Imported Disease Annotations - OMIMObject Symbol | Species | Term | Qualifier | Evidence | With | Reference | Notes | Source | Original Reference(s) | ATP13A3 | Human | primary pulmonary hypertension 5 | | IAGP | | 7240710 | | OMIM | | |
Imported Disease Annotations - OMIMObject Symbol | Species | Term | Qualifier | Evidence | With | Reference | Notes | Source | Original Reference(s) | ATP13A3 | Human | primary pulmonary hypertension 5 | | IAGP | | 7240710 | | OMIM | | |
# | Reference Title | Reference Citation |
1. | GOAs Human GO annotations | GOA_HUMAN data from the GO Consortium |
2. | A mosaic activating mutation in AKT1 associated with the Proteus syndrome. | Lindhurst MJ, etal., N Engl J Med. 2011 Aug 18;365(7):611-9. Epub 2011 Jul 27. |
3. | ClinVar Automated Import and Annotation Pipeline | RGD automated import pipeline for ClinVar variants, variant-to-disease annotations and gene-to-disease annotations |
4. | Data Import for Chemical-Gene Interactions | RGD automated import pipeline for gene-chemical interactions |
PMID:8125298 | PMID:8175911 | PMID:11867234 | PMID:12477932 | PMID:14702039 | PMID:15342556 | PMID:16303743 | PMID:16344560 | PMID:16641997 | PMID:17081983 | PMID:19913121 | PMID:19946888 |
PMID:20628086 | PMID:21873635 | PMID:22810586 | PMID:26186194 | PMID:26439863 | PMID:28514442 | PMID:29505581 | PMID:29507755 | PMID:29568061 | PMID:29650961 | PMID:30639242 | PMID:30679663 |
PMID:30833792 | PMID:31091453 | PMID:31871319 | PMID:32353859 | PMID:32694731 | PMID:33060197 | PMID:33091845 | PMID:33310703 | PMID:33845483 | PMID:33961781 | PMID:34079125 | PMID:35337019 |
PMID:36215168 | PMID:37768083 | PMID:38360978 | PMID:38626311 |
ATP13A3 (Homo sapiens - human) |
Atp13a3 (Mus musculus - house mouse) |
Atp13a3 (Rattus norvegicus - Norway rat) |
Atp13a3 (Chinchilla lanigera - long-tailed chinchilla) |
ATP13A3 (Pan paniscus - bonobo/pygmy chimpanzee) |
ATP13A3 (Canis lupus familiaris - dog) |
Atp13a3 (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus - thirteen-lined ground squirrel) |
ATP13A3 (Sus scrofa - pig) |
ATP13A3 (Chlorocebus sabaeus - green monkey) |
Atp13a3 (Heterocephalus glaber - naked mole-rat) |
Variants in ATP13A3
163 total Variants |
Name | Type | Condition(s) | Position(s) | Clinical significance |
GRCh38/hg38 3q27.2-29(chr3:185485849-198110178)x1 | copy number loss | See cases [RCV000051608] | Chr3:185485849..198110178 [GRCh38] Chr3:185203637..197837049 [GRCh37] Chr3:186686331..199321446 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q27.2-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q27.3-29(chr3:187446231-195029133)x1 | copy number loss | See cases [RCV000051610] | Chr3:187446231..195029133 [GRCh38] Chr3:187164019..194749862 [GRCh37] Chr3:188646713..196231151 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q27.3-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q24-29(chr3:147521892-198096565)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000051725] | Chr3:147521892..198096565 [GRCh38] Chr3:147239679..197823436 [GRCh37] Chr3:148722369..199307833 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q24-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q25.31-29(chr3:157293378-198134727)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000051726] | Chr3:157293378..198134727 [GRCh38] Chr3:157011167..197861598 [GRCh37] Chr3:158493861..199345995 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q25.31-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q26.32-29(chr3:178411707-198110319)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000051736] | Chr3:178411707..198110319 [GRCh38] Chr3:178129495..197837190 [GRCh37] Chr3:179612189..199321587 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q26.32-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q27.2-29(chr3:185920880-198110319)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000051738] | Chr3:185920880..198110319 [GRCh38] Chr3:185638668..197837190 [GRCh37] Chr3:187121362..199321587 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q27.2-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q28-29(chr3:189265371-198110178)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000051739] | Chr3:189265371..198110178 [GRCh38] Chr3:188983160..197837049 [GRCh37] Chr3:190465854..199321446 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q28-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q28-29(chr3:190667663-198110178)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000051740] | Chr3:190667663..198110178 [GRCh38] Chr3:190385452..197837049 [GRCh37] Chr3:191868146..199321446 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q28-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q29(chr3:193917490-198110319)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000051741] | Chr3:193917490..198110319 [GRCh38] Chr3:193635279..197837190 [GRCh37] Chr3:195117973..199321587 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q29(chr3:194424496-198168758)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000051742] | Chr3:194424496..198168758 [GRCh38] Chr3:194145225..197895629 [GRCh37] Chr3:195626514..199380026 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q22.3-29(chr3:137126982-198110178)x3 | copy number gain | Developmental Delay and additional significant developmental and morphological phenotypes referred for genetic testing [RCV000051723]|Developmental delay and additional significant developmental and morphological phenotypes referred for genetic testing [RCV000051723]|See cases [RCV000051723] | Chr3:137126982..198110178 [GRCh38] Chr3:136845824..197837049 [GRCh37] Chr3:138328514..199321446 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q22.3-29 |
pathogenic |
NM_004488.2(GP5):c.84C>T (p.Val28=) | single nucleotide variant | Malignant melanoma [RCV000060793] | Chr3:194398199 [GRCh38] Chr3:194118928 [GRCh37] Chr3:195600217 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q29 |
not provided |
NM_004488.2(GP5):c.604C>T (p.His202Tyr) | single nucleotide variant | Malignant melanoma [RCV000065985] | Chr3:194397679 [GRCh38] Chr3:194118408 [GRCh37] Chr3:195599697 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q29 |
not provided |
GRCh38/hg38 3q13.11-29(chr3:103426882-198110178)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000134948] | Chr3:103426882..198110178 [GRCh38] Chr3:103145726..197837049 [GRCh37] Chr3:104628416..199321446 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q13.11-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q29(chr3:194338534-197693741)x1 | copy number loss | See cases [RCV000136517] | Chr3:194338534..197693741 [GRCh38] Chr3:194059263..197420612 [GRCh37] Chr3:195540958..198905009 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q29 |
pathogenic|uncertain significance |
GRCh38/hg38 3q26.2-29(chr3:168167568-198110178)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000137106] | Chr3:168167568..198110178 [GRCh38] Chr3:167885356..197837049 [GRCh37] Chr3:169368050..199321446 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q26.2-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q26.32-29(chr3:176439911-198118383)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000138009] | Chr3:176439911..198118383 [GRCh38] Chr3:176157699..197845254 [GRCh37] Chr3:177640393..199329651 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q26.32-29 |
pathogenic|likely benign |
GRCh38/hg38 3q29(chr3:192752937-198118383)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000137827] | Chr3:192752937..198118383 [GRCh38] Chr3:192470726..197845254 [GRCh37] Chr3:193953420..199329651 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q27.3-29(chr3:186765148-194409416)x1 | copy number loss | See cases [RCV000137962] | Chr3:186765148..194409416 [GRCh38] Chr3:186482937..194130145 [GRCh37] Chr3:187965631..195611434 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q27.3-29 |
pathogenic|likely benign |
