6 measurement QTL GWAS598822 (human)2e-31insulin growth factor-like family member 3 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406948825GWAS597801_Hregulator of G-protein signaling 19 measurement QTL GWAS597801 (human)7e-19regulator of G-protein signaling 19 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406951901GWAS600877_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS600877 (human)6e-12protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406957149GWAS606125_Hprotein sel-1 homolog 2 measurement QTL GWAS606125 (human)3e-31protein sel-1 homolog 2 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406955484GWAS604460_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS604460 (human)2e-30protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406955612GWAS604588_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS604588 (human)7e-23protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406951260GWAS600236_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS600236 (human)6e-27protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406950110GWAS599086_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS599086 (human)3e-37protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406992480GWAS641456_Hdesmoglein-1 measurement QTL GWAS641456 (human)4e-22desmoglein-1 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406968546GWAS617522_Hneuron-specific vesicular protein calcyon measurement QTL GWAS617522 (human)4e-13neuron-specific vesicular protein calcyon measurement3165777354165777355Human
406950373GWAS599349_Hkallikrein-12 measurement QTL GWAS599349 (human)2e-24kallikrein-12 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406957671GWAS606647_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS606647 (human)7e-18protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406952681GWAS601657_Hserine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1 measurement QTL GWAS601657 (human)4e-17serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406945130GWAS594106_Htumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 3 measurement QTL GWAS594106 (human)9e-24protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406952813GWAS601789_Hplatelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule measurement QTL GWAS601789 (human)8e-16platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule measurement3165777354165777355Human
406955756GWAS604732_HT-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 epsilon chain measurement QTL GWAS604732 (human)1e-19T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 epsilon chain measurement3165777354165777355Human
406946668GWAS595644_Hpre-mRNA-processing factor 6 measurement QTL GWAS595644 (human)2e-27protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406970737GWAS619713_Hg-protein coupled receptor 26 measurement QTL GWAS619713 (human)8e-17g-protein coupled receptor 26 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406940401GWAS589377_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS589377 (human)1e-37protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406953968GWAS602944_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS602944 (human)9e-33protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406946160GWAS595136_Hpalmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1 measurement QTL GWAS595136 (human)7e-15palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406970739GWAS619715_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS619715 (human)2e-17protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406954995GWAS603971_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS603971 (human)1e-22enzyme/coenzyme activity trait (VT:0005584)3165777354165777355Human
406941426GWAS590402_Hcytochrome c oxidase subunit 4 isoform 2, mitochondrial measurement QTL GWAS590402 (human)1e-32cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4 isoform 2, mitochondrial measurement3165777354165777355Human
406952055GWAS601031_Hinterleukin-37 measurement QTL GWAS601031 (human)1e-21interleukin-37 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406967414GWAS616390_Hstabilin-2 measurement QTL GWAS616390 (human)7e-21stabilin-2 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406941046GWAS590022_Hstromal interaction molecule 1 measurement QTL GWAS590022 (human)3e-26CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta measurement3165777354165777355Human
407022074GWAS671050_Hendothelin-converting enzyme 1 measurement QTL GWAS671050 (human)4e-26endothelin-converting enzyme 1 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406952955GWAS601931_Hpotassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 10 measurement QTL GWAS601931 (human)2e-22potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 10 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406952573GWAS601549_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS601549 (human)1e-53protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406942717GWAS591693_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS591693 (human)5e-41protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406950268GWAS599244_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS599244 (human)4e-37protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406942217GWAS591193_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS591193 (human)3e-24protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406944008GWAS592984_HC-type lectin domain family 4 member M measurement QTL GWAS592984 (human)1e-43C-type lectin domain family 4 member M measurement3165777354165777355Human
