Imported Disease Annotations - ClinVarObject Symbol | Species | Term | Qualifier | Evidence | With | Reference | Notes | Source | Original Reference(s) | STAT4 | Human | disabling pansclerotic morphea | | IAGP | (Homo sapiens) more ... | 8554872 | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Disabling pansclerotic morphea of childhood | ClinVar | PMID:37256972 | STAT4 | Human | disabling pansclerotic morphea | | IAGP | (Homo sapiens) | 8554872 | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Disabling pansclerotic morphea of childhood | ClinVar | PMID:25741868 and PMID:28492532 | STAT4 | Human | immunodeficiency 31B | | IAGP | (Homo sapiens) | 8554872 | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Immunodeficiency 31B | ClinVar | PMID:28492532 | STAT4 | Human | immunodeficiency 31B | | IAGP | (Homo sapiens) | 8554872 | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Immunodeficiency 31B | ClinVar | PMID:22651901 and PMID:28492532 | STAT4 | Human | Neurodevelopmental Disorders | | IAGP | (Homo sapiens) | 8554872 | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Neurodevelopmental disorder | ClinVar | PMID:25741868 | STAT4 | Human | systemic lupus erythematosus | | IAGP | (Homo sapiens) more ... | 8554872 | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: STAT4-related condition | ClinVar | PMID:25741868 and PMID:28492532 | STAT4 | Human | systemic lupus erythematosus | | IAGP | (Homo sapiens) more ... | 8554872 | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: STAT4-related condition | ClinVar | PMID:28492532 | STAT4 | Human | systemic lupus erythematosus | | IAGP | (Homo sapiens) | 8554872 | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Systemic lupus erythematosus more ... | ClinVar | PMID:25741868 | STAT4 | Human | systemic lupus erythematosus | | IAGP | (Homo sapiens) | 8554872 | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Systemic lupus erythematosus more ... | ClinVar | PMID:17804842 more ... | |