GRCh38/hg38 3q26.32-29(chr3:176168525-198118383)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000138662] | Chr3:176168525..198118383 [GRCh38] Chr3:175886313..197845254 [GRCh37] Chr3:177369007..199329651 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q26.32-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q29(chr3:194296197-198110198)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000138492] | Chr3:194296197..198110198 [GRCh38] Chr3:194013986..197837069 [GRCh37] Chr3:195496680..199321466 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q25.1-29(chr3:152100512-198118383)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000139435] | Chr3:152100512..198118383 [GRCh38] Chr3:151818301..197845254 [GRCh37] Chr3:153300991..199329651 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q25.1-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q25.31-29(chr3:156321878-198113452)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000140849] | Chr3:156321878..198113452 [GRCh38] Chr3:156039667..197840323 [GRCh37] Chr3:157522361..199324720 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q25.31-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q25.31-29(chr3:156118441-198125115)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000142310] | Chr3:156118441..198125115 [GRCh38] Chr3:155836230..197851986 [GRCh37] Chr3:157318924..199336383 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q25.31-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q26.1-29(chr3:166137209-198125115)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000143694] | Chr3:166137209..198125115 [GRCh38] Chr3:165854997..197851986 [GRCh37] Chr3:167337691..199336383 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q26.1-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh38/hg38 3q29(chr3:193704605-198125115)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000143501] | Chr3:193704605..198125115 [GRCh38] Chr3:193422394..197851986 [GRCh37] Chr3:194905088..199336383 [NCBI36] Chr3:3q29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3q29(chr3:193333511-194338436)x3 | copy number gain | Breast ductal adenocarcinoma [RCV000207285] | Chr3:193333511..194338436 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
GRCh37/hg19 3q29(chr3:193944478-194483962)x1 | copy number loss | See cases [RCV000239429] | Chr3:193944478..194483962 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
pathogenic|uncertain significance |
GRCh37/hg19 3q26.33-29(chr3:181911498-197851986)x4 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000446732] | Chr3:181911498..197851986 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q26.33-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3q25.32-29(chr3:158980631-197766890)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000447464] | Chr3:158980631..197766890 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q25.32-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3q29(chr3:193952869-194669386)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000448609] | Chr3:193952869..194669386 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
GRCh37/hg19 3q25.2-29(chr3:152356847-197851986)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000448608] | Chr3:152356847..197851986 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q25.2-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3p26.3-q29(chr3:61892-197851986)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000511055] | Chr3:61892..197851986 [GRCh37] Chr3:3p26.3-q29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3p26.3-q29(chr3:61892-197851986) | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000512358] | Chr3:61892..197851986 [GRCh37] Chr3:3p26.3-q29 |
pathogenic |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3046A>G (p.Ile1016Val) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004298806] | Chr3:194427154 [GRCh38] Chr3:194147883 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
GRCh37/hg19 3q26.33-29(chr3:182539234-197851986)x3 | copy number gain | not provided [RCV000682336] | Chr3:182539234..197851986 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q26.33-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3q27.1-29(chr3:184003967-197851986)x3 | copy number gain | not provided [RCV000682339] | Chr3:184003967..197851986 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q27.1-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3q28-29(chr3:187913567-197851986)x3 | copy number gain | not provided [RCV000682344] | Chr3:187913567..197851986 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q28-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3q28-29(chr3:191593619-197851986)x3 | copy number gain | not provided [RCV000682346] | Chr3:191593619..197851986 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q28-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3q27.3-29(chr3:186374365-197851986)x3 | copy number gain | not provided [RCV000682341] | Chr3:186374365..197851986 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q27.3-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3p26.3-q29(chr3:60174-197948027)x3 | copy number gain | not provided [RCV000742133] | Chr3:60174..197948027 [GRCh37] Chr3:3p26.3-q29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3p26.3-q29(chr3:61495-197838262)x3 | copy number gain | not provided [RCV000742138] | Chr3:61495..197838262 [GRCh37] Chr3:3p26.3-q29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3q26.31-29(chr3:173281266-197838262)x3 | copy number gain | not provided [RCV000742968] | Chr3:173281266..197838262 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q26.31-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3q27.3-29(chr3:186374671-197838262)x3 | copy number gain | not provided [RCV000743037] | Chr3:186374671..197838262 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q27.3-29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3q28-29(chr3:189101446-197838262)x1 | copy number loss | not provided [RCV000743049] | Chr3:189101446..197838262 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q28-29 |
pathogenic |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.409-20C>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001610980] | Chr3:194459561 [GRCh38] Chr3:194180290 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1711-5T>C | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV000969468] | Chr3:194438977 [GRCh38] Chr3:194159706 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
GRCh37/hg19 3q28-29(chr3:188386566-197838262)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV000790566] | Chr3:188386566..197838262 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q28-29 |
pathogenic |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.561-21G>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001608306] | Chr3:194455983 [GRCh38] Chr3:194176712 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2246-152G>C | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001707201] | Chr3:194432044 [GRCh38] Chr3:194152773 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2875-35A>C | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001639465] | Chr3:194428952 [GRCh38] Chr3:194149681 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2947+193C>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001640019] | Chr3:194428652 [GRCh38] Chr3:194149381 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.51+78T>G | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001597383] | Chr3:194462062 [GRCh38] Chr3:194182791 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3574-204G>A | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001660762] | Chr3:194406320 [GRCh38] Chr3:194127049 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2421+124A>G | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001637130] | Chr3:194431593 [GRCh38] Chr3:194152322 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.225+169A>G | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001598260] | Chr3:194460489 [GRCh38] Chr3:194181218 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2948-22C>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001720511] | Chr3:194427274 [GRCh38] Chr3:194148003 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1497+201A>G | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001621712] | Chr3:194446726 [GRCh38] Chr3:194167455 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.765+165G>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001638938] | Chr3:194454093 [GRCh38] Chr3:194174822 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2875-54C>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001686167] | Chr3:194428971 [GRCh38] Chr3:194149700 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.631-236T>G | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001698922] | Chr3:194454628 [GRCh38] Chr3:194175357 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3403-147G>C | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001709406] | Chr3:194413986 [GRCh38] Chr3:194134715 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1560-221C>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001690103] | Chr3:194441682 [GRCh38] Chr3:194162411 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.226-43C>A | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001691342] | Chr3:194460014 [GRCh38] Chr3:194180743 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1151-74del | deletion | not provided [RCV001682606] | Chr3:194448083 [GRCh38] Chr3:194168812 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1308+81C>G | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001681393] | Chr3:194447771 [GRCh38] Chr3:194168500 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