406955787GWAS604763_HUDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 6 measurement QTL GWAS604763 (human)7e-16UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 6 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406955147GWAS604123_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS604123 (human)5e-29protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406942602GWAS591578_Hm-phase inducer phosphatase 2 measurement QTL GWAS591578 (human)6e-18m-phase inducer phosphatase 2 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406960906GWAS609882_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS609882 (human)8e-50protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406961421GWAS610397_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS610397 (human)9e-20protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406948238GWAS597214_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS597214 (human)5e-12protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406951056GWAS600032_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS600032 (human)5e-14protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406950034GWAS599010_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS599010 (human)3e-25protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406942612GWAS591588_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS591588 (human)2e-18small nuclear ribonucleoprotein F measurement3165777354165777355Human
406952856GWAS601832_Hnuclear pore complex-interacting protein family member B3 measurement QTL GWAS601832 (human)2e-34nuclear pore complex-interacting protein family member B3 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406948762GWAS597738_Hrho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 7 measurement QTL GWAS597738 (human)4e-24rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 7 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406950044GWAS599020_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS599020 (human)5e-25protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406965919GWAS614895_HDNA-directed RNA polymerases I and III subunit RPAC1 measurement QTL GWAS614895 (human)1e-30DNA-directed RNA polymerases I and III subunit RPAC1 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406953758GWAS602734_Halpha-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 2 measurement QTL GWAS602734 (human)2e-26kidney adrenomedullin amount (VT:0010754)kidney adrenomedullin level (CMO:0002916)3165777354165777355Human
406950046GWAS599022_Hcyclin-dependent kinase 5:cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator 1 complex measurement QTL GWAS599022 (human)6e-26cyclin-dependent kinase 5:cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator 1 complex measurement3165777354165777355Human
406940321GWAS589297_Huroplakin-3b-like protein measurement QTL GWAS589297 (human)4e-31uroplakin-3b-like protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406969890GWAS618866_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS618866 (human)3e-27protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406955554GWAS604530_Honcostatin-M measurement QTL GWAS604530 (human)1e-20oncostatin-M measurement3165777354165777355Human
406943911GWAS592887_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS592887 (human)3e-12chymotrypsin-like protease CTRL-1 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406954793GWAS603769_Hchromobox protein homolog 5 measurement QTL GWAS603769 (human)4e-20chromobox protein homolog 5 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406942888GWAS591864_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS591864 (human)5e-18protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406953643GWAS602619_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS602619 (human)5e-30protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406954923GWAS603899_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS603899 (human)2e-35protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406941227GWAS590203_Hkinesin-like protein KIF16B measurement QTL GWAS590203 (human)1e-15protein SERAC1 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406956079GWAS605055_Haxin-2 measurement QTL GWAS605055 (human)1e-16axin-2 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406954287GWAS603263_HC-C motif chemokine 3-like 1 measurement QTL GWAS603263 (human)3e-19C-C motif chemokine 3-like 1 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406951086GWAS600062_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS600062 (human)2e-20protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406942641GWAS591617_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS591617 (human)6e-52protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406939824GWAS588800_Huncharacterized protein C3orf18 measurement QTL GWAS588800 (human)6e-42uncharacterized protein C3orf18 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406946867GWAS595843_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS595843 (human)3e-22protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406972598GWAS621574_Hinterleukin-17A measurement QTL GWAS621574 (human)2e-13C-type lectin domain family 4 member M measurement3165777354165777355Human
406944826GWAS593802_Hzinc transporter 3 measurement QTL GWAS593802 (human)4e-16zinc transporter 3 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406942781GWAS591757_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS591757 (human)8e-19protein measurement3165777354165777355Human
406941116GWAS590092_Hserine/threonine-protein kinase 16 measurement QTL GWAS590092 (human)5e-20serine/threonine-protein kinase 16 measurement3165777354165777355Human
406943551GWAS592527_HES1 protein homolog, mitochondrial measurement QTL GWAS592527 (human)3e-21protein measurement3165777354165777355Human

Additional Information

GWAS QTLs Related by Peak Marker
Data has come from the GWAS Catalog   
The highlighted row represents the current QTL
