Genes in Region
620407 Ajuba ajuba LIM protein 15 28019775 28031537 Rat 1565222 C15h14orf93 similar to human chromosome 14 open reading frame 93 15 28037567 28064347 Rat 61879 Psmb5 proteasome 20S subunit beta 5 15 28072772 28077367 Rat 41145338 Trnaa-agc93 transfer RNA alanine (anticodon AGC) 93 15 28079071 28079145 Rat 1308773 Psmb11 proteasome subunit beta 11 15 28084736 28085655 Rat 41254423 LOC120097300 U6 spliceosomal RNA 15 28089183 28089289 Rat 1560161 Cdh24 cadherin 24 15 28091578 28101330 Rat 1311945 Acin1 apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer 1 15 28102112 28147001 Rat 1308430 C15h14orf119 similar to human chromosome 14 open reading frame 119 15 28146368 28151422 Rat 1560492 Cirop ciliated left-right organizer metallopeptidase 15 28151018 28158149 Rat 2329 Cebpe CCAAT/enhancer binding protein epsilon 15 28169711 28171471 Rat 41121122 LOC120096982 uncharacterized LOC120096982 15 28171708 28189041 Rat 619904 Slc7a8 solute carrier family 7 member 8 15 28183013 28242717 Rat 7500178 Rnf212b ring finger protein 212B 15 28274629 28321093 Rat 11492422 Cebpzos-ps2 CEBPZ opposite strand, pseudogene 2 15 28294967 28295781 Rat 41368185 LOC120097296 U6 spliceosomal RNA 15 28302000 28302106 Rat 628904 Homez homeobox and leucine zipper encoding 15 28321633 28339486 Rat 620717 Bcl2l2 Bcl2-like 2 15 28346449 28361627 Rat 1583926 Ppp1r3e protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 3E 15 28348443 28349603 Rat 619928 Pabpn1 poly(A) binding protein, nuclear 1 15 28368100 28372712 Rat 631405 Slc22a17 solute carrier family 22, member 17 15 28382285 28389435 Rat 1308966 Efs embryonal Fyn-associated substrate 15 28392417 28403016 Rat 1561632 Il25 interleukin 25 15 28408766 28412157 Rat 1307045 Cmtm5 CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 5 15 28412624 28415304 Rat 62029 Myh6 myosin heavy chain 6 15 28418120 28442316 Rat 11490917 LOC108352923 uncharacterized LOC108352923 15 28425301 28430159 Rat 4888611 Mir3546 microRNA 3546 15 28425554 28425669 Rat 7489029 Mir208a microRNA 208a 15 28425570 28425652 Rat 40950308 LOC120096985 uncharacterized LOC120096985 15 28444422 28454385 Rat 62030 Myh7 myosin heavy chain 7 15 28446550 28469888 Rat 4888543 Mir208b microRNA 208b 15 28451638 28451749 Rat 40959203 LOC120096984 uncharacterized LOC120096984 15 28457295 28481725 Rat 1310211 Ngdn neuroguidin 15 28489950 28497286 Rat 735143 Zfhx2 zinc finger homeobox 2 15 28533155 28565667 Rat 727917 Thtpa thiamine triphosphatase 15 28567619 28571580 Rat 2324507 Ap1g2 adaptor related protein complex 1 subunit gamma 2 15 28571571 28579421 Rat 1303170 Jph4 junctophilin 4 15 28579579 28588903 Rat 1564324 Dhrs2l1 dehydrogenase/reductase member 2 like 1 15 28635197 28638087 Rat 41239570 LOC120096987 uncharacterized LOC120096987 15 28648358 28654037 Rat 1583909 Dhrs2 dehydrogenase/reductase 2 15 28688881 28703646 Rat 2323578 Rbisl1 ribosomal biogenesis factor like 1 15 28706619 28706985 Rat 11458800 LOC108352925 uncharacterized LOC108352925 15 28749165 28767417 Rat 41174718 LOC120097297 U6 spliceosomal RNA 15 28780200 28780306 Rat 1583901 Atp5mg-ps2 ATP synthase membrane subunit g, pseudogene 2 15 28794321 28794672 Rat 7654116 LOC102551831 uncharacterized LOC102551831 15 28844401 28854466 Rat 1565258 Rps17-ps8 ribosomal protein S17, pseudogene 8 15 28868265 28868692 Rat 708482 Dhrs4 dehydrogenase/reductase 4 15 28966544 28978135 Rat 1359120 Carmil3 capping protein regulator and myosin 1 linker 3 15 28978440 28995865 Rat 7557850 LOC102552093 uncharacterized LOC102552093 15 28988373 28999033 Rat 1583895 Cpne6 copine 6 15 28998293 29005044 Rat 1305197 Nrl neural retina leucine zipper 15 29007059 29011480 Rat 41076677 LOC120096988 uncharacterized LOC120096988 15 29016983 29029053 Rat 1311112 Pck2 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2 (mitochondrial) 15 29027891 29036729 Rat 1311288 Dcaf11 DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 11 15 29046744 29057450 Rat 7565223 LOC102552219 uncharacterized LOC102552219 15 29059807 29061449 Rat 1306911 Fitm1 fat storage-inducing transmembrane protein 1 15 29064746 29066015 Rat 3429 Psme1 proteasome activator subunit 1 15 29069012 29071888 Rat 1308113 Emc9 ER membrane protein complex subunit 9 15 29071881 29076098 Rat 3430 Psme2 proteasome activator subunit 2 15 29078495 29082794 Rat 1305513 Rnf31 ring finger protein 31 15 29083047 29095328 Rat 1308766 Irf9 interferon regulatory factor 9 15 29095474 29101924 Rat 1309376 Rec8 REC8 meiotic recombination protein 15 29109862 29117327 Rat 1305206 Ipo4 importin 4 15 29117365 29127382 Rat 1307085 Tm9sf1 transmembrane 9 superfamily member 1 15 29127585 29135334 Rat 1560814 Tssk4 testis-specific serine kinase 4 15 29140803 29144128 Rat 1311147 Mdp1 magnesium-dependent phosphatase 1 15 29148994 29151868 Rat 3158 Nedd8 NEDD8 ubiquitin like modifier 15 29153556 29165575 Rat 628875 Gmpr2 guanosine monophosphate reductase 2 15 29165421 29175933 Rat 1359192 Tinf2 TERF1 interacting nuclear factor 2 15 29170663 29178015 Rat 61838 Tgm1 transglutaminase 1 15 29191039 29206000 Rat 621697 Rabggta Rab geranylgeranyltransferase subunit alpha 15 29206328 29213398 Rat 1582785 Trmt112-ps2 tRNA methyltransferase activator subunit 11-2, pseudogene 2 15 29213804 29214770 Rat 1359172 Dhrs1 dehydrogenase/reductase 1 15 29236522 29243807 Rat 1308396 Nop9 NOP9 nucleolar protein 15 29243853 29252220 Rat 1310000 Cideb cell death-inducing DFFA-like effector b 15 29252208 29256482 Rat 621029 Ltb4r2 leukotriene B4 receptor 2 15 29258712 29260531 Rat 620410 Ltb4r leukotriene B4 receptor 15 29263199 29265716 Rat 2034 Adcy4 adenylate cyclase 4 15 29266280 29282153 Rat 628899 Ripk3 receptor-interacting serine-threonine kinase 3 15 29283153 29292107 Rat 1310749 Nfatc4 nuclear factor of activated T-cells 4 15 29286998 29314610 Rat 6486974 Nynrin NYN domain and retroviral integrase containing 15 29332873 29355215 Rat 1563731 Cbln3 cerebellin 3 precursor 15 29362014 29364523 Rat 1565688 Khnyn KH and NYN domain containing 15 29365399 29379650 Rat 1309307 Sdr39u1 short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 39U, member 1 15 29378156 29380989 Rat 41191644 Trnaa-agc50 transfer RNA alanine (anticodon AGC) 50 15 29391481 29391555 Rat 2365 Cma1 chymase 1 15 29417451 29420233 Rat 1303109 Mcpt4l1 mast cell protease 4-like 1 15 29450677 29453073 Rat 1562290 Mcpt2-ps1 mast cell protease 2, pseudogene 1 15 29487278 29489636 Rat 3064 Mcpt4 mast cell protease 4 15 29501595 29504216 Rat 735036 Mcpt3 mast cell peptidase 3 15 29532053 29534684 Rat 3067 Mcpt8 mast cell protease 8 15 29799328 29802387 Rat 1302933 Mcpt1l3 mast cell protease 1-like 3 15 29836398 29841731 Rat 3068 Mcpt9 mast cell protease 9 15 29857182 29860145 Rat 621058 Mcpt1 mast cell protease 1 15 29871360 29873928 Rat 2321286 Mcpt1l1 mast cell protease 1-like 1 15 29903993 29906649 Rat 3063 Mcpt10 mast cell protease 10 15 29915483 29918540 Rat 1307681 Ctsg cathepsin G 15 29930988 29937353 Rat 1597226 Gzmn granzyme N 15 29953113 29983018 Rat 1597224 Gzmfl1 Granzyme F like 1 15 29986103 29988926 Rat 628603 Gzmf granzyme F 15 30005361 30018649 Rat 1597217 Etf1-ps3 eukaryotic translation termination factor 1, pseudogene 3 15 30030607 30031889 Rat 41320353 Gzmc-ps4 granzyme C, pseudogene 4 15 30063011 30072172 Rat 41231907 LOC120097258 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 30076917 30077045 Rat 1561819 Gzmbl1 Granszyme B-like 1 15 30086674 30090455 Rat 1595999 Gzmc-ps1 granzyme C, pseudogene 1 15 30129076 30139032 Rat 41141691 LOC120097250 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 30143921 30144049 Rat 124713617 LOC100361261 uncharacterized LOC100361261 15 30173597 30176533 Rat 2320502 Gzmbl3 Granzyme B-like 3 15 30173712 30176441 Rat 41211059 Gzmc-ps3 granzyme C, pseudogene 3 15 30196744 30206679 Rat 40980432 LOC120097241 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 30211475 30211603 Rat 7500593 LOC102553861 granzyme-like protein 1-like 15 30218338 30220571 Rat 6494774 Gzmc-ps2 granzyme C, pseudogene 2 15 30240621 30251275 Rat 40984755 LOC120097251 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 30256166 30256294 Rat 1595997 Gzmb-ps2 granzyme B, pseudogene 2 15 30289611 30291438 Rat 41140172 LOC120097248 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 30295180 30295308 Rat 620019 Gzmc granzyme C 15 30321653 30324347 Rat 41148572 LOC120097244 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 30326356 30326484 Rat 620018 Gzmb granzyme B 15 30343352 30346814 Rat 620569 Atp12a ATPase H+/K+ transporting non-gastric alpha2 subunit 15 30443571 30468229 Rat 1310486 Rnf17 ring finger protein 17 15 30487899 30626024 Rat 11444675 LOC108352927 TM2 domain-containing protein 1 pseudogene 15 30528721 30531684 Rat 1310464 Cpap centrosome assembly and centriole elongation protein 15 30627206 30690384 Rat 1310524 Parp4 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 4 15 30690503 30792868 Rat 41155955 LOC120097219 small nucleolar RNA SNORA5 15 30798288 30798450 Rat 1305133 Mphosph8 M-phase phosphoprotein 8 15 30800546 30828415 Rat 1310122 Pspc1 paraspeckle component 1 15 30828617 30911315 Rat 1306353 Zmym5 zinc finger MYM-type containing 5 15 30920479 30941249 Rat 9334472 Rpl39-ps4 ribosomal protein L39, pseudogene 4 15 30954675 30954856 Rat 6496162 Rpl26-ps5 ribosomal protein L26, pseudogene 5 15 30981328 30983038 Rat 41254426 LOC120097207 U7 small nuclear RNA 15 30998568 30998626 Rat 41226646 LOC120097205 U7 small nuclear RNA 15 30998640 30998701 Rat 41349824 Trnaa-agc64 transfer RNA alanine (anticodon AGC) 64 15 31005161 31005233 Rat 1563527 Rangrf-ps4 RAN guanine nucleotide release factor, pseudogene 4 15 31017391 31018243 Rat 1593255 Zmym2 zinc finger MYM-type containing 2 15 31035835 31108945 Rat 11386995 Msantd5-ps1 Myb/SANT DNA binding domain containing 5, pseudogene 1 15 31134847 31136316 Rat 41166239 LOC120097196 U6 spliceosomal RNA 15 31140934 31141026 Rat 621820 Gja3 gap junction protein, alpha 3 15 31181360 31206820 Rat 7637649 LOC102549747 MLV-related proviral Env polyprotein-like 15 31213982 31215947 Rat 728891 Gjb2 gap junction protein, beta 2 15 31260390 31278222 Rat 621830 Gjb6 gap junction protein, beta 6 15 31284561 31294552 Rat 1565170 Rpl23al4 ribosomal protein L23A like 4 15 31302164 31302986 Rat 631427 Cryl1 crystallin, lambda 1 15 31427011 31545997 Rat 41175466 LOC120097273 small nucleolar RNA SNORA26 15 31479110 31479228 Rat 1309717 Ift88 intraflagellar transport 88 15 31573325 31666068 Rat 1595926 Il17d interleukin 17D 15 31671337 31688833 Rat 1306762 Eef1akmt1 EEF1A lysine methyltransferase 1 15 31694284 31711367 Rat 1312015 Xpo4 exportin 4 15 31717016 31807723 Rat 1305906 Lats2 large tumor suppressor kinase 2 15 31825068 31877193 Rat 1594661 Arpc1b-ps2 actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 1B, pseudogene 2 15 31902085 31903333 Rat 9421624 LOC103693597 ferritin light chain 1 pseudogene 15 31927847 31928427 Rat 1310388 Sap18 Sin3A associated protein 18 15 31943228 31947534 Rat 1307201 Ska3 spindle and kinetochore associated complex subunit 3 15 31951812 31971010 Rat 1594654 Mrpl57 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L57 15 31970904 31971766 Rat 1305755 Zdhhc20 zinc finger DHHC-type palmitoyltransferase 20 15 31980057 32039006 Rat 619739 Micu2 mitochondrial calcium uptake 2 15 32064872 32146874 Rat 7728277 LOC102550095 uncharacterized LOC102550095 15 32208393 32210999 Rat 2610 Fgf9 fibroblast growth factor 9 15 32208993 32254952 Rat 40944025 LOC120097290 U4 spliceosomal RNA 15 32353878 32353960 Rat 41199149 LOC120097152 uncharacterized LOC120097152 15 32481977 32484550 Rat 7549965 LOC102551719 uncharacterized LOC102551719 15 32730854 32782296 Rat 41042417 LOC120097239 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 32766575 32766706 Rat 1594625 1700129C05Rikl RIKEN cDNA 1700129C05 gene like 15 33263618 33270933 Rat 7516530 LOC102551924 uncharacterized LOC102551924 15 33270978 33288369 Rat 1559574 Rpl7-ps31 ribosomal protein L7, pseudogene 31 15 33274409 33275305 Rat 1563302 RGD1563302 RGD1563302 15 33294197 33302939 Rat 40965506 LOC120097312 U6 spliceosomal RNA 15 33301188 33301259 Rat 41296528 LOC120096998 uncharacterized LOC120096998 15 33303076 33312433 Rat 1308467 Rcbtb1 RCC1 and BTB domain containing protein 1 15 33319586 33362421 Rat 1586258 Rpl6-ps5 ribosomal protein L6, pseudogene 5 15 33353692 33354620 Rat 1359377 Phf11b PHD finger protein 11B 15 33363389 33380418 Rat 1310853 Phf11 PHD finger protein 11 15 33390290 33414647 Rat 41198934 Phf11bl1 PHD finger protein 11B like 1 15 33426034 33437194 Rat 41161363 LOC120093163 PHD finger protein 11-like 15 33453948 33475669 Rat 11360495 Phf11a PHD finger protein 11A 15 33488515 33506860 Rat 40946148 LOC120093070 PHD finger protein 11-like 15 33526380 33549382 Rat 2319564 Setdb2 SET domain bifurcated histone lysine methyltransferase 2 15 33553657 33606586 Rat 1308945 Cab39l calcium binding protein 39-like 15 33606588 33710518 Rat 41401979 LOC120097282 U2 spliceosomal RNA 15 33674921 33675082 Rat 1311845 Cdadc1 cytidine and dCMP deaminase domain containing 1 15 33726590 33755611 Rat 40958500 LOC120097001 uncharacterized LOC120097001 15 33737244 33743730 Rat 41226911 Rps9-ps9 ribosomal protein S9, pseudogene 9 15 33799284 33800043 Rat 1561256 Shisa2 shisa family member 2 15 33806715 33811013 Rat 1594597 Atp8a2 ATPase phospholipid transporting 8A2 15 33817309 34350193 Rat 7687379 Eif4b-ps1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B, pseudogene 1 15 33821337 33823028 Rat 9118704 LOC103693865 ETS-related transcription factor Elf-2 pseudogene 15 34219101 34230175 Rat 9240540 LOC103693635 uncharacterized LOC103693635 15 34350146 34353750 Rat 631334 Nup58 nucleoporin 58 15 34358170 34407160 Rat 1305378 Mtmr6 myotubularin related protein 6 15 34419931 34457863 Rat 1559605 Amer2 APC membrane recruitment protein 2 15 34525352 34535660 Rat 7564878 LOC102553536 uncharacterized LOC102553536 15 34537816 34546823 Rat 7537865 LOC102553694 uncharacterized LOC102553694 15 34632879 34634298 Rat 41252262 LOC120097002 uncharacterized LOC120097002 15 34634336 34643804 Rat 41165037 LOC120097003 uncharacterized LOC120097003 15 34676017 34678664 Rat 1307364 Spata13 spermatogenesis associated 13 15 34778479 34907645 Rat 1560876 C1qtnf9 C1q and TNF related 9 15 34907791 34922985 Rat 621680 Mipep mitochondrial intermediate peptidase 15 34926198 35051722 Rat 1564996 Tnfrsf19 TNF receptor superfamily member 19 15 35092206 35158472 Rat 7731808 LOC102553894 uncharacterized LOC102553894 15 35275044 35280674 Rat 1307281 Sacs sacsin molecular chaperone 15 35285783 35370335 Rat 1359577 Sgcg sarcoglycan, gamma 15 35388836 35435072 Rat 9229390 LOC103693662 ATP synthase F(0) complex subunit C3, mitochondrial