GRCh37/hg19 3q29(chr3:194161542-194998084)x3 | copy number gain | not provided [RCV001249377] | Chr3:194161542..194998084 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
not provided |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.631-233T>C | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001538403] | Chr3:194454625 [GRCh38] Chr3:194175354 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1560-94dup | duplication | not provided [RCV001709108] | Chr3:194441545..194441546 [GRCh38] Chr3:194162274..194162275 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1999+30T>A | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001671355] | Chr3:194437281 [GRCh38] Chr3:194158010 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2246-107C>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001693715] | Chr3:194431999 [GRCh38] Chr3:194152728 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1711-225T>C | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001608740] | Chr3:194439197 [GRCh38] Chr3:194159926 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.838+130C>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001611280] | Chr3:194453576 [GRCh38] Chr3:194174305 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2625-157C>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001609000] | Chr3:194430472 [GRCh38] Chr3:194151201 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1497+43C>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001691591] | Chr3:194446884 [GRCh38] Chr3:194167613 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.51+32G>A | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001654958] | Chr3:194462108 [GRCh38] Chr3:194182837 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
GRCh37/hg19 3q28-29(chr3:191866466-197842171)x1 | copy number loss | not provided [RCV001795848] | Chr3:191866466..197842171 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q28-29 |
pathogenic |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3079dup (p.Trp1027fs) | duplication | Pulmonary arterial hypertension [RCV001807427]|Pulmonary hypertension, primary, autosomal recessive [RCV002246429] | Chr3:194427120..194427121 [GRCh38] Chr3:194147849..194147850 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3q28-29(chr3:189608636-197532175)x1 | copy number loss | 3q28q29 deletion syndrome [RCV001786535] | Chr3:189608636..197532175 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q28-29 |
pathogenic |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2563G>A (p.Val855Met) | single nucleotide variant | Pulmonary arterial hypertension [RCV001807424]|Pulmonary hypertension, primary, autosomal recessive [RCV002246426] | Chr3:194431004 [GRCh38] Chr3:194151733 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
pathogenic|likely pathogenic |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3685G>T (p.Glu1229Ter) | single nucleotide variant | Pulmonary arterial hypertension [RCV001807428]|Pulmonary hypertension, primary, autosomal recessive [RCV002246430]|not provided [RCV002569007] | Chr3:194406005 [GRCh38] Chr3:194126734 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
pathogenic|uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2549dup (p.Met850fs) | duplication | Pulmonary arterial hypertension [RCV001807425]|Pulmonary hypertension, primary, autosomal recessive [RCV002246427] | Chr3:194431017..194431018 [GRCh38] Chr3:194151746..194151747 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
pathogenic |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2227C>T (p.Arg743Cys) | single nucleotide variant | Pulmonary arterial hypertension [RCV001807426]|Pulmonary hypertension, primary, autosomal recessive [RCV002246428] | Chr3:194433790 [GRCh38] Chr3:194154519 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
pathogenic|likely pathogenic |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.808G>A (p.Val270Ile) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001987924] | Chr3:194453736 [GRCh38] Chr3:194174465 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
GRCh37/hg19 3q29(chr3:192607378-194745252) | copy number loss | not specified [RCV002053400] | Chr3:192607378..194745252 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
GRCh37/hg19 3q29(chr3:193836939-194169926) | copy number gain | not specified [RCV002053401] | Chr3:193836939..194169926 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3346A>T (p.Ile1116Phe) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002023838] | Chr3:194419935 [GRCh38] Chr3:194140664 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NC_000003.11:g.(?_193311167)_(194182919_?)dup | duplication | not provided [RCV001943101] | Chr3:193311167..194182919 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2246-3T>C | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001925407] | Chr3:194431895 [GRCh38] Chr3:194152624 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1741G>A (p.Ala581Thr) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001941388] | Chr3:194438942 [GRCh38] Chr3:194159671 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1870C>T (p.Arg624Cys) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001996775] | Chr3:194437440 [GRCh38] Chr3:194158169 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2120+4A>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV001870217] | Chr3:194437091 [GRCh38] Chr3:194157820 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.77G>T (p.Arg26Leu) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002046536] | Chr3:194460806 [GRCh38] Chr3:194181535 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3417A>C (p.Pro1139=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002111602] | Chr3:194413825 [GRCh38] Chr3:194134554 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1711-20dup | duplication | not provided [RCV002169151] | Chr3:194438991..194438992 [GRCh38] Chr3:194159720..194159721 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3402+13C>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002188762] | Chr3:194419866 [GRCh38] Chr3:194140595 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2262T>C (p.Thr754=) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003913777]|not provided [RCV002079409] | Chr3:194431876 [GRCh38] Chr3:194152605 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign|likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1999+6G>A | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003923660]|not provided [RCV002124631] | Chr3:194437305 [GRCh38] Chr3:194158034 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.226-11C>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002127442] | Chr3:194459982 [GRCh38] Chr3:194180711 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.426C>T (p.His142=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002170737] | Chr3:194459524 [GRCh38] Chr3:194180253 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3070G>A (p.Gly1024Ser) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003913787]|not provided [RCV002110018] | Chr3:194427130 [GRCh38] Chr3:194147859 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3136A>G (p.Thr1046Ala) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003926313]|not provided [RCV002196319] | Chr3:194425519 [GRCh38] Chr3:194146248 