Ldlr (low density lipoprotein receptor) - Rat Genome Database

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Gene: Ldlr (low density lipoprotein receptor) Mus musculus
Symbol: Ldlr
Name: low density lipoprotein receptor
RGD ID: 10864
Description: Enables several functions, including amyloid-beta binding activity; low-density lipoprotein particle binding activity; and low-density lipoprotein particle receptor activity. Involved in several processes, including endocytosis; regulation of inflammatory response; and regulation of lipid metabolic process. Acts upstream of or within several processes, including cholesterol homeostasis; lipoprotein catabolic process; and low-density lipoprotein particle clearance. Located in several cellular components, including basolateral plasma membrane; endosome; and lysosome. Is expressed in several structures, including alimentary system; genitourinary system; musculoskeletal system; nervous system; and sensory organ. Used to study familial hypercholesterolemia and steatotic liver disease. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in Alzheimer's disease; arteriosclerosis; familial hypercholesterolemia; hepatitis C; and migraine without aura. Orthologous to human LDLR (low density lipoprotein receptor).
Type: protein-coding
RefSeq Status: VALIDATED
Previously known as: Hlb301; LDL receptor; low-density lipoprotein receptor
RGD Orthologs
Green Monkey
Naked Mole-Rat
Alliance Orthologs
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Latest Assembly: GRCm39 - Mouse Genome Assembly GRCm39
Mouse AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCm39921,634,872 - 21,661,215 (+)NCBIGRCm39GRCm39mm39
GRCm39 Ensembl921,634,779 - 21,661,215 (+)EnsemblGRCm39 Ensembl
GRCm38921,723,576 - 21,749,919 (+)NCBIGRCm38GRCm38mm10GRCm38
GRCm38.p6 Ensembl921,723,483 - 21,749,919 (+)EnsemblGRCm38mm10GRCm38
MGSCv37921,528,038 - 21,554,363 (+)NCBIGRCm37MGSCv37mm9NCBIm37
MGSCv36921,474,180 - 21,498,819 (+)NCBIMGSCv36mm8
Celera918,993,187 - 19,019,513 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map9A3NCBI
cM Map97.87NCBI
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Disease Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View
Alcoholic Fatty Liver  (IEP)
alpha-mannosidosis  (ISO)
Alzheimer's disease  (IMP,ISO)
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis type 1  (ISO)
Animal Toxoplasmosis  (IMP)
aortic atherosclerosis  (ISO)
aortic dissection  (ISO)
arteriosclerosis  (ISO)
atherosclerosis  (IMP,ISO)
autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia  (ISO)
carotid artery dissection  (ISO)
Carotid Artery Dissection, Internal  (ISO)
carotid artery occlusion  (ISO)
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease dominant intermediate B  (ISO)
Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury  (ISO)
coronary artery disease  (ISO)
Coronary Disease  (ISO)
Dyslipidemias  (ISO)
episodic ataxia type 2  (ISO)
Experimental Diabetes Mellitus  (ISO)
familial combined hyperlipidemia  (ISO)
familial hypercholesterolemia  (IAGP,ISO)
Familial Hypercholesterolemia due to Ligand-Defective Apolipoprotein B  (ISO)
familial hyperlipidemia  (ISO)
glutaric acidemia I  (ISO)
hepatitis C  (ISO)
Hepatomegaly  (ISO)
Hypercholesterolemia  (IEP,ISO)
Hyperlipoproteinemia Type II  (ISO)
hyperlipoproteinemia type III  (ISO)
Hyperplasia  (ISO)