pseudogene 15 35429231 35430741 Rat 41067589 LOC120097004 uncharacterized LOC120097004 15 35443301 35449434 Rat 40942312 LOC120097165 uncharacterized LOC120097165 15 35464716 35470763 Rat 1308083 Arl11 ARF like GTPase 11 15 35483330 35485579 Rat 1304571 Ebpl EBP like 15 35508074 35531472 Rat 1311339 Kpna3 karyopherin subunit alpha 3 15 35536310 35610066 Rat 6492604 Rps20-ps1 ribosomal protein S20, pseudogene 1 15 35569602 35572361 Rat 41185497 LOC120097005 uncharacterized LOC120097005 15 35613895 35629558 Rat 41384664 Trnas-aga14 transfer RNA serine (anticodon AGA) 14 15 35643857 35643937 Rat 41039398 LOC120097167 uncharacterized LOC120097167 15 35661081 35663884 Rat 1306437 Spryd7 SPRY domain containing 7 15 35707185 35727704 Rat 1307609 Trim13 tripartite motif-containing 13 15 35733548 35772676 Rat 1307199 Kcnrg potassium channel regulator 15 35774456 35779409 Rat 40963724 LOC120097224 small nucleolar RNA SNORA42/SNORA80 family 15 35777952 35778089 Rat 7572036 LOC102547888 uncharacterized LOC102547888 15 36293182 36340994 Rat 1305071 Dleu7 deleted in lymphocytic leukemia, 7 15 36479533 36495730 Rat 1359710 Rnaseh2b ribonuclease H2, subunit B 15 36541200 36592016 Rat 2770 Gucy1b2 guanylate cyclase 1 soluble subunit beta 2 15 36589501 36669441 Rat 41384358 LOC120097007 uncharacterized LOC120097007 15 36622613 36633994 Rat 7683338 C15h13orf42 similar to human chromosome 13 open reading frame 42 15 36674840 36701304 Rat 1593344 Fam124a family with sequence similarity 124 member A 15 36799836 36855062 Rat 41169091 LOC120097246 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 36884969 36885093 Rat 1585042 Serpine3 serpin family E member 3 15 36908816 36931825 Rat 1309480 Ints6 integrator complex subunit 6 15 36908966 37048043 Rat 41078836 Rpl38-ps7 ribosomal protein L38, pseudogene 7 15 36918556 36918911 Rat 41361009 Sec61g-ps5 Sec61 translocon subunit gamma, pseudogene 5 15 37009049 37014480 Rat 1307337 Wdfy2 WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 2 15 37083842 37209559 Rat 41326890 LOC120097010 uncharacterized LOC120097010 15 37179826 37188481 Rat 1560445 Defb42 defensin beta 42 15 37234662 37241621 Rat 1593234 Rpl23a-ps2 ribosomal protein L23a, pseudogene 2 15 37238687 37239254 Rat 1562459 Defb41 defensin beta 41 15 37254995 37259066 Rat 1566384 Defb43 defensin beta 43 15 37271888 37276782 Rat 1559641 Defb30 defensin beta 30 15 37294713 37298474 Rat 1562179 Defb44 defensin beta 44 15 37311888 37313579 Rat 621509 Ctsb cathepsin B 15 37389636 37410508 Rat 61834 Fdft1 farnesyl diphosphate farnesyl transferase 1 15 37412143 37440198 Rat 1312033 Neil2 nei-like DNA glycosylase 2 15 37444676 37454863 Rat 2665 Gata4 GATA binding protein 4 15 37459601 37531291 Rat 7714091 LOC102548615 uncharacterized LOC102548615 15 37505851 37509705 Rat 41014734 LOC120097012 uncharacterized LOC120097012 15 37549994 37584179 Rat 1308859 Blk BLK proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase 15 37626746 37665053 Rat 40962006 LOC120097013 uncharacterized LOC120097013 15 37674346 37685394 Rat 1561302 Fam167a family with sequence similarity 167, member A 15 37685221 37715472 Rat 1310214 Tdh L-threonine dehydrogenase 15 37739823 37753365 Rat 628840 Mtmr9 myotubularin related protein 9 15 37769161 37791195 Rat 41074143 Trnap-agg32 transfer RNA proline (anticodon AGG) 32 15 37847633 37847713 Rat 1310719 Xkr6 XK related 6 15 37857096 38059699 Rat 7643541 LOC102548944 uncharacterized LOC102548944 15 37857934 37900079 Rat 40960217 LOC120097014 uncharacterized LOC120097014 15 37942557 37946911 Rat 2325416 Mir598 microRNA 598 15 37962692 37962770 Rat 7579111 LOC102553493 uncharacterized LOC102553493 15 38088115 38097916 Rat 1566025 Pinx1 PIN2/TERF1 interacting, telomerase inhibitor 1 15 38097896 38157143 Rat 7528420 LOC102549097 uncharacterized LOC102549097 15 38144194 38160150 Rat 1310038 Sox7 SRY-box transcription factor 7 15 38180503 38187264 Rat 1565212 C15h8orf74 similar to human chromosome 8 open reading frame 74 15 38208864 38225737 Rat 1586886 Rp1l1 RP1 like 1 15 38259907 38271269 Rat 41289243 LOC120097016 uncharacterized LOC120097016 15 38261717 38265627 Rat 1586875 Prss55 serine protease 55 15 38297674 38345059 Rat 6498506 Prss51 serine protease 51 15 38331545 38337878 Rat 1586868 Prss52 protease, serine 52 15 38344486 38353316 Rat 70979 Msra methionine sulfoxide reductase A 15 38363459 38677406 Rat 41393057 LOC120097017 uncharacterized LOC120097017 15 38385795 38389490 Rat 7663474 LOC102554489 uncharacterized LOC102554489 15 38799098 38832775 Rat 7738961 LOC102554677 uncharacterized LOC102554677 15 38825410 38845428 Rat 2325336 Mir124-1 microRNA 124-1 15 38842014 38842098 Rat 1303307 Kif13b kinesin family member 13B 15 38908257 39066021 Rat 1306787 Hmbox1 homeobox containing 1 15 39067805 39200633 Rat 41185997 Hmgn4-ps7 high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 4, pseudogene 7 15 39177399 39177661 Rat 1311539 Ints9 integrator complex subunit 9 15 39200541 39284858 Rat 62065 Extl3 exostosin-like glycosyltransferase 3 15 39294033 39384086 Rat 628814 Fzd3 frizzled class receptor 3 15 39421366 39488369 Rat 1305049 Fbxo16 F-box protein 16 15 39492268 39541493 Rat 41342280 LOC120097019 uncharacterized LOC120097019 15 39564376 39569538 Rat 1307849 Zfp395 zinc finger protein 395 15 39581603 39621911 Rat 3362 Pnoc prepronociceptin 15 39624635 39652463 Rat 2324506 Elp3 elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 3 15 39754635 39816482 Rat 728301 Anxa2-ps1 annexin A2, pseudogene 1 15 39787844 39789055 Rat 1593317 Rps17-ps14 ribosomal protein S17, pseudogene 14 15 39820303 39820773 Rat 1562099 Nuggc nuclear GTPase, germinal center associated 15 39821851 39866122 Rat 41293210 LOC120097185 uncharacterized LOC120097185 15 39866323 39871517 Rat 1306539 Scara5 scavenger receptor class A, member 5 15 39880017 39985007 Rat 11392146 LOC108352941 uncharacterized LOC108352941 15 39966683 39974105 Rat 1309565 Pbk PDZ binding kinase 15 40022873 40034014 Rat 1593313 Esco2 establishment of sister chromatid cohesion N-acetyltransferase 2 15 40034566 40052295 Rat 1307689 Ccdc25 coiled-coil domain containing 25 15 40055368 40087758 Rat 7749993 Nop53-ps1 NOP53 ribosome biogenesis factor, pseudogene 1 15 40066673 40068546 Rat 1309269 Scara3 scavenger receptor class A, member 3 15 40139873 40172866 Rat 3907 Clu clusterin 15 40161068 40200315 Rat 7727798 Ppp2r1a-ps1 protein phosphatase 2 scaffold subunit A alpha, pseudogene 1 15 40180436 40182210 Rat 620701 Gulo gulonolactone (L-) oxidase 15 40205677 40227766 Rat 7572905 LOC102555773 uncharacterized LOC102555773 15 40235216 40254686 Rat 69299 Adam2 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 2 15 40242651 40284025 Rat 620732 Ephx2 epoxide hydrolase 2 15 40289901 40327632 Rat 621533 Chrna2 cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 2 subunit 15 40342317 40358601 Rat 628758 Ptk2b protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta 15 40360722 40481235 Rat 41225482 LOC120097020 uncharacterized LOC120097020 15 40376866 40380994 Rat 7488975 Mir6320 microRNA 6320 15 40493088 40493208 Rat 1564642 Trim35 tripartite motif-containing 35 15 40493697 40510246 Rat 69349 Stmn4 stathmin 4 15 40541305 40559253 Rat 2055 Adra1a adrenoceptor alpha 1A 15 40830125 40935902 Rat 2517 Dpysl2 dihydropyrimidinase-like 2 15 41005551 41111724 Rat 1307266 Pnma2 PNMA family member 2 15 41111942 41119649 Rat 621354 Bnip3l BCL2 interacting protein 3 like 15 41174594 41197730 Rat 620919 Ppp2r2a protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B, alpha 15 41204659 41263924 Rat 7527777 LOC102555410 uncharacterized LOC102555410 15 41273381 41280579 Rat 1310805 Ebf2 EBF transcription factor 2 15 41435509 41634403 Rat 41152583 LOC120097021 uncharacterized LOC120097021 15 41691260 41695519 Rat 41008930 LOC120097231 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 41785142 41785272 Rat 1566135 Rpl36-ps13 ribosomal protein L36, pseudogene 15 41860375 41860709 Rat 1311003 Cdca2 cell division cycle associated 2 15 41895946 41942226 Rat 1312010 Kctd9 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 9 15 41942165 41969862 Rat 2720 Gnrh1 gonadotropin releasing hormone 1 15 41972482 41976690 Rat 9098115 LOC103693653 uncharacterized LOC103693653 15 41972913 41976552 Rat 1306872 Dock5 dedicator of cytokinesis 5 15 41979728 42158733 Rat 41400303 Rps16-ps5 ribosomal protein S16, pseudogene 5 15 42281901 42282434 Rat 621458 Nefl neurofilament light chain 15 42301920 42305793 Rat 2323627 Slc25a3-ps1 solute carrier family 25 member 3, pseudogene 1 15 42344837 42346266 Rat 3160 Nefm neurofilament medium chain 15 42360449 42365753 Rat 2325104 Brcc3-ps4 BRCA1/BRCA2-containing complex, subunit 3, pseudogene 4 15 42572664 42573505 Rat 40973991 LOC120097024 uncharacterized LOC120097024 15 42662062 42704954 Rat 62032 Adam7 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 7 15 42833796 42882201 Rat 1309861 Adamdec1 ADAM-like, decysin 1 15 42900629 42921684 Rat 7726377 LOC102550654 disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 28-like 15 42941098 42996816 Rat 7555795 Ssxbl1 SSX family member B like 1 15 43000991 43049036 Rat 2323508 Ube2v1l2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 V1 like 2 15 43134058 43134595 Rat 6493460 Wdr82-ps4 WD repeat domain 82, pseudogene 4 15 43364236 43365095 Rat 1586394 Wdr82-ps3 WD repeat domain 82, pseudogene 3 15 43411673 43412761 Rat 1593232 Rrs1-ps13 ribosome biogenesis regulator 1 homolog, pseudogene 13 15 43726613 43728908 Rat 1593231 Septin2-ps1 septin 2, pseudogene 1 15 43760927 43762362 Rat 727820 Adam28 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 28 15 43774463 43840726 Rat 7707332 Rpl7a-ps3 ribosomal protein L7a, pseudogene 3 15 44071949 44072745 Rat 621776 Stc1 stanniocalcin 1 15 44299591 44311695 Rat 1593230 Rps17-ps4 ribosomal protein S17, pseudogene 4 15 44319351 44319786 Rat 1306149 Nkx2-6 NK2 homeobox 6 15 44443151 44447248 Rat 1305369 Nkx3-1 NK3 homeobox 1 15 44473851 44476443 Rat 41166600 LOC120097025 uncharacterized LOC120097025 15 44506234 44512838 Rat 1359361 Slc25a37 solute carrier family 25 member 37 15 44534280 44576697 Rat 1590801 Set-ps13 Set nuclear proto-oncogene, pseudogene 13 15 44575954 44604828 Rat 1566115 Synb syncytin b 15 44580818 44588417 Rat 1309511 Entpd4 ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 4 15 44630878 44658654 Rat 1308435 Loxl2 lysyl oxidase-like 2 15 44683449 44773067 Rat 1311790 R3hcc1 R3H domain and coiled-coil containing 1 15 44774552 44781864 Rat 1308779 Chmp7 charged multivesicular body protein 7 15 44790983 44806216 Rat 1308041 Tnfrsf10b TNF receptor superfamily member 10b 15 44840386 44868318 Rat 1309924 Rhobtb2 Rho-related BTB domain containing 2 15 44868251 44888436 Rat 9259039 LOC103693695 uncharacterized LOC103693695 15 44891904 44896522 Rat 7630497 LOC102550955 uncharacterized LOC102550955 15 44904404 44907623 Rat 1593295 Pebp4 phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein 4 15 44920946 45134188 Rat 2545 Egr3 early growth response 3 15 45150335 45156052 Rat 1308253 Bin3 bridging integrator 3 15 45173725 45212607 Rat 1309922 Ccar2 cell cycle and apoptosis regulator 2 15 45212797 45228001 Rat 1308117 C15h8orf58 similar to human chromosome 8 open reading frame 58 15 45228615 45235274 Rat 1359203 Pdlim2 PDZ and LIM domain 2 15 45235421 45250187 Rat 628900 Sorbs3 sorbin and SH3 domain containing 3 15 45252921 45284758 Rat 621616 Ppp3cc protein phosphatase 3 catalytic subunit gamma 15 45289917 45362012 Rat 1307026 Slc39a14 solute carrier family 39 member 14 15 45376806 45423549 Rat 1306964 Piwil2 piwi-like RNA-mediated gene silencing 2 15 45431402 45498034 Rat 40950856 LOC120097212 small nucleolar RNA SNORA70 15 45491406 45491496 Rat 41262530 Trnap-agg23 transfer RNA proline (anticodon AGG) 23 15 45502340 45502412 Rat 1311816 Polr3d RNA polymerase III subunit D 15 45511587 45516256 Rat 2325539 Mir320a microRNA 320a 15 45516392 45516473 Rat 41291261 LOC120097030 uncharacterized LOC120097030 15 45532945 45534370 Rat 1305790 Phyhip phytanoyl-CoA 2-hydroxylase interacting protein 15 45533974 45545223 Rat 620739 Bmp1 bone morphogenetic protein 1 15 45551603 45595862 Rat 3666 Sftpc surfactant protein C 15 45596565 45599615 Rat 1311079 Lgi3 leucine-rich repeat LGI family, member 3 15 45605611 45612739 Rat 1306561 Reep4 receptor accessory protein 4 15 45620317 45623524 Rat 620634 Hr HR, lysine demethylase and nuclear receptor corepressor 15 45626835 45646313 Rat 1311802 Nudt18 nudix hydrolase 18 15 45650597 45653985 Rat 1308870 Fhip2b FHF complex subunit HOOK interacting protein 2B 15 45656641 45674603 Rat 1311419 Dmtn dematin actin binding protein 15 45677974 45702261 Rat 2607 Fgf17 fibroblast growth factor 17 15 45711498 45717622 Rat 727816 Npm2 nucleophosmin/nucleoplasmin 2 15 45722282 45729336 Rat 1310928 Xpo7 exportin 7 15 45742053 45828050 Rat 1310966 Dok2 docking protein 2 15 45826984 45841409 Rat 61809 Gfra2 GDNF family receptor alpha 2 15 45941841 46033715 Rat 41365565 LOC120096991 60S ribosomal protein L31-like 15 46094407 46097323 Rat 1592172 Dpm3-ps1 dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase polypeptide 3, pseudogene 1 15 46202719 46203082 Rat 41099915 LOC120097031 uncharacterized LOC120097031 15 46325910 46346326 Rat 9310814 LOC103693704 NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 beta subcomplex subunit 2, mitochondrial pseudogene 15 46536062 46536379 Rat 7571001 LOC102552533 uncharacterized LOC102552533 15 46583931 46598119 Rat 41005955 LOC120097229 small nucleolar RNA SNORA48 15 47228917 47229062 Rat 7556177 LOC102554416 uncharacterized LOC102554416 15 47290874 47293379 Rat 7689627 LOC102554611 uncharacterized LOC102554611 15 47562704 47588473 Rat 1304736 Fndc3a fibronectin type III domain containing 3a 15 47689909 47867354 Rat 9466191 Chchd2l2-ps5 coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing protein 2-like 2, pseudogene 5 15 47876004 47896992 Rat 41091694 LOC120097033 uncharacterized LOC120097033 15 47940461 47943746 Rat 41214497 LOC120097034 uncharacterized LOC120097034 15 47983775 47986574 Rat 1592074 Slc25a5-ps4 solute carrier family 25 member 5, pseudogene 4 15 48090475 48091756 Rat 619797 Cysltr2 cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2 15 48189476 48228750 Rat 41176152 LOC120097279 U2 spliceosomal RNA 15 48217796 48217998 Rat 41014666 Mrpl40-ps2 mitochondrial ribosomal protein L40, pseudogene 2 15 48249742 48251960 Rat 735048 Rcbtb2 RCC1 and BTB domain containing protein 2 15 48319809 48364441 Rat 41274953 LOC120097036 uncharacterized LOC120097036 15 48326647 48330592 Rat 3540 Rb1 RB transcriptional corepressor 1 15 48371295 48502473 Rat 1595950 Lpar6 lysophosphatidic acid receptor 6 15 48416548 48418357 