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign|likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1559+17C>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002181661] | Chr3:194444708 [GRCh38] Chr3:194165437 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1767A>G (p.Thr589=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002118843] | Chr3:194438916 [GRCh38] Chr3:194159645 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1711-13T>C | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002198646] | Chr3:194438985 [GRCh38] Chr3:194159714 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2625-17A>G | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002160967] | Chr3:194430332 [GRCh38] Chr3:194151061 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2667+16del | deletion | not provided [RCV002164632] | Chr3:194430257 [GRCh38] Chr3:194150986 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.85C>T (p.Leu29Phe) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002102513]|not specified [RCV004045746] | Chr3:194460798 [GRCh38] Chr3:194181527 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign|uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2709C>T (p.Leu903=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002103863] | Chr3:194430140 [GRCh38] Chr3:194150869 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1113C>T (p.Tyr371=) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003923583]|not provided [RCV002100675] | Chr3:194448494 [GRCh38] Chr3:194169223 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign|likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.279T>C (p.Thr93=) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003916303]|not provided [RCV002138096] | Chr3:194459918 [GRCh38] Chr3:194180647 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.310A>G (p.Asn104Asp) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003913733]|not provided [RCV002136710] | Chr3:194459887 [GRCh38] Chr3:194180616 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2668-13T>G | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002161310] | Chr3:194430194 [GRCh38] Chr3:194150923 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
GRCh37/hg19 3q26.31-29(chr3:171558472-197871052)x3 | copy number gain | Isolated anorectal malformation [RCV002286610] | Chr3:171558472..197871052 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q26.31-29 |
likely pathogenic |
GRCh37/hg19 3q27.1-29(chr3:183498520-197851986)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV002286344] | Chr3:183498520..197851986 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q27.1-29 |
pathogenic |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1062T>A (p.His354Gln) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004303283] | Chr3:194448545 [GRCh38] Chr3:194169274 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3436A>G (p.Met1146Val) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002726883] | Chr3:194413806 [GRCh38] Chr3:194134535 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1018G>C (p.Asp340His) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004142004] | Chr3:194448589 [GRCh38] Chr3:194169318 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.261C>T (p.Arg87=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002971576] | Chr3:194459936 [GRCh38] Chr3:194180665 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2653G>A (p.Ala885Thr) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004231085] | Chr3:194430287 [GRCh38] Chr3:194151016 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2080G>A (p.Glu694Lys) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004212988] | Chr3:194437135 [GRCh38] Chr3:194157864 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.736A>G (p.Ile246Val) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002771250] | Chr3:194454287 [GRCh38] Chr3:194175016 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2624+19T>C | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002771575] | Chr3:194430924 [GRCh38] Chr3:194151653 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.500C>G (p.Ser167Cys) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002862785] | Chr3:194457154 [GRCh38] Chr3:194177883 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2875-16A>G | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002776293] | Chr3:194428933 [GRCh38] Chr3:194149662 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
GRCh37/hg19 3q29(chr3:193396762-195009038)x3 | copy number gain | not provided [RCV002475814] | Chr3:193396762..195009038 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2997G>A (p.Ser999=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002996448] | Chr3:194427203 [GRCh38] Chr3:194147932 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3427C>T (p.Arg1143Cys) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004141740] | Chr3:194413815 [GRCh38] Chr3:194134544 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2128A>G (p.Ile710Val) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002706651] | Chr3:194433889 [GRCh38] Chr3:194154618 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2052T>C (p.Arg684=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002927179] | Chr3:194437163 [GRCh38] Chr3:194157892 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2246-13T>C | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002795362] | Chr3:194431905 [GRCh38] Chr3:194152634 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1828-19T>C | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002638825] | Chr3:194437592 [GRCh38] Chr3:194158321 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2222A>G (p.Asn741Ser) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004069786] | Chr3:194433795 [GRCh38] Chr3:194154524 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3122C>T (p.Ser1041Leu) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003916642]|not provided [RCV002923270] | Chr3:194427078 [GRCh38] Chr3:194147807 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1979G>T (p.Gly660Val) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004172305] | Chr3:194437331 [GRCh38] Chr3:194158060 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2168A>G (p.Gln723Arg) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003546930]|not specified [RCV004196843] | Chr3:194433849 [GRCh38] Chr3:194154578 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.115T>C (p.Ser39Pro) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004164011] | Chr3:194460768 [GRCh38] Chr3:194181497 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1203A>G (p.Pro401=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002952504] | Chr3:194447957 [GRCh38] Chr3:194168686 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.807C>T (p.Thr269=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003081242] | Chr3:194453737 [GRCh38] Chr3:194174466 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.727A>G (p.Ile243Val) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003906340]|not provided [RCV002933383] | Chr3:194454296 [GRCh38] Chr3:194175025 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.839-20CTTT[4] | microsatellite | not provided [RCV002957650] | Chr3:194450284..194450285 [GRCh38] Chr3:194171013..194171014 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2572C>T (p.Arg858Cys) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002643217] | Chr3:194430995 [GRCh38] Chr3:194151724 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3483+2T>C | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002957185] | Chr3:194413757 [GRCh38] Chr3:194134486 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3148G>T (p.Gly1050Trp) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002667368] | Chr3:194425507 [GRCh38] Chr3:194146236 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1304A>G (p.Asn435Ser) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004168117] | Chr3:194447856 [GRCh38] Chr3:194168585 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3041T>G (p.Ile1014Ser) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002957883]|not specified [RCV004067296] | Chr3:194427159 [GRCh38] Chr3:194147888 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign|uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1900C>A (p.Arg634Ser) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002875944] | Chr3:194437410 [GRCh38] Chr3:194158139 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1586G>T (p.Cys529Phe) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002626154]|not specified [RCV004065854] | Chr3:194441435 [GRCh38] Chr3:194162164 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2755T>G (p.Ser919Ala) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002917308] | Chr3:194430094 [GRCh38] Chr3:194150823 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1584G>A (p.Val528=) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003916614]|not provided [RCV002932202] | Chr3:194441437 [GRCh38] Chr3:194162166 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1978G>A (p.Gly660Ser) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002600762] | Chr3:194437332 [GRCh38] Chr3:194158061 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.715G>T (p.Val239Leu) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004125750] | Chr3:194454308 [GRCh38] Chr3:194175037 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3472A>G (p.Ile1158Val) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002967354]|not specified [RCV004068320] | Chr3:194413770 [GRCh38] Chr3:194134499 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3597A>G (p.Lys1199=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002671064] | Chr3:194406093 [GRCh38] Chr3:194126822 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1594A>G (p.Met532Val) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004102148] | Chr3:194441427 [GRCh38] Chr3:194162156 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1150+3A>G | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV002627713] | Chr3:194448454 [GRCh38] Chr3:194169183 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1653T>G (p.Ile551Met) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004170001] | Chr3:194441368 [GRCh38] Chr3:194162097 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.787A>T (p.Met263Leu) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004166286] | Chr3:194453757 [GRCh38] Chr3:194174486 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3328dup (p.Ser1110fs) | duplication | not provided [RCV002680991] | Chr3:194419952..194419953 [GRCh38] Chr3:194140681..194140682 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
pathogenic |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.971-23GTT[6] | microsatellite | not provided [RCV002583679] | Chr3:194448644..194448645 [GRCh38] Chr3:194169373..194169374 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.921T>C (p.Asp307=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003073154] | Chr3:194450194 [GRCh38] Chr3:194170923 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.592G>A (p.Val198Ile) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004270759] | Chr3:194455931 [GRCh38] Chr3:194176660 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1181G>A (p.Arg394His) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004334028] | Chr3:194447979 [GRCh38] Chr3:194168708 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2009A>G (p.Asp670Gly) | single nucleotide variant | Pulmonary hypertension, primary, autosomal recessive [RCV003142340] | Chr3:194437206 [GRCh38] Chr3:194157935 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3006A>G (p.Ile1002Met) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004267173] | Chr3:194427194 [GRCh38] Chr3:194147923 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.455C>T (p.Thr152Ile) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004262368] | Chr3:194459495 [GRCh38] Chr3:194180224 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2944A>T (p.Thr982Ser) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004314220] | Chr3:194428848 [GRCh38] Chr3:194149577 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
GRCh37/hg19 3q29(chr3:193343827-194599635)x1 | copy number loss | Autosomal dominant optic atrophy classic form [RCV003329547] | Chr3:193343827..194599635 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely pathogenic |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.403C>A (p.Gln135Lys) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004345683] | Chr3:194459794 [GRCh38] Chr3:194180523 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.667G>A (p.Val223Ile) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004348803] | Chr3:194454356 [GRCh38] Chr3:194175085 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3052A>G (p.Ile1018Val) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004343896] | Chr3:194427148 [GRCh38] Chr3:194147877 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3638C>G (p.Pro1213Arg) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003875380] | Chr3:194406052 [GRCh38] Chr3:194126781 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
Single allele | duplication | not provided [RCV003448680] | Chr3:140154329..197847235 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q23-29 |
pathogenic |
Single allele | duplication | not provided [RCV003448704] | Chr3:176412210..197847235 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q26.32-29 |
pathogenic |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3632A>G (p.Lys1211Arg) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003420998] | Chr3:194406058 [GRCh38] Chr3:194126787 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
GRCh37/hg19 3q29(chr3:193843129-194259647)x3 | copy number gain | not provided [RCV003484161] | Chr3:193843129..194259647 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2430G>A (p.Pro810=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003439095] | Chr3:194431218 [GRCh38] Chr3:194151947 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1871G>A (p.Arg624His) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003546084] | Chr3:194437439 [GRCh38] Chr3:194158168 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3744A>G (p.Gly1248=) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003929219]|not provided [RCV003545721] | Chr3:194405946 [GRCh38] Chr3:194126675 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3168C>T (p.His1056=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003829644] | Chr3:194425487 [GRCh38] Chr3:194146216 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1742C>T (p.Ala581Val) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003738610] | Chr3:194438941 [GRCh38] Chr3:194159670 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1602A>G (p.Val534=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003829758] | Chr3:194441419 [GRCh38] Chr3:194162148 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2127A>G (p.Ala709=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003695164] | Chr3:194433890 [GRCh38] Chr3:194154619 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2007C>T (p.Val669=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003575817] | Chr3:194437208 [GRCh38] Chr3:194157937 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.976A>C (p.Ser326Arg) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003544590] | Chr3:194448631 [GRCh38] Chr3:194169360 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2874+20G>A | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003690455] | Chr3:194429658 [GRCh38] Chr3:194150387 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3421C>G (p.Gln1141Glu) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003659198] | Chr3:194413821 [GRCh38] Chr3:194134550 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2005G>C (p.Val669Leu) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003703668] | Chr3:194437210 [GRCh38] Chr3:194157939 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.525T>C (p.His175=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003856305] | Chr3:194457129 [GRCh38] Chr3:194177858 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.70T>G (p.Leu24Val) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003929292]|not provided [RCV003699627] | Chr3:194460813 [GRCh38] Chr3:194181542 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1774C>T (p.Arg592Cys) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003909087]|not provided [RCV003699626] | Chr3:194438909 [GRCh38] Chr3:194159638 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1962G>A (p.Ala654=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003832822] | Chr3:194437348 [GRCh38] Chr3:194158077 