Imported Disease Annotations - OMIMObject Symbol | Species | Term | Qualifier | Evidence | With | Reference | Notes | Source | Original Reference(s) | Nup160 | Mouse | nephrotic syndrome type 19 | | ISO | NUP160 (Homo sapiens) | 7240710 | | OMIM | | |
Imported Disease Annotations - OMIMObject Symbol | Species | Term | Qualifier | Evidence | With | Reference | Notes | Source | Original Reference(s) | Nup160 | Mouse | nephrotic syndrome type 19 | | ISO | NUP160 (Homo sapiens) | 7240710 | | OMIM | | |
# | Reference Title | Reference Citation |
1. | Regulation of mRNA trafficking by nuclear pore complexes. | Bonnet A and Palancade B, Genes (Basel). 2014 Sep 2;5(3):767-91. doi: 10.3390/genes5030767. |
2. | Functional annotation of a full-length mouse cDNA collection. | Kawai J, etal., Nature. 2001 Feb 8;409(6821):685-90. |
3. | Large-scale cDNA analysis reveals phased gene expression patterns during preimplantation mouse development. | Ko MS, etal., Development 2000 Apr;127(8):1737-49. |
4. | MGDs mouse GO annotations | MGD data from the GO Consortium |
5. | Analysis of the mouse transcriptome based on functional annotation of 60,770 full-length cDNAs. | Okazaki Y, etal., Nature. 2002 Dec 5;420(6915):563-73. |
6. | ClinVar Automated Import and Annotation Pipeline | RGD automated import pipeline for ClinVar variants, variant-to-disease annotations and gene-to-disease annotations |
7. | Data Import for Chemical-Gene Interactions | RGD automated import pipeline for gene-chemical interactions |
PMID:10349636 | PMID:10922068 | PMID:11042159 | PMID:11076861 | PMID:11564755 | PMID:11684705 | PMID:12089527 | PMID:12477932 | PMID:12520002 | PMID:12791264 | PMID:12904583 | PMID:14610273 |
PMID:15368895 | PMID:15489334 | PMID:16141072 | PMID:16141073 | PMID:18799693 | PMID:21267068 | PMID:21873635 | PMID:24457600 | PMID:26167872 | PMID:28374669 | PMID:28378742 | PMID:29704630 |
PMID:30409884 | PMID:32968282 | PMID:32988961 | PMID:34533106 | PMID:38224683 |
Nup160 (Mus musculus - house mouse) |
NUP160 (Homo sapiens - human) |
Nup160 (Rattus norvegicus - Norway rat) |
Nup160 (Chinchilla lanigera - long-tailed chinchilla) |
NUP160 (Pan paniscus - bonobo/pygmy chimpanzee) |
NUP160 (Canis lupus familiaris - dog) |
Nup160 (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus - thirteen-lined ground squirrel) |
NUP160 (Sus scrofa - pig) |
NUP160 (Chlorocebus sabaeus - green monkey) |
Nup160 (Heterocephalus glaber - naked mole-rat) |
Variants in Nup160
3003 total Variants |
The detailed report is available here: | Full Report | CSV | TAB | Printer | ||||
miRNA Target Status data imported from miRGate ( For more information about miRGate, see PMID:25858286 or access the full paper here. |
The following QTLs overlap with this region. | Full Report | CSV | TAB | Printer | Gviewer |
RH136379 |
AA414952 |
RH125555 |
RefSeq Transcripts | NM_001418509 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles |
NM_001418510 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
NM_001418511 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
NM_021512 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
NR_184761 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_006499968 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
XM_030251919 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
GenBank Nucleotide | AF104415 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles |
AK012715 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
AK050952 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
AK155492 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
AK160685 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
AK164802 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
AK171218 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
AK172911 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
AL714026 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
AL935132 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
BC052450 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
BC054523 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles | |
CH466519 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | Search GEO for Microarray Profiles |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSMUST00000057481 ⟹ ENSMUSP00000059289 | ||||||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||||||
Position: |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSMUST00000126503 | ||||||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||||||
Position: |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSMUST00000130629 | ||||||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||||||
Position: |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSMUST00000132595 | ||||||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||||||
Position: |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSMUST00000136739 | ||||||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||||||
Position: |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSMUST00000145669 | ||||||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||||||
Position: |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSMUST00000154036 | ||||||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||||||
Position: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | NM_001418509 ⟹ NP_001405438 | ||||||||
RefSeq Status: | VALIDATED | ||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||
Position: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | NM_001418510 ⟹ NP_001405439 | ||||||||
RefSeq Status: | VALIDATED | ||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||
Position: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | NM_001418511 ⟹ NP_001405440 | ||||||||
RefSeq Status: | VALIDATED | ||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||
Position: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | NM_021512 ⟹ NP_067487 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
RefSeq Status: | VALIDATED | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Position: |
Sequence: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | NR_184761 | ||||||||