Rat 620727 Itm2b integral membrane protein 2B 15 48545998 48568904 Rat 2322692 Tyw5-ps1 tRNA-yW synthesizing protein 5, pseudogene 1 15 48641568 48675592 Rat 1306671 Med4 mediator complex subunit 4 15 48696542 48706818 Rat 1308292 Nudt15 nudix hydrolase 15 15 48707776 48713847 Rat 11396216 Trnae-uuc6 transfer RNA glutamic acid (anticodon UUC) 6 15 48751558 48751629 Rat 1309397 Sucla2 succinate-CoA ligase ADP-forming subunit beta 15 48752356 48805495 Rat 41332447 LOC120097289 U4 spliceosomal RNA 15 48808776 48808965 Rat 7688592 LOC102547539 uncharacterized LOC102547539 15 49002985 49005197 Rat 41019314 LOC120097037 uncharacterized LOC120097037 15 49556239 49571826 Rat 41336942 LOC120097038 uncharacterized LOC120097038 15 49633519 49645203 Rat 41188357 Rpl13a-ps7 ribosomal protein L13A, pseudogene 7 15 49757367 49758024 Rat 7599070 LOC102546539 uncharacterized LOC102546539 15 49836254 49851944 Rat 61800 Htr2a 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2A 15 49950035 50022188 Rat 1592114 Esd esterase D 15 50043634 50063134 Rat 1595678 Lrch1 leucine rich repeats and calponin homology domain containing 1 15 50070605 50249724 Rat 11356954 LOC108352942 uncharacterized LOC108352942 15 50330488 50348165 Rat 1304929 Rubcnl rubicon like autophagy enhancer 15 50332458 50377494 Rat 1559507 Lrrc63 leucine rich repeat containing 63 15 50400199 50437321 Rat 1308288 Lcp1 lymphocyte cytosolic protein 1 15 50443300 50544682 Rat 41247556 LOC120097039 uncharacterized LOC120097039 15 50443615 50464475 Rat 1310303 Esco2-ps2 establishment of cohesion 1 homolog 2 (S. cerevisiae), pseudogene 2 15 50452291 50455762 Rat 71035 Cpb2 carboxypeptidase B2 15 50557722 50606569 Rat 41365366 Trmt10a-ps1 tRNA methyltransferase 10A, pseudogene 1 15 50557832 50569751 Rat 41046054 LOC120097303 U6 spliceosomal RNA 15 50584974 50585080 Rat 1307729 Zc3h13 zinc finger CCCH type containing 13 15 50607335 50671802 Rat 1592168 Siah3 siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase family member 3 15 50770839 50838213 Rat 41398796 LOC120097040 uncharacterized LOC120097040 15 50821475 50844771 Rat 1561044 Cby2 chibby family member 2 15 50909435 51004449 Rat 6491099 Erich6b glutamate-rich 6B 15 50979066 51014394 Rat 1592167 Gabarapl2-ps2 GABA type A receptor associated protein like 2, pseudogene 2 15 50985549 50986428 Rat 1304555 Cog3 component of oligomeric golgi complex 3 15 51020808 51071288 Rat 1359702 Slc25a30 solute carrier family 25, member 30 15 51076998 51099613 Rat 7699265 LOC102552389 uncharacterized LOC102552389 15 51144314 51149510 Rat 621623 Tpt1 tumor protein, translationally-controlled 1 15 51156728 51159629 Rat 41070333 Snora31 small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 31 15 51159220 51159349 Rat 7695025 LOC102549099 uncharacterized LOC102549099 15 51175226 51192638 Rat 40992298 LOC120097043 40S ribosomal protein S29-like 15 51193794 51199210 Rat 620772 Gtf2f2 general transcription factor IIF subunit 2 15 51206027 51327166 Rat 1594637 Kctd4 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 4 15 51263664 51278030 Rat 40942556 LOC120097218 small nucleolar RNA SNORA5 15 51284084 51284223 Rat 40964313 LOC120097044 uncharacterized LOC120097044 15 51358059 51361504 Rat 9082307 LOC103690313 uncharacterized LOC103690313 15 51359800 51362026 Rat 1307254 Gpalpp1 GPALPP motifs containing 1 15 51411883 51429435 Rat 41169285 Ran-ps6 RAN, member RAS oncogene family, pseudogene 6 15 51415784 51416614 Rat 1359440 Nufip1 nuclear FMR1 interacting protein 1 15 51429518 51460308 Rat 9173655 Hmga1-ps3 high mobility group AT-hook 1, pseudogene 3 15 51460460 51463125 Rat 11450795 Trnae-uuc7 transfer RNA glutamic acid (anticodon UUC) 7 15 51485383 51485454 Rat 41109740 LOC120097047 uncharacterized LOC120097047 15 51498761 51512101 Rat 11484738 LOC108352943 uncharacterized LOC108352943 15 51536760 51563422 Rat 41059337 LOC120097108 uncharacterized LOC120097108 15 51545869 51566802 Rat 41148120 LOC120097109 uncharacterized LOC120097109 15 51566305 51571272 Rat 41309137 Rps29-ps6 ribosomal protein S29, pseudogene 6 15 51676448 51680099 Rat 3850 Tsc22d1 TSC22 domain family, member 1 15 51750489 51850958 Rat 41059573 LOC120097112 uncharacterized LOC120097112 15 51808418 51822530 Rat 1566076 Serp2 stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein family member 2 15 51879882 51903958 Rat 41348002 LOC120097114 uncharacterized LOC120097114 15 51904189 51909465 Rat 7631267 LOC102556319 uncharacterized LOC102556319 15 51915979 51929359 Rat 9094045 LOC103693719 uncharacterized LOC103693719 15 52018920 52027569 Rat 11507603 LOC108352946 uncharacterized LOC108352946 15 52107848 52112526 Rat 7700048 LOC102546462 uncharacterized LOC102546462 15 52177811 52273499 Rat 1310185 Lacc1 laccase domain containing 1 15 52390267 52407630 Rat 2321506 Ccdc122 coiled-coil domain containing 122 15 52407717 52470163 Rat 41029888 LOC120097048 uncharacterized LOC120097048 15 52493050 52501340 Rat 1306118 Enox1 ecto-NOX disulfide-thiol exchanger 1 15 52517833 53079752 Rat 41087576 Rps15-ps5 ribosomal protein S15, pseudogene 5 15 52624607 52625235 Rat 40986166 Trnap-ugg7 transfer RNA proline (anticodon UGG) 7 15 52729181 52729261 Rat 41101550 LOC120097117 uncharacterized LOC120097117 15 52959109 52960850 Rat 1307154 Dnajc15 DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C15 15 53182060 53249675 Rat 1563207 Epsti1 epithelial stromal interaction 1 15 53283964 53382192 Rat 1560137 Fam216b family with sequence similarity 216, member B 15 53469495 53482385 Rat 620784 Tnfsf11 TNF superfamily member 11 15 53673850 53705325 Rat 7661800 LOC102549816 uncharacterized LOC102549816 15 53861297 53864972 Rat 2079 Akap11 A-kinase anchoring protein 11 15 53911635 53956138 Rat 41164845 LOC120097049 uncharacterized LOC120097049 15 53956186 53960792 Rat 1561955 Dgkh diacylglycerol kinase, eta 15 53981079 54150470 Rat 11447237 LOC108353040 uncharacterized LOC108353040 15 54231947 54235599 Rat 1308772 Vwa8 von Willebrand factor A domain containing 8 15 54252703 54576871 Rat 41277989 LOC120097120 uncharacterized LOC120097120 15 54268770 54269387 Rat 41000723 LOC120097121 uncharacterized LOC120097121 15 54287098 54296675 Rat 41003131 Hars1-ps1 histidyl-tRNA synthetase 1, pseudogene 1 15 54406619 54416048 Rat 619721 Rgcc regulator of cell cycle 15 54662483 54675320 Rat 6501536 Glul-ps1 glutamate-ammonia ligase, pseudogene 1 15 54702411 54704851 Rat 1584324 Naa16 N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 16, NatA auxiliary subunit 15 54711620 54770915 Rat 41033512 LOC120097256 U2 spliceosomal RNA 15 54770026 54770188 Rat 1584329 Mtrf1 mitochondrial translation release factor 1 15 54776885 54804699 Rat 6501695 Kbtbd7 kelch repeat and BTB domain containing 7 15 54806878 54811457 Rat 1584320 Rps24-ps14 ribosomal protein S24, pseudogene 14 15 54816148 54816642 Rat 6501416 Rpl15-ps1 ribosomal protein L15, pseudogene 1 15 54822529 54823866 Rat 1305086 Kbtbd6 kelch repeat and BTB domain containing 6 15 54848285 54850042 Rat 620033 Wbp4 WW domain binding protein 4 15 54862700 54890668 Rat 620697 Elf1 E74 like ETS transcription factor 1 15 54890644 54986721 Rat 11379973 Trnae-uuc8 transfer RNA glutamic acid (anticodon UUC) 8 15 54890809 54890880 Rat 1307550 Sugt1 SGT1 homolog, MIS12 kinetochore complex assembly cochaperone 15 54991419 55032244 Rat 620176 Cnmd chondromodulin 15 55041548 