Hypertriglyceridemia  (ISO)
kidney disease  (IEP)
liver cirrhosis  (ISO)
metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease  (ISO)
Metabolic Syndrome  (IEP)
migraine without aura  (ISO)
myocardial infarction  (ISO)
obesity  (ISO)
Q fever  (ISO)
Reperfusion Injury  (ISO)
Rhabdoid Tumor Predisposition Syndrome 2  (ISO)
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome  (ISO)
steatotic liver disease  (IAGP,ISO)
Stroke  (ISO)
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability Najm type  (ISO)
systemic lupus erythematosus  (ISO)
xanthomatosis  (ISO)

Gene-Chemical Interaction Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View
(+)-isolariciresinol  (ISO)
(-)-epigallocatechin 3-gallate  (ISO)
(-)-trans-epsilon-viniferin  (ISO)
(1->4)-beta-D-glucan  (EXP)
(25R)-cholest-5-ene-3beta,26-diol  (ISO)
(2R,4R)-1-[(2S)-5-(diaminomethylideneamino)-2-[(3-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolin-8-yl)sulfonylamino]-1-oxopentyl]-4-methyl-2-piperidinecarboxylic acid  (EXP)
(S)-nicotine  (ISO)
1,1,1-Trichloro-2-(o-chlorophenyl)-2-(p-chlorophenyl)ethane  (ISO)
1,2-dimethylhydrazine  (EXP)
1-[(4-chlorophenyl)-phenylmethyl]-4-methylpiperazine  (ISO)
1-naphthyl isothiocyanate  (ISO)
11-dehydro-thromboxane B2  (ISO)
17alpha-ethynylestradiol  (ISO)
17beta-estradiol  (ISO)
17beta-hydroxy-17-methylestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one  (ISO)
17beta-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-3-one  (ISO)
2,2',4,4'-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether  (ISO)
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxine  (EXP,ISO)
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran  (ISO)
2,4-dibromophenyl 2,4,5-tribromophenyl ether  (EXP)
2-bromohexadecanoic acid  (ISO)
2-butoxyethanol  (EXP)
2-methylcholine  (ISO)
22-Hydroxycholesterol  (ISO)
25-hydroxycholesterol  (EXP,ISO)
26-hydroxycholesterol  (ISO)
3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl  (EXP,ISO)
3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine  (ISO)
3-chloropropane-1,2-diol  (ISO)
3-methylcholanthrene  (EXP)
4,4'-sulfonyldiphenol  (EXP)
4-hydroxy-TEMPO  (ISO)
4-hydroxyphenyl retinamide  (EXP,ISO)
6-propyl-2-thiouracil  (ISO)
8-Br-cAMP  (ISO)
acetamide  (ISO)
acetylsalicylic acid  (EXP,ISO)
acrolein  (ISO)
acrylamide  (EXP)
actinomycin D  (ISO)
aflatoxin B1  (ISO)
albuterol  (ISO)
aldehydo-D-glucose  (EXP)
all-trans-retinoic acid  (ISO)
alpha-pinene  (ISO)
amiodarone  (ISO)
ammonium chloride  (ISO)
amphotericin B  (EXP)
ampicillin  (EXP)
anthra[1,9-cd]pyrazol-6(2H)-one  (ISO)
arachidonic acid  (EXP,ISO)
Archazolid B  (ISO)
argatroban  (EXP)
arsane  (ISO)
arsenic atom  (ISO)
atazanavir sulfate  (ISO)
atorvastatin calcium  (ISO)
atrazine  (EXP,ISO)
aucubin  (EXP)
avobenzone  (ISO)
Azaspiracid  (ISO)
azoxystrobin  (ISO)
bathocuproine disulfonic acid  (ISO)
benzalkonium chloride  (EXP)
benzethonium chloride  (ISO)
benzo[a]pyrene  (EXP,ISO)
benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide I  (ISO)
berberine  (EXP,ISO)
bicalutamide  (ISO)
bifenthrin  (EXP)
bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate  (EXP,ISO)
bisphenol A  (EXP,ISO)
bromobenzene  (ISO)
butan-1-ol  (ISO)
Butylbenzyl phthalate  (EXP,ISO)
cadmium atom  (ISO)
cadmium dichloride  (ISO)
caffeine  (ISO)
calciol  (ISO)
calcitriol  (ISO)
captan  (EXP)