QTL GWAS Catalog Study Disease Trait Study Size Risk Allele Risk Allele Frequency P Value P Value MLOG Peak Marker Reported Odds Ratio or Beta-coefficient Ontology Accession PubMed
GWAS588800_H GCST90250127 Uncharacterized protein C3orf18 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 6E-42 41.222 rs71674639 0.225 uncharacterized protein C3orf18 measurement (EFO:0802193)
GWAS589297_H GCST90250136 Uroplakin-3b-like protein levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 4E-31 30.398 rs71674639 0.189 uroplakin-3b-like protein measurement (EFO:0802204)
GWAS589377_H GCST90250138 Urotensin-2 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-37 37 rs71674639 0.212 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS589842_H GCST90248500 Adenylyltransferase and sulfurtransferase MOCS3 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-28 28 rs71674639 0.182 adenylyltransferase and sulfurtransferase MOCS3 measurement (EFO:0802257)
GWAS590022_H GCST90249678 Stromal interaction molecule 1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-26 25.523 rs71674639 0.177 stromal interaction molecule 1 measurement (EFO:0802093)
GWAS590092_H GCST90249679 Serine/threonine-protein kinase 16 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 5E-20 19.302 rs71674639 0.152 serine/threonine-protein kinase 16 measurement (EFO:0020724)
GWAS590203_H GCST90248192 Kinesin-like protein KIF16B levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-15 15 rs71674639 0.13 kinesin-like protein KIF16B measurement (EFO:0801747)
GWAS590402_H GCST90247136 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4 isoform 2, mitochondrial levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-32 32 rs71674639 0.197 cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4 isoform 2, mitochondrial measurement (EFO:0801514)
GWAS591193_H GCST90247693 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) subunit gamma-11 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-24 23.523 rs71674639 0.167 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS591578_H GCST90248512 M-phase inducer phosphatase 2 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 6E-18 17.222 rs71674639 0.139 m-phase inducer phosphatase 2 measurement (EFO:0801780)
GWAS591588_H GCST90248515 Myelin protein zero-like protein 2 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-18 17.699 rs71674639 0.144 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS591617_H GCST90247681 Galactosylceramide sulfotransferase levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 6E-52 51.222 rs71674639 0.246 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS591693_H GCST90247607 Fibrinogen beta chain levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 5E-41 40.302 rs71674639 0.217 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS591757_H GCST90247610 Fibroleukin levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 8E-19 18.097 rs71674639 0.145 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
None Available GCST90248536 Myotubularin-related protein 1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-15 15 rs71674639 0.133 myotubularin-related protein 1 measurement (EFO:0802773)
GWAS591864_H GCST90247667 Galanin levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 5E-18 17.302 rs71674639 0.144 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS591898_H GCST90247848 Harmonin levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-17 17 rs71674639 0.14 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS592527_H GCST90247501 ES1 protein homolog, mitochondrial levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-21 20.523 rs71674639 0.158 ES1 protein homolog, mitochondrial measurement (EFO:0802529)
GWAS592677_H GCST90247505 Epididymal-specific lipocalin-10 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 4E-34 33.398 rs71674639 0.2 epididymal-specific lipocalin-10 measurement (EFO:0801576)
GWAS592803_H GCST90247035 Casein kinase II subunit alpha levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-14 14 rs71674639 0.128 casein kinase II subunit alpha measurement (EFO:0020238)
GWAS592887_H GCST90247052 C-type lectin domain family 4 member A levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-12 11.523 rs71674639 0.116 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS592984_H GCST90247056 C-type lectin domain family 4 member M levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-43 43 rs71674639 0.223 C-type lectin domain family 4 member M measurement (EFO:0020202)
GWAS593694_H GCST90247460 Ecto-NOX disulfide-thiol exchanger 1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-19 18.699 rs71674639 0.149 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS593802_H GCST90250255 Zinc transporter 3 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 4E-16 15.398 rs71674639 0.132 zinc transporter 3 measurement (EFO:0803287)
GWAS594106_H GCST90249843 Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 3 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 9E-24 23.046 rs71674639 0.164 tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 3 measurement (EFO:0020813)
GWAS595136_H GCST90249100 Palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 7E-15 14.155 rs71674639 0.117 palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1 measurement (EFO:0801867)
None Available GCST90249122 Pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase PRP16 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-14 14 rs71674639 0.129 pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase PRP16 measurement (EFO:0801905)
GWAS595644_H GCST90249124 Pre-mRNA-processing factor 6 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-27 26.699 rs71674639 0.179 pre-mRNA-processing factor 6 measurement (EFO:0802894)
GWAS595843_H GCST90247955 Hexokinase-1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-22 21.523 rs71674639 0.161 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