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1150+18_1150+21del | microsatellite | not provided [RCV003811108] | Chr3:194448436..194448439 [GRCh38] Chr3:194169165..194169168 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.764A>G (p.Lys255Arg) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003851272]|not specified [RCV004676311] | Chr3:194454259 [GRCh38] Chr3:194174988 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2403A>G (p.Pro801=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003821401] | Chr3:194431735 [GRCh38] Chr3:194152464 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1711-5dup | duplication | not provided [RCV003682120] | Chr3:194438976..194438977 [GRCh38] Chr3:194159705..194159706 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3113A>C (p.His1038Pro) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003705072] | Chr3:194427087 [GRCh38] Chr3:194147816 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1498-19G>T | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003864299] | Chr3:194444805 [GRCh38] Chr3:194165534 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1309G>A (p.Val437Ile) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003862893] | Chr3:194447115 [GRCh38] Chr3:194167844 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.432T>C (p.Ser144=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003871522] | Chr3:194459518 [GRCh38] Chr3:194180247 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.507G>A (p.Thr169=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003720542] | Chr3:194457147 [GRCh38] Chr3:194177876 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2667+9A>T | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003946744]|not provided [RCV003565885] | Chr3:194430264 [GRCh38] Chr3:194150993 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
benign|likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2637G>T (p.Gly879=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003819966] | Chr3:194430303 [GRCh38] Chr3:194151032 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.673C>T (p.Leu225=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003721941] | Chr3:194454350 [GRCh38] Chr3:194175079 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3634A>C (p.Thr1212Pro) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003674576] | Chr3:194406056 [GRCh38] Chr3:194126785 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1395T>C (p.Gly465=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003551432] | Chr3:194447029 [GRCh38] Chr3:194167758 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3759C>T (p.Ile1253=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003848283] | Chr3:194405931 [GRCh38] Chr3:194126660 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2937G>A (p.Val979=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV003819965] | Chr3:194428855 [GRCh38] Chr3:194149584 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3028G>A (p.Val1010Ile) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004425781] | Chr3:194427172 [GRCh38] Chr3:194147901 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2932G>A (p.Val978Ile) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004425780] | Chr3:194428860 [GRCh38] Chr3:194149589 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
GRCh37/hg19 3q26.33-29(chr3:179313373-197851444)x3 | copy number gain | See cases [RCV004442807] | Chr3:179313373..197851444 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q26.33-29 |
pathogenic |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1234T>A (p.Leu412Met) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004425776] | Chr3:194447926 [GRCh38] Chr3:194168655 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1321G>A (p.Val441Ile) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004425777] | Chr3:194447103 [GRCh38] Chr3:194167832 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3608C>G (p.Pro1203Arg) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004425783] | Chr3:194406082 [GRCh38] Chr3:194126811 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.260G>A (p.Arg87His) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004425779] | Chr3:194459937 [GRCh38] Chr3:194180666 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2422-9T>C | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003957077] | Chr3:194431235 [GRCh38] Chr3:194151964 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1126G>A (p.Val376Ile) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004425775] | Chr3:194448481 [GRCh38] Chr3:194169210 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.304A>G (p.Met102Val) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004425782] | Chr3:194459893 [GRCh38] Chr3:194180622 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3652A>G (p.Met1218Val) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004425784] | Chr3:194406038 [GRCh38] Chr3:194126767 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.2120+9G>C | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003909512] | Chr3:194437086 [GRCh38] Chr3:194157815 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1560-5C>T | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003967210] | Chr3:194441466 [GRCh38] Chr3:194162195 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1014A>C (p.Ser338=) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003981659] | Chr3:194448593 [GRCh38] Chr3:194169322 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1711-6_1711-5dup | duplication | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003894720] | Chr3:194438976..194438977 [GRCh38] Chr3:194159705..194159706 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1086G>A (p.Gly362=) | single nucleotide variant | ATP13A3-related disorder [RCV003976828] | Chr3:194448521 [GRCh38] Chr3:194169250 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.333A>G (p.Ala111=) | single nucleotide variant | not provided [RCV004585782] | Chr3:194459864 [GRCh38] Chr3:194180593 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
likely benign |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.886G>C (p.Val296Leu) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004682593] | Chr3:194450229 [GRCh38] Chr3:194170958 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1006A>G (p.Asn336Asp) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004677116] | Chr3:194448601 [GRCh38] Chr3:194169330 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.3586C>T (p.Arg1196Trp) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004677135] | Chr3:194406104 [GRCh38] Chr3:194126833 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1995A>C (p.Glu665Asp) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004677108] | Chr3:194437315 [GRCh38] Chr3:194158044 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
NM_001367549.1(ATP13A3):c.1951A>G (p.Met651Val) | single nucleotide variant | not specified [RCV004677125] | Chr3:194437359 [GRCh38] Chr3:194158088 [GRCh37] Chr3:3q29 |
uncertain significance |
The detailed report is available here: | Full Report | CSV | TAB | Printer | ||||
miRNA Target Status data imported from miRGate ( For more information about miRGate, see PMID:25858286 or access the full paper here. |
STS-H48097 |
SHGC-77686 |
RH93590 |
SHGC-64859 |
RH78493 |
SHGC-64151 |
SHGC-37559 |
G29192 |
adipose tissue
alimentary part of gastrointestinal system
circulatory system
endocrine system
entire extraembryonic component
exocrine system
hemolymphoid system
hepatobiliary system
integumental system
musculoskeletal system
nervous system
pharyngeal arch
renal system
reproductive system
respiratory system
sensory system
visual system
1204 | 2437 | 2788 | 2249 | 4967 | 1725 | 2349 | 5 | 623 | 1950 | 464 | 2269 | 7295 | 6464 | 53 | 3728 | 1 | 850 | 1739 | 1615 | 174 | 1 |
RefSeq Transcripts | NM_001367549 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles |
NM_001374836 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
NM_024524 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
NR_164666 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