carbamazepine  (EXP,ISO)
carbofuran  (ISO)
carbon nanotube  (EXP,ISO)
carmustine  (ISO)
celastrol  (ISO)
cetylpyridinium  (ISO)
chenodeoxycholic acid  (ISO)
chlordecone  (EXP)
chloroquine  (EXP)
chlorpromazine  (ISO)
cholesterol  (EXP,ISO)
cholic acid  (ISO)
choline  (EXP)
chromium(6+)  (EXP,ISO)
ciguatoxin CTX1B  (EXP)
cisplatin  (EXP,ISO)
clofibrate  (ISO)
clozapine  (EXP,ISO)
cobalt dichloride  (ISO)
colesevelam hydrochloride  (EXP)
copper atom  (EXP,ISO)
copper(0)  (EXP,ISO)
copper(II) sulfate  (ISO)
cordycepin  (ISO)
corosolic acid  (ISO)
cortisol  (ISO)
coumestrol  (ISO)
crocidolite asbestos  (ISO)
crocin-1  (ISO)
curcumin  (EXP,ISO)
cycloheximide  (ISO)
cyclosporin A  (ISO)
cyproconazole  (EXP)
D-glucose  (EXP)
deoxycholic acid  (ISO)
desmosterol  (EXP)
desogestrel  (ISO)
dexamethasone  (ISO)
Di-n-hexyl phthalate  (ISO)
Di-n-octyl phthalate  (EXP)
diazinon  (ISO)
dibenzo[a,l]pyrene  (ISO)
Dibutyl phosphate  (ISO)
dibutyl phthalate  (EXP,ISO)
dicrotophos  (ISO)
Dicyclohexyl phthalate  (ISO)
dieldrin  (ISO)
diethyl maleate  (ISO)
diethyl phthalate  (EXP)
diisobutyl phthalate  (ISO)
Diisodecyl phthalate  (EXP)
diisononyl phthalate  (EXP,ISO)
dimethyl-(phenylmethyl)-[2-[2-[4-(2,4,4-trimethylpentan-2-yl)phenoxy]ethoxy]ethyl]ammonium  (ISO)
dimethylarsinic acid  (EXP)
dinophysistoxin 1  (ISO)
dioxygen  (ISO)
dipentyl phthalate  (ISO)
disodium selenite  (EXP)
diuron  (ISO)
dorsomorphin  (ISO)
doxorubicin  (ISO)
elemental selenium  (EXP,ISO)
endosulfan  (ISO)
Enterolactone  (ISO)
epoxiconazole  (EXP,ISO)
ethanol  (EXP,ISO)
ethyl methanesulfonate  (ISO)
ezetimibe  (ISO)
Febrifugine  (ISO)
fenthion  (EXP)
flufenamic acid  (ISO)
fluoranthene  (EXP)
flusilazole  (EXP)
flutamide  (ISO)
fluvastatin  (ISO)
folic acid  (EXP,ISO)
formaldehyde  (ISO)
gallic acid  (ISO)
Ganoderic acid A  (EXP,ISO)
gedunin  (ISO)
genistein  (EXP)
geraniol  (EXP)
Ginsenoside Rh4  (EXP)
glucose  (EXP)
glycochenodeoxycholic acid  (ISO)
glycocholic acid  (ISO)
glycodeoxycholic acid  (ISO)
graphene oxide  (EXP)
GW 3965  (ISO)
haloperidol  (ISO)
hexaconazole  (EXP)
hexadecanoic acid  (ISO)
hydrazine  (EXP)
hydrogen peroxide  (EXP,ISO)
ibuprofen  (ISO)
indometacin  (EXP,ISO)
isobutanol  (ISO)
isoflavones  (ISO)
isotretinoin  (ISO)
L-ascorbic acid  (EXP,ISO)
L-methionine  (EXP)
lead diacetate  (EXP,ISO)
lead(0)  (ISO)
leflunomide  (EXP,ISO)
levonorgestrel  (ISO)
lipopolysaccharide  (EXP,ISO)
lithocholic acid  (EXP)
lovastatin  (EXP,ISO)
lycopene  (ISO)
Maduramicin  (ISO)
menadione  (ISO)
metformin  (EXP,ISO)
methyl methanesulfonate  (ISO)
methylarsonic acid  (EXP)
methylmercury chloride  (ISO)
metronidazole  (EXP)
microcystin-LR  (EXP)
mifepristone  (ISO)
mitogen  (EXP)
monocrotophos  (ISO)
monosodium L-glutamate  (EXP)
N-desethylamiodarone  (ISO)
nefazodone  (ISO)
neomycin  (EXP)
nickel atom  (ISO)
nickel dichloride  (ISO)
nicotine  (ISO)
obeticholic acid  (ISO)
okadaic acid  (ISO)
olanzapine  (EXP,ISO)
oleic acid  (ISO)
ozone  (ISO)
paclitaxel  (ISO)
paracetamol  (ISO)
paraquat  (ISO)
perfluorononanoic acid  (ISO)
perfluorooctane-1-sulfonic acid  (EXP,ISO)
perfluorooctanoic acid  (EXP,ISO)
permethrin  (ISO)
Phenelzine  (EXP)
phenobarbital  (EXP,ISO)
phenylephrine  (ISO)
phenylmercury acetate  (ISO)
phenylpropanolamine  (ISO)
phorbol 13-acetate 12-myristate  (ISO)
phosgene  (EXP)
pioglitazone  (EXP)
pirinixic acid  (EXP,ISO)