RefSeq Status: | VALIDATED | ||||||||
Type: | NON-CODING | ||||||||
Position: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XM_006499968 ⟹ XP_006500031 | ||||||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||||||
Position: |
Sequence: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XM_030251919 ⟹ XP_030107779 | ||||||||||||
Type: | CODING | ||||||||||||
Position: |
Sequence: |
Protein RefSeqs | NP_001405438 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer |
NP_001405439 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
NP_001405440 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
NP_067487 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_006500031 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
XP_030107779 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
GenBank Protein | AAD17922 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer |
AAH52450 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
AAH54523 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
BAD32189 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
BAE33292 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
BAE37926 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
BAE42322 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
EDL27489 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
EDL27490 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
EDL27491 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer | |
Ensembl Protein | ENSMUSP00000059289 | ||
ENSMUSP00000059289.7 | |||
GenBank Protein | Q9Z0W3 | (Get FASTA) | NCBI Sequence Viewer |
RefSeq Acc Id: | NP_067487 ⟸ NM_021512 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform 1 |
- UniProtKB: | Q7TME1 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q6A0A7 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q3U250 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q3TP11 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q3TBI7 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q9CZD9 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q9Z0W3 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot) |
- Sequence: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_006500031 ⟸ XM_006499968 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X1 |
- UniProtKB: | Q7TME1 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q6A0A7 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q3U250 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q3TP11 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q3TBI7 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q9CZD9 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), Q9Z0W3 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot) |
- Sequence: |
RefSeq Acc Id: | XP_030107779 ⟸ XM_030251919 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform X2 |
Ensembl Acc Id: | ENSMUSP00000059289 ⟸ ENSMUST00000057481 |
RefSeq Acc Id: | NP_001405438 ⟸ NM_001418509 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform 2 |
RefSeq Acc Id: | NP_001405439 ⟸ NM_001418510 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform 3 |
RefSeq Acc Id: | NP_001405440 ⟸ NM_001418511 |
- Peptide Label: | isoform 4 |
Name | Modeler | Protein Id | AA Range | Protein Structure |
AF-Q9Z0W3-F1-model_v2 | AlphaFold | Q9Z0W3 | 1-1402 | view protein structure |
RGD ID: | 6831959 | ||||||||
Promoter ID: | MM_KWN:30400 | ||||||||
Type: | Non-CpG | ||||||||
SO ACC ID: | SO:0000170 | ||||||||
Source: | MPROMDB | ||||||||
Tissues & Cell Lines: | Spleen | ||||||||
Transcripts: | NM_021512 | ||||||||
Position: |
RGD ID: | 6831986 | ||||||||
Promoter ID: | MM_KWN:30401 | ||||||||
Type: | CpG-Island | ||||||||
SO ACC ID: | SO:0000170 | ||||||||
Source: | MPROMDB | ||||||||
Tissues & Cell Lines: | 3T3L1_Day0, 3T3L1_Day1, 3T3L1_Day2, 3T3L1_Day3, BoneMarrow_0Hour, BoneMarrow_2Hour, BoneMarrow_4Hour, ES_Cell, Kidney, Liver, Lung, MEF_B4, MEF_B6, Spleen | ||||||||
Transcripts: | UC008KSX.1, UC008KSY.1, UC008KSZ.1 | ||||||||
Position: |
RGD ID: | 6877852 | ||||||||
Promoter ID: | EPDNEW_M2377 | ||||||||
Type: | multiple initiation site | ||||||||
Name: | Nup160_2 | ||||||||
Description: | Mus musculus nucleoporin 160 , mRNA. | ||||||||
SO ACC ID: | SO:0000170 | ||||||||
Source: | EPDNEW (Eukaryotic Promoter Database, | ||||||||
Alternative Promoters: | null; see alsoEPDNEW_M2378 | ||||||||
Experiment Methods: | Single-end sequencing. | ||||||||
Position: |
RGD ID: | 6877938 | ||||||||
Promoter ID: | EPDNEW_M2378 | ||||||||
Type: | multiple initiation site | ||||||||
Name: | Nup160_1 | ||||||||
Description: | Mus musculus nucleoporin 160 , mRNA. | ||||||||
SO ACC ID: | SO:0000170 | ||||||||
Source: | EPDNEW (Eukaryotic Promoter Database, | ||||||||
Alternative Promoters: | null; see alsoEPDNEW_M2377 | ||||||||
Experiment Methods: | Single-end sequencing. | ||||||||
Position: |
Database | Acc Id | Source(s) |
AGR Gene | MGI:1926227 | AgrOrtholog |
Ensembl Genes | ENSMUSG00000051329 | Ensembl, ENTREZGENE, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot |
Ensembl Transcript | ENSMUST00000057481 | ENTREZGENE |
ENSMUST00000057481.7 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot | |
InterPro | Nucleoporin_Nup160 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot |
KEGG Report | mmu:59015 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot |
MGD | MGI:1926227 | ENTREZGENE |
NCBI Gene | 59015 | ENTREZGENE |
PTHR21286 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot | |
Pfam | Nup160 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot |
PhenoGen | Nup160 | PhenoGen |
UniProt | NU160_MOUSE | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot |
UniProt Secondary | Q3TBI7 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot |
Q3TP11 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot | |
Q3U250 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot | |
Q6A0A7 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot | |
Q7TME1 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot | |
Q9CZD9 | UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot |