RET (ret proto-oncogene) - Rat Genome Database

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Gene: RET (ret proto-oncogene) Homo sapiens
Symbol: RET
Name: ret proto-oncogene
RGD ID: 735296
HGNC Page HGNC:9967
Description: Enables calcium ion binding activity and transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity. Involved in several processes, including GDF15-GFRAL signaling pathway; neuron cell-cell adhesion; and positive regulation of signal transduction. Located in endosome membrane. Part of plasma membrane protein complex and receptor complex. Is active in plasma membrane. Implicated in several diseases, including Hirschsprung's disease; familial medullary thyroid carcinoma; multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A; multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B; and pheochromocytoma. Biomarker of pancreatic cancer.
Type: protein-coding
RefSeq Status: REVIEWED
Previously known as: cadherin family member 12; cadherin-related family member 16; CDHF12; CDHR16; CUX1/RET fusion; HSCR1; hydroxyaryl-protein kinase; MEN2A; MEN2B; MTC1; proto-oncogene c-Ret; proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret; PTC; rearranged during transfection; receptor tyrosine kinase; ret proto-oncogene (multiple endocrine neoplasia and medullary thyroid carcinoma 1, Hirschsprung disease); RET receptor tyrosine kinase; RET transforming sequence; RET-ELE1; RET51
RGD Orthologs
Green Monkey
Naked Mole-Rat
Alliance Orthologs
More Info more info ...
Allele / Splice: See ClinVar data
Latest Assembly: GRCh38 - Human Genome Assembly GRCh38
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCh381043,077,069 - 43,130,351 (+)NCBIGRCh38GRCh38hg38GRCh38
GRCh38.p14 Ensembl1043,077,064 - 43,130,351 (+)EnsemblGRCh38hg38GRCh38
GRCh371043,572,517 - 43,625,799 (+)NCBIGRCh37GRCh37hg19GRCh37
Build 361042,892,523 - 42,945,805 (+)NCBINCBI36Build 36hg18NCBI36
Build 341042,892,532 - 42,944,955NCBI
Celera1039,575,663 - 39,628,954 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map10q11.21NCBI
HuRef1040,098,756 - 40,151,896 (+)NCBIHuRef
CHM1_11043,611,715 - 43,665,000 (+)NCBICHM1_1
T2T-CHM13v2.01043,954,542 - 44,007,848 (+)NCBIT2T-CHM13v2.0
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