NR_164667 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_005269357 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_011513121 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_011513123 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_011513124 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_047448904 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_047448905 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_047448906 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_047448907 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_047448908 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_047448909 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_047448910 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_047448911 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_047448912 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_047448913 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_047448914 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_047448915 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_047448916 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347843 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347844 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347845 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347846 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347847 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347848 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347849 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347850 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347851 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347852 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347853 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347854 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347855 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347856 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_054347857 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
GenBank Nucleotide | AC108676 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles |
AC125362 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
AJ306929 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
AK024639 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
AK075094 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
AK225064 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
BC037805 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
BC106085 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
BP313821 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
BX641098 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
CP068275 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
DA852339 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
DR005713 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
DR423199 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
DV080200 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
Z24724 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles |
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Position: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XM_054347852 ⟹ XP_054203827 | ||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||
Position: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XM_054347853 ⟹ XP_054203828 | ||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||
Position: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XM_054347854 ⟹ XP_054203829 | ||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||
Position: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XM_054347855 ⟹ XP_054203830 | ||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||
Position: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XM_054347856 ⟹ XP_054203831 | ||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||
Position: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XM_054347857 ⟹ XP_054203832 | ||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||
Position: |
Protein RefSeqs | NP_001354478 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer |
NP_001361765 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
NP_078800 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_005269414 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_011511423 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_011511425 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_011511426 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_047304860 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_047304861 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_047304862 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_047304863 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_047304864 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_047304865 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_047304866 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_047304867 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_047304868 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_047304869 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_047304870 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_047304871 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_047304872 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203818 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203819 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203820 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203821 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203822 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203823 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203824 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203825 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203826 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203827 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203828 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203829 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203830 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203831 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_054203832 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
GenBank Protein | BAB14942 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer |
BAC11398 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
CAC84902 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
Ensembl Protein | ENSP00000416508 | ||
ENSP00000416508.1 | |||
ENSP00000493923 | |||
ENSP00000493923.2 | |||
ENSP00000494471 | |||
ENSP00000494471.1 | |||
ENSP00000494937 | |||
ENSP00000494937.2 | |||
GenBank Protein | Q9H7F0 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer |
RefSeq Acc Id: | NP_078800 ⟸ NM_024524 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform 1 |
- UniProtKB: | Q8NC11 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q96KS1 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q9H7F0 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
- Sequence: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_005269414 ⟸ XM_005269357 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
- Sequence: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_011511425 ⟸ XM_011513123 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X3 |
- UniProtKB: | Q8NC11 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q96KS1 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q9H7F0 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
- Sequence: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_011511423 ⟸ XM_011513121 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
- Sequence: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_011511426 ⟸ XM_011513124 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X4 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
- Sequence: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | NP_001354478 ⟸ NM_001367549 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform 2 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | NP_001361765 ⟸ NM_001374836 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform 3 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSP00000416508 ⟸ ENST00000439040 |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSP00000256031 ⟸ ENST00000256031 |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSP00000402550 ⟸ ENST00000429136 |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSP00000406234 ⟸ ENST00000457986 |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSP00000493923 ⟸ ENST00000642744 |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSP00000410767 ⟸ ENST00000446356 |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSP00000482200 ⟸ ENST00000619199 |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSP00000494471 ⟸ ENST00000645538 |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSP00000494937 ⟸ ENST00000645319 |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_047304868 ⟸ XM_047448912 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X3 |
- UniProtKB: | Q9H7F0 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q8NC11 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q96KS1 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_047304865 ⟸ XM_047448909 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_047304860 ⟸ XM_047448904 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_047304866 ⟸ XM_047448910 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X2 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_047304869 ⟸ XM_047448913 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X3 |
- UniProtKB: | Q9H7F0 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q8NC11 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q96KS1 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_047304872 ⟸ XM_047448916 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X5 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_047304867 ⟸ XM_047448911 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X2 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_047304870 ⟸ XM_047448914 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X3 |
- UniProtKB: | Q9H7F0 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q8NC11 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q96KS1 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_047304862 ⟸ XM_047448906 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_047304871 ⟸ XM_047448915 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X3 |
- UniProtKB: | Q9H7F0 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q8NC11 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q96KS1 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_047304861 ⟸ XM_047448905 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_047304863 ⟸ XM_047448907 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_047304864 ⟸ XM_047448908 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203827 ⟸ XM_054347852 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X3 |
- UniProtKB: | Q9H7F0 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q8NC11 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q96KS1 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203818 ⟸ XM_054347843 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203824 ⟸ XM_054347849 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X2 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203828 ⟸ XM_054347853 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X3 |
- UniProtKB: | Q9H7F0 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q8NC11 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q96KS1 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203832 ⟸ XM_054347857 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X5 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203826 ⟸ XM_054347851 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X3 |
- UniProtKB: | Q9H7F0 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q8NC11 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q96KS1 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203825 ⟸ XM_054347850 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X2 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203829 ⟸ XM_054347854 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X3 |
- UniProtKB: | Q9H7F0 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q8NC11 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q96KS1 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203820 ⟸ XM_054347845 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203830 ⟸ XM_054347855 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X3 |
- UniProtKB: | Q9H7F0 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q8NC11 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q96KS1 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203819 ⟸ XM_054347844 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203821 ⟸ XM_054347846 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203822 ⟸ XM_054347847 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203823 ⟸ XM_054347848 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8Y635 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL), A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_054203831 ⟸ XM_054347856 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X4 |
- UniProtKB: | A0A2R8YDN7 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL) |
Name | Modeler | Protein Id | AA Range | Protein Structure |
AF-Q9H7F0-F1-model_v2 | AlphaFold | Q9H7F0 | 1-1226 | view protein structure |
Database | Acc Id | Source(s) |
AGR Gene | HGNC:24113 | AgrOrtholog |
Ensembl Genes | ENSG00000133657 | Ensembl, ENTREZGENE, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL |
Ensembl Transcript | ENST00000439040 | ENTREZGENE |
ENST00000439040.6 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot | |
ENST00000642744 | ENTREZGENE | |
ENST00000642744.2 | UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
ENST00000645319 | ENTREZGENE | |
ENST00000645319.2 | UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
ENST00000645538 | ENTREZGENE | |
ENST00000645538.1 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot | |
ENST00000687055 | ENTREZGENE | |
ENST00000690810 | ENTREZGENE | |
Gene3D-CATH | 3.40.1110.10 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
Calcium-transporting ATPase, cytoplasmic transduction domain A | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
Calcium-transporting ATPase, transmembrane domain | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot | |
GTEx | ENSG00000133657 | GTEx |
Human Proteome Map | ATP13A3 | Human Proteome Map |
InterPro | ATPase_P-typ_cation-transptr_N | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL |
ATPase_P-typ_cyto_dom_N | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
ATPase_P-typ_P_site | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
ATPase_P-typ_TM_dom_sf | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
ATPase_P-typ_transduc_dom_A_sf | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
HAD-like_sf | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
HAD_sf | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
P-type_TPase_V | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
P5A-ATPase_N | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
P5B-type_ATPase | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
P_typ_ATPase | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
P_typ_ATPase_HD_dom | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
KEGG Report | hsa:79572 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot |
NCBI Gene | 79572 | ENTREZGENE |
OMIM | 610232 | OMIM |
Pfam | Cation_ATPase | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL |
Cation_ATPase_N | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
E1-E2_ATPase | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
P5-ATPase | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
PharmGKB | PA134971145 | PharmGKB |
PRINTS | CATATPASE | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL |
PROSITE | ATPASE_E1_E2 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL |
Superfamily-SCOP | SSF56784 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL |
SSF81653 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
SSF81660 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
SSF81665 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL | |
UniProt | A0A2R8Y635 | ENTREZGENE, UniProtKB/TrEMBL |
AT133_HUMAN | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot | |
UniProt Secondary | Q8NC11 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot |
Q96KS1 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot |
Date | Current Symbol | Current Name | Previous Symbol | Previous Name | Description | Reference | Status |
2016-02-16 | ATP13A3 | ATPase 13A3 | ATP13A3 | ATPase type 13A3 | Symbol and/or name change | 5135510 | APPROVED |