Gene: RNU6-1024P (RNA, U6 small nuclear 1024, pseudogene) Homo sapiens |
Analyze |
Symbol: |
RNU6-1024P |
Name: |
RNA, U6 small nuclear 1024, pseudogene |
10399941 |
HGNC Page |
HGNC:47987 |
Description: |
INTERACTS WITH glyphosate |
Type: |
pseudo (Ensembl: snRNA)
RefSeq Status: |
RGD Orthologs |
Alliance Orthologs |
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Related Functional Gene: |
Latest Assembly: |
GRCh38 - Human Genome Assembly GRCh38 |
Position: |
Human Assembly | Chr | Position (strand) | Source | Genome Browsers |
JBrowse | NCBI | UCSC | Ensembl |
GRCh38 | 3 | 15,433,111 - 15,433,216 (-) | NCBI | GRCh38 | GRCh38 | hg38 | GRCh38 | GRCh38.p14 Ensembl | 3 | 15,433,110 - 15,433,216 (-) | Ensembl | GRCh38 | | hg38 | GRCh38 | GRCh37 | 3 | 15,474,618 - 15,474,723 (-) | NCBI | GRCh37 | GRCh37 | hg19 | GRCh37 | Cytogenetic Map | 3 | p25.1 | NCBI | | | | | CHM1_1 | 3 | 15,425,499 - 15,425,604 (-) | NCBI | | CHM1_1 | | | T2T-CHM13v2.0 | 3 | 15,435,522 - 15,435,627 (-) | NCBI | | T2T-CHM13v2.0 | | |
JBrowse: |
View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)
Model |
Comparative Map Data
RNU6-1024P (Homo sapiens - human) |
Human Assembly | Chr | Position (strand) | Source | Genome Browsers |
JBrowse | NCBI | UCSC | Ensembl |
GRCh38 | 3 | 15,433,111 - 15,433,216 (-) | NCBI | GRCh38 | GRCh38 | hg38 | GRCh38 | GRCh38.p14 Ensembl | 3 | 15,433,110 - 15,433,216 (-) | Ensembl | GRCh38 | | hg38 | GRCh38 | GRCh37 | 3 | 15,474,618 - 15,474,723 (-) | NCBI | GRCh37 | GRCh37 | hg19 | GRCh37 | Cytogenetic Map | 3 | p25.1 | NCBI | | | | | CHM1_1 | 3 | 15,425,499 - 15,425,604 (-) | NCBI | | CHM1_1 | | | T2T-CHM13v2.0 | 3 | 15,435,522 - 15,435,627 (-) | NCBI | | T2T-CHM13v2.0 | | |
Rnu6-630 (Rattus norvegicus - Norway rat) |
Rat Assembly | Chr | Position (strand) | Source | Genome Browsers |
JBrowse | NCBI | UCSC | Ensembl |
GRCr8 | 1 | 252,992,903 - 252,993,009 (+) | NCBI | | GRCr8 | | | mRatBN7.2 | 1 | 243,043,698 - 243,043,804 (+) | NCBI | mRatBN7.2 | mRatBN7.2 | | | mRatBN7.2 Ensembl | 1 | 243,043,698 - 243,043,804 (+) | Ensembl | | mRatBN7.2 Ensembl | | | Rnor_6.0 Ensembl | 1 | 263,932,986 - 263,933,091 (+) | NCBI | Rnor6.0 | | rn6 | Rnor6.0 | Cytogenetic Map | 1 | q54 | NCBI | | | | |
miRNA Target Status
Predicted Target Of
Count of predictions: | 111 | Count of miRNA genes: | 109 | Interacting mature miRNAs: | 111 | Transcripts: | ENST00000384199 | Prediction methods: | Miranda, Rnahybrid | Result types: | miRGate_prediction | |