Phenominer Database Results (4 results)


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Strain Phenotype Conditions Study Experiment Name Sex Age # of Animals Value Units SEM SD Method Method Duration Post Insult Time Value Method Notes Record ID Study ID
LEXF10A/Stm post-insult time to onset of leukemia controlled N-propyl-N-nitrosourea content drinking water (400 mg/l) (for 50 days) Lu LM, et al., Br J Cancer 1999 May;80(5-6):855-61. leukocyte integrity trait not specified 40 days-365 days 30 163.7 d 1.86 10.2 ex vivo light microscopy with immunohistochemistry 0.0 0 light microscopy with immuno 70078 1280
LEXF10A/Stm percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time controlled N-propyl-N-nitrosourea content drinking water (400 mg/l) (for 50 days) Lu LM, et al., Br J Cancer 1999 May;80(5-6):855-61. leukocyte integrity trait not specified 40 days-365 days 30 80.0 % fluorescence-activated cell sorting method 0.0 0 70010 1280
LEXF10A/Stm post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma controlled N-propyl-N-nitrosourea content drinking water (400 mg/l) (for 50 days) Lu LM, et al., Br J Cancer 1999 May;80(5-6):855-61. leukocyte integrity trait not specified 40 days-365 days 30 130.7 d 5.57 30.5 fluorescence-activated cell sorting method 0.0 0 70033 1280
LEXF10A/Stm percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time controlled N-propyl-N-nitrosourea content drinking water (400 mg/l) (for 50 days) Lu LM, et al., Br J Cancer 1999 May;80(5-6):855-61. leukocyte integrity trait not specified 40 days-365 days 30 13.3 % ex vivo light microscopy with immunohistochemistry 0.0 0 light microscopy with immuno 70056 1280