None Available GCST90246679 Beta-defensin 132 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-28 28 rs71674639 0.183 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
None Available GCST90247903 High mobility group protein B3 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-14 14 rs71674639 0.128 high mobility group protein B3 measurement (EFO:0801677)
GWAS596380_H GCST90250054 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-15 14.699 rs71674639 0.131 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS596626_H GCST90248493 Matrix metalloproteinase-20 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 6E-13 12.222 rs71674639 0.12 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS597143_H GCST90246832 Calcineurin subunit B type 2 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-30 29.523 rs71674639 0.186 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS597214_H GCST90249878 Mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim21 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 5E-12 11.302 rs71674639 0.116 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
None Available GCST90249351 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF43 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-15 14.699 rs71674639 0.132 e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RNF43 measurement (EFO:0021886)
GWAS597738_H GCST90249299 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 7 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 4E-24 23.398 rs71674639 0.169 rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 7 measurement (EFO:0803020)
GWAS597801_H GCST90249303 Regulator of G-protein signaling 19 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 7E-19 18.155 rs71674639 0.148 regulator of G-protein signaling 19 measurement (EFO:0801996)
GWAS597924_H GCST90249887 Thymidine kinase, cytosolic levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 4E-12 11.398 rs71674639 0.114 thymidine kinase, cytosolic measurement (EFO:0020773)
GWAS598033_H GCST90249349 RING finger protein 24 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 7E-25 24.155 rs71674639 0.17 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS598169_H GCST90249009 Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-14 13.523 rs71674639 0.124 phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma isoform measurement (EFO:0020637)
GWAS598822_H GCST90248162 Kallikrein-6 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-31 30.699 rs71674639 0.19 kallikrein-6 measurement (EFO:0801739)
GWAS599010_H GCST90248151 Protein Jumonji levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-25 24.523 rs71674639 0.173 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS599020_H GCST90248153 Adenylate kinase 4, mitochondrial levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 5E-25 24.302 rs71674639 0.172 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS599022_H GCST90246957 Cyclin-dependent kinase 5:Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator 1 complex levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 6E-26 25.222 rs71674639 0.172 cyclin-dependent kinase 5:cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator 1 complex measurement (EFO:0020296)
GWAS599086_H GCST90246965 Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor C levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-37 36.523 rs71674639 0.209 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS599244_H GCST90246988 Ceruloplasmin levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 4E-37 36.398 rs71674639 0.207 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS599349_H GCST90248157 Kallikrein-12 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-24 23.699 rs71674639 0.166 kallikrein-12 measurement (EFO:0008194)
None Available GCST90246978 CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-26 25.523 rs71674639 0.175 CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta measurement (EFO:0021905)
GWAS599584_H GCST90247654 Galactose-3-O-sulfotransferase 2 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-18 17.523 rs71674639 0.145 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS599715_H GCST90246702 Bile acid receptor levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 4E-27 26.398 rs71674639 0.181 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS600032_H GCST90247636 Frizzled-10 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 5E-14 13.302 rs71674639 0.126 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS600062_H GCST90246722 Bone morphogenetic protein 8B levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-20 19.699 rs71674639 0.15 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS600236_H GCST90248640 Neuroendocrine protein 7B2 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 6E-27 26.222 rs71674639 0.176 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS600345_H GCST90248821 Cytochrome P450 3A4 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-13 12.523 rs71674639 0.12 cytochrome p450 3a4 measurement (EFO:0020303)
GWAS600877_H GCST90248292 Protein lin-7 homolog C levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 6E-12 11.222 rs71674639 0.115 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
None Available GCST90246718 Bone morphogenetic protein 3 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-17 17 rs71674639 0.143 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS600983_H GCST90248070 Interleukin-34 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 5E-21 20.302 rs71674639 0.152 interleukin-34 measurement (EFO:0020505)