55066297 Rat 2325470 Mir759 microRNA 759 15 55142022 55142118 Rat 69350 Pcdh8 protocadherin 8 15 55198470 55203039 Rat 11434381 LOC108352947 uncharacterized LOC108352947 15 55203410 55274301 Rat 1311708 Olfm4 olfactomedin 4 15 55385100 55429687 Rat 1564564 Rpl14l1 ribosomal protein L14 like 1 15 55520332 55531879 Rat 9685073 Mir1297 microRNA 1297 15 56848430 56848503 Rat 1592156 Sord-ps6 sorbitol dehydrogenase, pseudogene 6 15 57128158 57129211 Rat 2320681 LOC100361180 40S ribosomal protein S17-like 15 57178425 57179006 Rat 11436659 LOC108353006 ATP synthase subunit d, mitochondrial pseudogene 15 57210530 57211782 Rat 7672387 LOC102554138 uncharacterized LOC102554138 15 58064564 58084413 Rat 1597679 Calm2-ps2 calmodulin 2, pseudogene 2 15 58110600 58111718 Rat 9466192 Uqcrbl2 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase binding protein like 2 15 58759343 58759666 Rat 41086981 LOC120097308 U6 spliceosomal RNA 15 58840017 58840119 Rat 40958512 LOC120097052 uncharacterized LOC120097052 15 58894576 59015688 Rat 41262856 LOC120097242 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 59067597 59067728 Rat 40975150 LOC120097286 small nucleolar RNA U3 15 59547837 59548029 Rat 1304753 Pcdh17 protocadherin 17 15 60222088 60316172 Rat 11379167 LOC108352949 uncharacterized LOC108352949 15 60236158 60255653 Rat 41315464 LOC120097053 uncharacterized LOC120097053 15 61380634 61394655 Rat 40989554 LOC120097194 U6 spliceosomal RNA 15 62192084 62192173 Rat 1593287 Diaph3 diaphanous-related formin 3 15 62543375 63013060 Rat 41002785 Trnav-aac40 transfer RNA valine (anticodon AAC) 40 15 62707541 62707622 Rat 41189376 LOC120097230 small nucleolar RNA SNORA48 15 63050461 63050601 Rat 41127910 Atp5mj-ps2 ATP synthase membrane subunit j, pseudogene 2 15 63202080 63202497 Rat 2320163 Mfap1a-ps2 microfibrillar-associated protein 1A, pseudogene 2 15 63275750 63276346 Rat 1310126 Tdrd3 tudor domain containing 3 15 63340531 63497208 Rat 41326155 LOC120097228 small nucleolar RNA SNORA48 15 63668733 63668876 Rat 41026458 LOC120097310 U6 spliceosomal RNA 15 63745031 63745137 Rat 41096054 LOC120093128 uncharacterized LOC120093128 15 63937102 63941299 Rat 6496491 Rpsa-ps1 ribosomal protein SA, pseudogene 1 15 63948913 63949900 Rat 41381972 Tubal-ps1 tubulin, alpha like, pseudogene 1 15 64071403 64072451 Rat 1592113 Pkm-ps18 pyruvate kinase M1/2, pseudogene 18 15 64319958 64321551 Rat 1306297 Pcdh20 protocadherin 20 15 64425534 64431790 Rat 2320118 Mtfr2-ps1 mitochondrial fission regulator 2, pseudogene 1 15 65426915 65427910 Rat 41365783 LOC120097247 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 65750918 65751049 Rat 1592151 Phgdh-ps4 phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase, pseudogene 4 15 65805834 65807366 Rat 40959529 LOC120097187 uncharacterized LOC120097187 15 66498885 66520540 Rat 41226654 LOC120097232 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 66510972 66511103 Rat 7552264 LOC102547864 uncharacterized LOC102547864 15 66551333 66593853 Rat 41325790 LOC120097252 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 66551806 66551936 Rat 40983884 LOC120097054 uncharacterized LOC120097054 15 66651720 66661831 Rat 7554821 Envl-ps1 MLV-related proviral Env polyprotein-like, pseudogene 1 15 66737174 66757250 Rat 7651565 LOC102546653 uncharacterized LOC102546653 15 66864396 66876742 Rat 41079966 LOC120097254 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 67288781 67288910 Rat 2319690 Cdk4-ps1 cyclin-dependent kinase 4, pseudogene 1 15 67371046 67371603 Rat 1595677 Nono-ps9 non-POU domain containing, octamer-binding, pseudogene 9 15 67387641 67435806 Rat 41018907 LOC120097188 uncharacterized LOC120097188 15 67477585 67491791 Rat 1590791 Rplp2l2 ribosomal protein lateral stalk subunit P2 like 2 15 67638365 67638804 Rat 40995928 LOC120097056 uncharacterized LOC120097056 15 67862857 67953489 Rat 41023740 LOC120097057 uncharacterized LOC120097057 15 68480834 68606048 Rat 41287184 LOC120097257 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 68670107 68670234 Rat 41204718 LOC120097281 U2 spliceosomal RNA 15 68771860 68772017 Rat 1306348 Pcdh9 protocadherin 9 15 69340108 70237531 Rat 41027949 LOC120097302 U1 spliceosomal RNA 15 69463625 69463786 Rat 41051620 LOC120097140 uncharacterized LOC120097140 15 69507978 69538198 Rat 1595676 Vdac1-ps13 voltage-dependent anion channel 1, pseudogene 13 15 70473346 70479101 Rat 41023963 Snrk-ps1 SNF related kinase, pseudogene 1 15 70786883 70789325 Rat 41251075 LOC120097271 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 70836397 70836536 Rat 11410099 LOC108353042 uncharacterized LOC108353042 15 70867639 70872983 Rat 1592146 Ngrn-ps3 neugrin, neurite outgrowth associated, pseudogene 3 15 71450203 71453611 Rat 41054013 LOC120097265 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 71666633 71666721 Rat 41121265 LOC120097225 small nucleolar RNA SNORA2/SNORA34 family 15 71762246 71762373 Rat 1592145 Sinhcaf-ps1 SIN3-HDAC complex associated factor, pseudogene 1 15 72316319 72318425 Rat 9417610 LOC103693758 uncharacterized LOC103693758 15 72318487 72385670 Rat 1306441 Golga6l9 golgin A6 family like 9 15 72464157 72468708 Rat 7607858 Afg3l1-ps1 AFG3 (ATPase family gene 3)-like 1, pseudogene 1 15 72510572 72511658 Rat 2321672 Akip1-ps1 A-kinase interacting protein 1, pseudogene 1 15 72576137 72579688 Rat 1307452 Klhl1 kelch-like family member 1 15 72698191 73142726 Rat 41261712 LOC120097292 U6 spliceosomal RNA 15 73008673 73008779 Rat 2321527 LOC100360731 SNRPN upstream reading frame protein-like 15 73193222 73193407 Rat 1592111 Snrpnl2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N like 2 15 73193647 73194285 Rat 9409882 Matr3-ps2 matrin 3, pseudogene 2 15 73882909 73886465 Rat 1559682 Ppial4g peptidylprolyl isomerase A like 4G 15 74015628 74016215 Rat 41121747 LOC120097259 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 74044622 74044753 Rat 1559579 Ski-ps1 Ski proto-oncogene, pseudogene 1 15 74164949 74169032 Rat 727855 Setl1 SET-like protein 1 15 74512909 74513767 Rat 1592073 Dach1 dachshund family transcription factor 1 15 74528122 74909811 Rat 41336497 Hmgn4-ps4 high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 4, pseudogene 4 15 74620797 74621379 Rat 41377666 Eif1-ps4 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1, pseudogene 4 15 74864206 74864707 Rat 9459085 LOC103693764 uncharacterized LOC103693764 15 74909919 74915756 Rat 40948418 LOC120097190 uncharacterized LOC120097190 15 74953822 74967542 Rat 1560069 Rpl27l4 ribosomal protein L27 like 4 15 75010185 75011443 Rat 1593229 Eef1g-ps9 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 gamma, pseudogene 9 15 75090383 75091676 Rat 1592142 Pes1-ps6 pescadillo ribosomal biogenesis factor 1, pseudogene 6 15 75323634 75325610 Rat 41030389 LOC120097059 uncharacterized LOC120097059 15 75570012 75574783 Rat 1592140 Mzt1 mitotic spindle organizing protein 1 15 75787281 75797589 Rat 1309522 Bora bora, aurora kinase A activator 15 75797624 75835599 Rat 1304646 Dis3 DIS3 homolog, exosome endoribonuclease and 3'-5' exoribonuclease 15 75820040 75850450 Rat 2320932 Spic-ps2 Spi-C transcription factor, pseudogene 2 15 75829781 75831885 Rat 1305077 Pibf1 progesterone immunomodulatory binding factor 1 15 75850389 76019711 Rat 621446 Klf5 KLF transcription factor 5 15 76060320 76079445 Rat 41254968 LOC120097293 U6 spliceosomal RNA 15 76173011 76173117 Rat 2321007 Serpinb6l-ps1 serpin family B member 6 like, pseudogene 1 15 76207405 76208337 Rat 7653320 LOC102553927 uncharacterized LOC102553927 15 76272602 76347580 Rat 41354306 LOC120097060 uncharacterized LOC120097060 15 76339186 76341011 Rat 41131207 LOC120097267 U2 spliceosomal RNA 15 76533658 76533849 Rat 1309204 Klf12 KLF transcription factor 12 15 76628778 77062000 Rat 9194298 LOC103693766 uncharacterized LOC103693766 15 76641787 76658502 Rat 41085385 LOC120097237 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 77190489 77190617 Rat 1592139 Rpl10a-ps3 ribosomal protein L10A, pseudogene 3 15 77310374 77317398 Rat 11498208 Gapdhl3 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase like 3 15 77324675 77471131 Rat 11376868 LOC108352955 uncharacterized LOC108352955 15 77497361 77507913 Rat 41363119 LOC120097317 U6 spliceosomal RNA 15 77552665 77552761 Rat 2324281 Selenok-ps4 selenoprotein K, pseudogene 4 15 77609059 77609793 Rat 41103500 LOC120097287 U4 spliceosomal RNA 15 77665266 77665430 Rat 7679581 LOC102555382 uncharacterized LOC102555382 15 77836049 77841407 Rat 1561609 Tbc1d4 TBC1 domain family, member 4 15 78256030 78434168 Rat 2320734 Uqcr10-ps1 ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase, complex III subunit X, pseudogene 1 15 78452001 78452433 Rat 1560745 Commd6 COMM domain containing 6 15 78467333 78474382 Rat 1561196 Uchl3 ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L3 15 78485304 78527355 Rat 2323955 Hax1-ps3 HCLS1 associated protein X-1, pseudogene 3 15 78533735 78534635 Rat 1302984 Lmo7 LIM domain 7 15 78566999 78769833 Rat 1592138 Got2-ps4 glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 2, pseudogene 4 15 78808822 78810075 Rat 1592110 Eif3k-ps3 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit K, pseudogene 3 15 78973980 78974607 Rat 41334176 LOC120096897 nucleoside diphosphate kinase B-like 15 78981227 78983942 Rat 41361993 LOC120097243 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 79193554 79193685 Rat 11427239 LOC108352956 uncharacterized LOC108352956 15 79327117 79349197 Rat 7577763 LOC102556284 uncharacterized LOC102556284 15 79389459 79463606 Rat 41323194 LOC120097062 uncharacterized LOC120097062 15 79430563 79436640 Rat 7632669 LOC102546300 uncharacterized LOC102546300 15 79626719 79635335 Rat 7502353 LOC102546379 uncharacterized LOC102546379 15 79676138 79677687 Rat 1309421 Kctd12 potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 12 15 79800078 79806017 Rat 41227491 LOC120097063 uncharacterized LOC120097063 15 79867707 79873636 Rat 1563454 Acod1 aconitate decarboxylase 1 15 79871819 79881101 Rat 41255204 LOC120097311 U6 spliceosomal RNA 15 79881919 79882023 Rat 11512925 LOC108352966 uncharacterized LOC108352966 15 79883087 79886189 Rat 1306965 Cln5 CLN5, intracellular trafficking protein 15 79893573 79903438 Rat 1305660 Fbxl3 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 3 15 79906795 79926678 Rat 1312048 Mycbp2 MYC binding protein 2 15 79937354 80175432 Rat 11487989 LOC108352958 cytochrome c, somatic pseudogene 15 80093356 80096114 Rat 11410085 LOC108352959 uncharacterized LOC108352959 15 80175395 80194897 Rat 7615992 LOC102550034 uncharacterized LOC102550034 15 80257871 80259789 Rat 6500878 LOC100909907 uncharacterized LOC100909907 15 80291368 80301194 Rat 40932818 LOC120097171 uncharacterized LOC120097171 15 80309982 80321557 Rat 1305102 Scel sciellin 15 80339661 80456546 Rat 11361310 LOC108353045 60S ribosomal protein L29 pseudogene 15 80473502 80473993 Rat 1308626 Slain1 SLAIN motif family, member 1 15 80482818 80542461 Rat 2536 Ednrb endothelin receptor type B 15 80640839 80672115 Rat 7751243 LOC102550182 uncharacterized LOC102550182 15 80672334 80695485 Rat 41022028 LOC120097213 small nucleolar RNA SNORD113/SNORD114 family 15 80927117 80927199 Rat 7742907 LOC102550315 uncharacterized LOC102550315 15 80976011 80978272 Rat 620074 Pou4f1 POU class 4 homeobox 1 15 81253714 81260057 Rat 1564706 Obi1 ORC ubiquitin ligase 1 15 81269413 81308734 Rat 41131751 Rps18-ps8 ribosomal protein S18, pseudogene 8 15 81330401 81331061 Rat 41397731 LOC120097316 U6 spliceosomal RNA 15 81373249 81373355 Rat 41029165 LOC120097236 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 81416097 81416227 Rat 7625858 LOC102550655 uncharacterized LOC102550655 15 81684800 81693102 Rat 7666955 LOC102550758 uncharacterized LOC102550758 15 81696224 81700611 Rat 1592109 Asnsd1-ps1 asparagine synthetase domain containing 1, pseudogene 1 15 81736087 81737952 Rat 41148836 LOC120097260 small nucleolar RNA SNORA17 15 81756439 81756561 Rat 11452914 LOC108352963 uncharacterized LOC108352963 15 81792933 81816324 Rat 1308297 Rbm26 RNA binding motif protein 26 15 81884783 81964245 Rat 41054335 Rps11-ps8 ribosomal protein S11, pseudogene 8 15 81968569 81971604 Rat 41265548 LOC120097069 ATP synthase subunit g, mitochondrial-like 15 81971683 81973581 Rat 41304945 LOC120097070 uncharacterized LOC120097070 15 82012983 82033164 Rat 1309716 Ndfip2 Nedd4 family interacting protein 2 15 82032366 82087043 Rat 41252070 Trnap-agg90 transfer RNA proline (anticodon AGG) 90 15 82076728 82076800 Rat 2319992 Rpl9-ps14 ribosomal protein L9, pseudogene 14 15 82205376 82205981 Rat
QTLs in Region (GRCr8)
1549844 Bss7 Bone structure and strength QTL 7 6.4 femur strength trait (VT:0010010) femur midshaft polar moment of inertia (CMO:0001669) 15 75788062 101769107 Rat 1331729 Rf42 Renal function QTL 42 3.071 kidney blood vessel physiology trait (VT:0100012) absolute change in renal blood flow rate (CMO:0001168) 15 17362897 73690657 Rat 2300326 Plaw1 Placental weight QTL 1 15 0.005 placenta mass (VT:0004257) placenta wet weight (CMO:0002088) 15 68327165 100062518 Rat 1300118 Bp190 Blood pressure QTL 190 2.94 arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000) blood pressure measurement (CMO:0000003) 15 82262520 98288169 Rat 1641887 Alcrsp14 Alcohol response QTL 14 response to alcohol trait (VT:0010489) brain neurotensin receptor 1 density (CMO:0002068) 15 1 42356671 Rat 70155 Gcs1 Gastric cancer susceptibility QTL1 3.8 stomach morphology trait (VT:0000470) stomach tumor susceptibility score (CMO:0002043) 15 76306099 101769107 Rat 10755503 Bp391 Blood pressure QTL 391 2.37 arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000) systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004) 15 20248600 37896129 Rat 1582227 Gluco30 Glucose level QTL 30 3.6 0.0003 blood glucose amount (VT:0000188) absolute change in blood glucose level area under curve (CMO:0002034) 15 28030665 82262678 Rat 1300120 Kidm7 Kidney mass QTL 7 3.55 kidney mass (VT:0002707) left kidney wet weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0001954) 15 82262520 98288169 Rat 1582228 Epfw3 Epididymal fat weight QTL 3 4.1 0.0002 epididymal fat pad mass (VT:0010421) epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0000658) 15 28030665 82262678 Rat 1578646 Bmd18 Bone mineral density QTL 18 5.2 femur mineral mass (VT:0010011) trabecular volumetric bone mineral density (CMO:0001729) 15 22806240 98288169 Rat 9589149 Insul29 Insulin level QTL 29 9.06 0.001 blood insulin amount (VT:0001560) plasma insulin level (CMO:0000342) 15 1 34723002 Rat 1578647 Bmd17 Bone mineral density QTL 17 4 femur mineral mass (VT:0010011) total volumetric bone mineral density (CMO:0001728) 15 22806240 98288169 Rat 10401805 Kidm51 Kidney mass QTL 51 kidney mass (VT:0002707) both kidneys wet weight (CMO:0000085) 15 306329 45306329 Rat 2293686 Bmd36 Bone mineral density QTL 36 7.4 0.0001 femur strength trait (VT:0010010) femoral neck ultimate force (CMO:0001703) 15 33611058 71477291 Rat 2317750 Glom26 Glomerulus QTL 26 4.3 urine protein amount (VT:0005160) urine protein level (CMO:0000591) 15 12496141 65205939 Rat 2298549 Neuinf12 Neuroinflammation QTL 12 3.5 nervous system integrity trait (VT:0010566) spinal cord beta-2 microglobulin mRNA level (CMO:0002125) 15 1 55302115 Rat 1331724 Bp223 Blood pressure QTL 223 3.53715 arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000) systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004) 15 73690518 95018228 Rat 2293691 Bmd37 Bone mineral density QTL 37 6.6 0.0001 femur strength trait (VT:0010010) femur total energy absorbed before break (CMO:0001677) 15 33611058 71477291 Rat 2293688 Bss29 Bone structure and strength QTL 29 5.31 0.0001 femur morphology trait (VT:0000559) femur midshaft cortical cross-sectional area (CMO:0001663) 15 11111142 56111142 Rat 1582214 Stl21 Serum triglyceride level QTL 21 3.1 0.022 blood triglyceride amount (VT:0002644) serum triglyceride level (CMO:0000360) 15 28030665 82262678 Rat 731177 Uae26 Urinary albumin excretion QTL 26 2.4 0.025 urine albumin amount (VT:0002871) urine albumin excretion rate (CMO:0000757) 15 67588667 101769107 Rat 1300144 Rf23 Renal function QTL 23 3.61 renal blood flow trait (VT:2000006) absolute change in renal vascular resistance (CMO:0001900) 15 40631268 98288169 Rat 2300167 Bmd63 Bone mineral density QTL 63 5.9 0.0001 femur mineral mass (VT:0010011) volumetric bone mineral density (CMO:0001553) 15 11111142 56111142 Rat 61477 Aia4 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 4 3 joint integrity trait (VT:0010548) joint inflammation composite score (CMO:0000919) 15 55596089 91365858 Rat 70182 BpQTLcluster12 Blood pressure QTL cluster 12 3.53 arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000) absolute change in mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000533) 15 73690657 95018120 Rat 731170 Pur3 Proteinuria QTL 3 2.3 0.0005 urine protein amount (VT:0005160) urine protein excretion rate (CMO:0000759) 15 1 41686771 Rat 152025253 Hrtrt24 Heart rate QTL 24 3.82 heart pumping trait (VT:2000009) 15 27885774 86257085 Rat 2300173 Bmd62 Bone mineral density QTL 62 12.8 0.0001 lumbar vertebra mineral mass (VT:0010511) volumetric bone mineral density (CMO:0001553) 15 11111142 56111142 Rat 2324620 Coatc3 Coat color QTL 3 coat/hair pigmentation trait (VT:0010463) pigmented coat/hair area to total coat/hair area ratio (CMO:0001810) 15 19856566 46187442 Rat 1582251 Gluco24 Glucose level QTL 24 3.2 0.0008 blood glucose amount (VT:0000188) blood glucose level (CMO:0000046) 15 5530756 50530756 Rat 1354657 Despr13 Despair related QTL 13 0.0022 locomotor behavior trait (VT:0001392) amount of experiment time spent in a discrete space in an experimental apparatus (CMO:0000958) 15 1 29912054 Rat 1641889 Colcr6 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 6 2.9 0.0126 intestine integrity trait (VT:0010554) benign colorectal tumor surface area measurement (CMO:0001799) 15 73690518 99794247 Rat 1582242 Gluco28 Glucose level QTL 28 3.3 0.0008 blood glucose amount (VT:0000188) blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) (CMO:0000350) 15 28030665 82262678 Rat 2306968 Anxrr23 Anxiety related response QTL 23 4.83 reflex trait (VT:0001961) amplitude of the acoustic startle response (CMO:0001520) 15 40631268 46187442 Rat 1578660 Bss19 Bone structure and strength QTL 19 4.3 femur morphology trait (VT:0000559) bone trabecular cross-sectional area (CMO:0002311) 15 22806240 98288169 Rat 1582244 Bw79 Body weight QTL 79 4 0.0002 epididymal fat pad mass (VT:0010421) epididymal fat pad weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0000658) 15 28030665 82262678 Rat 724545 Niddm54 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 54 0.02 blood glucose amount (VT:0000188) blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) (CMO:0000350) 15 50794494 73699215 Rat 724548 Niddm55 Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 55 0.02 blood glucose amount (VT:0000188) blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) (CMO:0000350) 15 68327360 73699069 Rat 631516 Gluco31 Glucose level QTL 31 7 blood glucose amount (VT:0000188) blood glucose level (CMO:0000046) 15 55596089 95018120 Rat 2317050 Aia24 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 24 2.06 joint integrity trait (VT:0010548) left rear ankle joint diameter (CMO:0002149) 15 52847908 73690657 Rat 8552920 Pigfal8 Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 8 3 blood insulin-like growth factor amount (VT:0010479) plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level (CMO:0001299) 15 1 34723002 Rat 2313080 Bss65 Bone structure and strength QTL 65 3.9 0.0001 long bone metaphysis morphology trait (VT:0000133) tibia midshaft total cross-sectional area (CMO:0001715) 15 60990468 73690657 Rat 5685002 Bss103 Bone structure and strength QTL 103 2.8 tibia strength trait (VT:1000284) tibia total energy absorbed before break (CMO:0001736) 15 14481165 28469888 Rat 2317055 Aia10 Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 10 3.41 joint integrity trait (VT:0010548) left rear ankle joint diameter (CMO:0002149) 15 75788062 101769107 Rat 8694361 Abfw6 Abdominal fat weight QTL 6 10.2 0.001 visceral adipose mass (VT:0010063) abdominal fat pad weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0000095) 15 1 34723002 Rat 631273 Lecl2 Lens clarity QTL 2 0.001 lens clarity trait (VT:0001304) age of onset/diagnosis of cataract (CMO:0001584) 15 10596089 55596089 Rat 1576315 Schws6 Schwannoma susceptibility QTL 6 0.0069 nervous system integrity trait (VT:0010566) post-insult time of death (CMO:0002005) 15 53806152 98806152 Rat 738017 Hcas7 Hepatocarcinoma susceptibility QTL 7 2.91 liver integrity trait (VT:0010547) liver nonremodeling tumorous lesion volume to total liver volume ratio (CMO:0001464) 15 2266368 46921453 Rat 10054130 Srcrt8 Stress Responsive Cort QTL 8 2.18 0.0085 blood corticosterone amount (VT:0005345) plasma corticosterone level (CMO:0001173) 15 22117933 67117933 Rat 1581555 Eae19 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 19 4.7 nervous system integrity trait (VT:0010566) experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis severity score (CMO:0001419) 15 76306099 90088744 Rat 631655 Bp126 Blood pressure QTL 126 4 arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000) systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004) 15 58156477 101769107 Rat 61424 Scl1 Serum cholesterol level QTL 1 7.7 0.001 blood cholesterol amount (VT:0000180) serum total cholesterol level (CMO:0000363) 15 16725528 80672115 Rat 1598828 Glom14 Glomerulus QTL 14 2.5 kidney glomerulus morphology trait (VT:0005325) index of glomerular damage (CMO:0001135) 15 34054139 79054139 Rat 631550 Bw7 Body weight QTL 7 3.6 body mass (VT:0001259) body weight (CMO:0000012) 15 19856566 34924750 Rat 7411725 Strs7 Sensitivity to stroke QTL 7 3.8 cerebrum integrity trait (VT:0010549) percentage of study population developing cerebrovascular lesions during a period of time (CMO:0000932) 15 40289901 49308583 Rat