piroxicam  (ISO)
potassium chromate  (ISO)
potassium dichromate  (ISO)
pravastatin  (EXP,ISO)
proanthocyanidin  (ISO)
progesterone  (EXP,ISO)
propamocarb  (EXP)
pterostilbene  (ISO)
puerarin  (ISO)
puromycin  (ISO)
quercetin  (ISO)
quercetin 3-O-beta-D-glucofuranoside  (ISO)
quercetin 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside  (ISO)
raloxifene  (ISO)
rebaudioside A  (EXP)
resveratrol  (ISO)
rifampicin  (EXP)
risperidone  (EXP)
rotenone  (ISO)
rottlerin  (ISO)
SB 431542  (ISO)
selenium atom  (EXP,ISO)
silicon dioxide  (ISO)
silver atom  (ISO)
silver(0)  (ISO)
simvastatin  (EXP,ISO)
sodium arsenate  (EXP)
sodium arsenite  (EXP,ISO)
sotorasib  (ISO)
steviol  (EXP)
stevioside  (EXP)
streptozocin  (EXP)
sucrose  (ISO)
sulindac sulfide  (ISO)
sunitinib  (ISO)
tamoxifen  (EXP,ISO)
tert-butyl hydroperoxide  (ISO)
tetrachloromethane  (EXP)
thapsigargin  (ISO)
thioacetamide  (ISO)
titanium dioxide  (EXP)
trametinib  (ISO)
triadimefon  (EXP,ISO)
trichloroethene  (ISO)
triclosan  (ISO)
triphenyl phosphate  (EXP,ISO)
triphenylstannane  (ISO)
triptonide  (EXP)
tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate  (EXP)
troglitazone  (ISO)
trovafloxacin  (EXP)
tunicamycin  (ISO)
urethane  (ISO)
valproic acid  (EXP,ISO)
vancomycin  (EXP)
vinclozolin  (ISO)
vorinostat  (ISO)
Yessotoxin  (ISO)
zearalenone  (ISO)
zinc atom  (EXP,ISO)
zinc(0)  (EXP,ISO)
zoledronic acid  (ISO)

Gene Ontology Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

Biological Process
amyloid-beta clearance  (IGI)
amyloid-beta clearance by cellular catabolic process  (IDA)
artery morphogenesis  (IMP)
cellular response to fatty acid  (IGI)
cellular response to low-density lipoprotein particle stimulus  (ISO)
cholesterol homeostasis  (IBA,IGI,IMP,ISO)
cholesterol import  (IMP,ISO)
cholesterol metabolic process  (IMP)
cholesterol transport  (IMP,ISO)
endocytosis  (ISO)
establishment of localization in cell  (IMP)
high-density lipoprotein particle clearance  (IGI)
intestinal cholesterol absorption  (ISO)
lipid metabolic process  (IGI)
lipid transport  (IEA)
lipoprotein catabolic process  (IDA,IMP)
lipoprotein metabolic process  (IGI)
long-term memory  (IGI,ISO)
low-density lipoprotein particle clearance  (IDA,IMP,ISO)
negative regulation of amyloid fibril formation  (IGI)
negative regulation of astrocyte activation  (IGI)
negative regulation of gene expression  (IMP)
negative regulation of low-density lipoprotein particle clearance  (ISO)
negative regulation of microglial cell activation  (IGI)
negative regulation of protein metabolic process  (IDA)
negative regulation of receptor recycling  (ISO)
phagocytosis  (IDA)
phospholipid transport  (IMP)
plasma lipoprotein particle clearance  (IDA)
positive regulation of gene expression  (IGI,IMP)
positive regulation of inflammatory response  (IGI)
positive regulation of lysosomal protein catabolic process  (IDA)
positive regulation of triglyceride biosynthetic process  (IMP)
positive regulation of triglyceride catabolic process  (ISO)
receptor-mediated endocytosis  (IDA)
receptor-mediated endocytosis involved in cholesterol transport  (IBA,ISO)
regulation of cholesterol metabolic process  (IGI)
regulation of phosphatidylcholine catabolic process  (IMP)
regulation of protein metabolic process  (IGI,ISO)
response to caloric restriction  (IGI,ISO)
response to estradiol  (ISO)
response to estrogen  (ISO)
response to ethanol  (ISO)
response to glucagon  (ISO)
response to hormone  (ISO)
response to hypoxia  (ISO)
steroid metabolic process  (IEA)
transcytosis  (ISO)

Molecular Pathway Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View
Phenotype Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

Mammalian Phenotype
abdominal aorta aneurysm  (IAGP)
abnormal adrenal gland morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal adrenal gland zona fasciculata morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal aorta bulb morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal aorta elastic fiber morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal aorta elastic tissue morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal aortic valve morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal arteriole morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal artery morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal ascending aorta morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal astrocyte morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal auditory brainstem response  (IEA)
abnormal beige fat cell morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal bile secretion  (IAGP)
abnormal blood coagulation  (IAGP)
abnormal brain morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal Bruch membrane morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal cardiovascular system physiology  (IAGP)
abnormal cellular extravasation  (IAGP)
abnormal cerebellum morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal cholesterol homeostasis  (IAGP)
abnormal cholesterol level  (IAGP)
abnormal choriocapillaris morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal circulating amino acid level  (IAGP)
abnormal circulating apolipoprotein E level  (IAGP)
abnormal circulating apolipoprotein level  (IAGP)
abnormal circulating cholesterol level  (IAGP)
abnormal circulating enzyme level  (IAGP)
abnormal circulating LDL cholesterol level  (IAGP)
abnormal circulating lipid level  (IAGP)
abnormal circulating protein level  (IAGP)
abnormal circulating VLDL cholesterol level  (IAGP)
abnormal CNS glial cell morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal dermal layer morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal epididymal fat pad morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal eye electrophysiology  (IAGP)
abnormal fasting circulating glucose level  (IAGP)
abnormal fat pad morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal feces lipid level  (IAGP)
abnormal food intake  (IAGP)
abnormal glucose homeostasis  (IAGP)
abnormal heart left ventricle morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal heart ventricles weight  (IAGP)
abnormal hippocampus morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal impulse conducting system conduction  (IAGP)
abnormal interleukin secretion  (IAGP)
abnormal leukocyte migration  (IAGP)
abnormal lipid homeostasis  (IAGP)
abnormal lipid level  (IAGP)
abnormal liver morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal liver physiology  (IAGP)
abnormal long-term spatial reference memory  (IAGP)
abnormal macrophage derived foam cell morphology  (IAGP)
abnormal macrophage physiology  (IAGP)
abnormal microglial cell morphology  (IAGP)