None Available GCST90248072 Interleukin-36 receptor antagonist protein levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 6E-52 51.222 rs71674639 0.245 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS601031_H GCST90248073 Interleukin-37 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-21 21 rs71674639 0.158 interleukin-37 measurement (EFO:0020506)
GWAS601549_H GCST90249434 Short-chain specific acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, mitochondrial levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-53 53 rs71674639 0.255 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS601657_H GCST90249684 Serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 4E-17 16.398 rs71674639 0.14 serine/threonine-protein kinase Chk1 measurement (EFO:0021965)
None Available GCST90249744 Small VCP/p97-interacting protein levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-13 12.523 rs71674639 0.122 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS601789_H GCST90248937 Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 8E-16 15.097 rs71674639 0.134 platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule measurement (EFO:0010598)
GWAS601832_H GCST90248718 Nuclear pore complex-interacting protein family member B3 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-34 33.699 rs71674639 0.203 nuclear pore complex-interacting protein family member B3 measurement (EFO:0801850)
GWAS601888_H GCST90249768 Tropomyosin beta chain levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-25 24.699 rs71674639 0.169 tropomyosin beta chain measurement (EFO:0020787)
GWAS601931_H GCST90249190 Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 10 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-22 21.699 rs71674639 0.159 potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member 10 measurement (EFO:0802888)
GWAS602619_H GCST90246574 ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 2 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 5E-30 29.302 rs71674639 0.187 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS602734_H GCST90249539 Alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 2 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-26 25.699 rs71674639 0.176 alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 2 measurement (EFO:0801373)
GWAS602910_H GCST90246900 C-C motif chemokine 1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 8E-27 26.097 rs71674639 0.174 C-C motif chemokine 1 measurement (EFO:0008041)
GWAS602944_H GCST90249209 Ras-related protein Rab-17 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 9E-33 32.046 rs71674639 0.197 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS603263_H GCST90246918 C-C motif chemokine 3-like 1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-19 18.523 rs71674639 0.147 C-C motif chemokine 3-like 1 measurement (EFO:0008052)
GWAS603769_H GCST90246888 Chromobox protein homolog 5 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 4E-20 19.398 rs71674639 0.152 chromobox protein homolog 5 measurement (EFO:0020258)
GWAS603899_H GCST90249937 TOM1-like protein 2 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-35 34.699 rs71674639 0.204 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
None Available GCST90247823 Glutathione S-transferase A4 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 6E-26 25.222 rs71674639 0.173 glutathione S-transferase A4 measurement (EFO:0801637)
GWAS603971_H GCST90249938 TOMM20-like protein 1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-22 22 rs71674639 0.163 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS604123_H GCST90249954 EKC/KEOPS complex subunit TPRKB levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 5E-29 28.302 rs71674639 0.179 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS604327_H GCST90249167 PTB domain-containing engulfment adapter protein 1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 5E-23 22.302 rs71674639 0.163 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS604460_H GCST90248789 Oral cancer-overexpressed protein 1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-30 29.699 rs71674639 0.188 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS604530_H GCST90248795 Oncostatin-M levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-20 20 rs71674639 0.153 oncostatin-M measurement (EFO:0010792)
GWAS604561_H GCST90246615 ATP synthase subunit beta, mitochondrial levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-18 18 rs71674639 0.146 ATP synthase subunit beta, mitochondrial measurement (EFO:0020166)
GWAS604588_H GCST90249778 T-cell surface glycoprotein CD1a levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 7E-23 22.155 rs71674639 0.163 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS604732_H GCST90249779 T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 epsilon chain levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-19 19 rs71674639 0.146 T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 epsilon chain measurement (EFO:0802114)
GWAS604763_H GCST90246633 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 6 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 7E-16 15.155 rs71674639 0.135 UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 6 measurement (EFO:0803220)
GWAS605055_H GCST90246624 Axin-2 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-16 16 rs71674639 0.137 axin-2 measurement (EFO:0801400)
GWAS606125_H GCST90249472 Protein sel-1 homolog 2 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-31 30.523 rs71674639 0.192 protein sel-1 homolog 2 measurement (EFO:0801962)
GWAS606647_H GCST90248318 Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 25 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 7E-18 17.155 rs71674639 0.144 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
None Available GCST90246809 Cadherin-8 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 9E-24 23.046 rs71674639 0.167 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
None Available GCST90246421 Activin receptor type-2A levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-20 19.699 rs71674639 0.154 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS609827_H GCST90250000 Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 17 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 4E-15 14.398 rs71674639 0.131 tetratricopeptide repeat protein 17 measurement (EFO:0803144)
GWAS609882_H GCST90250186 Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 28 homolog levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 8E-50 49.097 rs71674639 0.243 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
None Available GCST90246752 Protein BTG2 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-27 26.699 rs71674639 0.181 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS610070_H GCST90250047 Tyrosine-protein kinase ZAP-70 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-23 22.523 rs71674639 0.163 tyrosine-protein kinase ZAP-70 measurement (EFO:0020833)
GWAS610397_H GCST90248558 Myomesin-3 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 9E-20 19.046 rs71674639 0.149 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
None Available GCST90249411 Protein S100-Z levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-12 11.523 rs71674639 0.116 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS614895_H GCST90249362 DNA-directed RNA polymerases I and III subunit RPAC1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-30 30 rs71674639 0.19 DNA-directed RNA polymerases I and III subunit RPAC1 measurement (EFO:0801535)
GWAS616390_H GCST90249670 Stabilin-2 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 7E-21 20.155 rs71674639 0.156 stabilin-2 measurement (EFO:0020752)
None Available GCST90249384 40S ribosomal protein S10 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-21 20.523 rs71674639 0.157 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS617522_H GCST90248610 Neuron-specific vesicular protein calcyon levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 4E-13 12.398 rs71674639 0.117 neuron-specific vesicular protein calcyon measurement (EFO:0802805)
None Available GCST90249652 Protein SERAC1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-15 15 rs71674639 0.132 protein SERAC1 measurement (EFO:0801963)
GWAS618866_H GCST90246474 A-kinase anchor protein 7 isoforms alpha and beta levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-27 26.523 rs71674639 0.18 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS619713_H GCST90247794 G-protein coupled receptor 26 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 8E-17 16.097 rs71674639 0.139 g-protein coupled receptor 26 measurement (EFO:0802558)
GWAS619715_H GCST90247795 Adhesion G-protein coupled receptor G1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-17 16.699 rs71674639 0.137 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
None Available GCST90248014 Insulin growth factor-like family member 3 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-31 30.699 rs71674639 0.192 insulin growth factor-like family member 3 measurement (EFO:0801700)
None Available GCST90249595 Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein F levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-18 17.699 rs71674639 0.145 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein F measurement (EFO:0008288)
GWAS621574_H GCST90248037 Interleukin-17A levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-13 12.699 rs71674639 0.122 interleukin-17A measurement (EFO:0022026)
None Available GCST90249624 Sperm flagellar protein 1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 5E-12 11.302 rs71674639 0.113 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
None Available GCST90248393 Melanoma-associated antigen 5 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 2E-26 25.699 rs71674639 0.175 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
None Available GCST90247187 Chymotrypsin-like protease CTRL-1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-12 11.523 rs71674639 0.115 chymotrypsin-like protease CTRL-1 measurement (EFO:0801476)
None Available GCST90247189 Cullin-1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 1E-18 18 rs71674639 0.142 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
None Available GCST90247267 Desmin levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 3E-22 21.523 rs71674639 0.16 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS641456_H GCST90247268 Desmoglein-1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 4E-22 21.398 rs71674639 0.159 desmoglein-1 measurement (EFO:0020321)
None Available GCST90247246 D-dopachrome decarboxylase levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 7E-18 17.155 rs71674639 0.144 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS671050_H GCST90247384 Endothelin-converting enzyme 1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals ? 0.21 4E-26 25.398 rs71674639 0.176 endothelin-converting enzyme 1 measurement (EFO:0008121)
None Available GCST90161596 C-type lectin domain family 4 member M levels 2,935 Qatari ancestry individuals A 0.22552 2E-13 12.699 rs71674639 0.237249 C-type lectin domain family 4 member M measurement (EFO:0020202)
None Available GCST90161312 Adrenomedullin levels 2,935 Qatari ancestry individuals A 0.22552 2E-26 25.699 rs71674639 0.341265 adrenomedullin measurement (EFO:0010909)
None Available GCST90162452 Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase EHMT2 levels 2,935 Qatari ancestry individuals A 0.22552 1E-22 22 rs71674639 0.31507 histone-lysine n-methyltransferase EHMT2 measurement (EFO:0020455)
Database Acc Id Source(s)
GWAS Catalog GCST90161312 GWAS Catalog
  GCST90248393 GWAS Catalog
  GCST90249539 GWAS Catalog

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference