Phenominer Database Results (70 results)


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Strain Phenotype Conditions Study Experiment Name Sex Age # of Animals Average Type Value Units SEM SD Method Method Duration Post Insult Time Value Method Notes Clinical Measurement Notes Record ID Study ID
LEXF1C/Stm body weight specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Body Weight data body mass male 35 days 6 86.4 g 1.14 2.8 whole body digital scale 0 70836 21
LEXF1C/Stm liver wet weight specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data liver mass male 70 days 6 7.17 g 0.16 0.4 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72373 41
LEXF1C/Stm both testes wet weight specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data testis mass male 70 days 6 2.88 g 0.03 0.08 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72381 41
LEXF1C/Stm blood hemoglobin level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood hemoglobin amount male 70 days 6 16.0 g/dl 0.12 0.3 automated cell/particle size/count analysis method 0 Sysmex, F-800 type 78691 1498
LEXF1C/Stm activated partial thromboplastin time fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood coagulation trait male 70 days 6 16.0 s 0.98 2.4 automated coagulometer method 0 Sysmex, CA-3000 type 78699 1498
LEXF1C/Stm white blood cell count fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data leukocyte quantity male 70 days 6 4.1 x 1000 cells/ul 0.45 1.1 automated cell/particle size/count analysis method 0 Sysmex, F-800 type 78696 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma total cholesterol level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood cholesterol amount male 70 days 6 88.0 mg/dl 5.31 13.0 automated plasma analysis 0 PMID:15591307 78707 1498
LEXF1C/Stm body weight specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Body Weight data body mass male 42 days 6 130.6 g 1.67 4.1 whole body digital scale 0 70838 21
LEXF1C/Stm percentage of study population developing T-cell lymphomas during a period of time controlled N-propyl-N-nitrosourea content drinking water (400 mg/l) (for 50 days) Lu LM, et al., Br J Cancer 1999 May;80(5-6):855-61. leukocyte integrity trait not specified 40 days-365 days 23 95.6 % fluorescence-activated cell sorting method 0.0 0 69996 1280
LEXF1C/Stm urine chloride level 0.9% sodium chloride solution (25 ml/kg) NBRP Urine Volume and Urine Electrolyte data urine chloride amount male 63 days 6 170.0 mEq/L 9.8 24.0 automated urine analysis 0 95282 1662
LEXF1C/Stm brain wet weight specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data brain mass male 70 days 6 1.82 g 0.03 0.07 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72367 41
LEXF1C/Stm heart weight to body weight ratio specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data heart mass male 70 days 6 3.31 g/kg 0.09 0.23 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72370 41
LEXF1C/Stm liver weight as percentage of body weight specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data liver mass male 70 days 6 2.99 % 0.04 0.1 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72374 41
LEXF1C/Stm both adrenal glands wet weight specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data adrenal gland mass male 70 days 6 36.7 mg 0.65 1.6 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72377 41
LEXF1C/Stm both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data adrenal gland mass male 70 days 6 15.3 mg/100g 0.29 0.7 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72378 41
LEXF1C/Stm platelet count fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data platelet quantity male 70 days 6 834.0 x 1000 /ul 10.61 26.0 automated cell/particle size/count analysis method 0 Sysmex, F-800 type 78697 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma chloride level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood chloride amount male 70 days 6 103.0 mmol/l 0.41 1.0 automated blood electrolyte analysis 0 Analytical intruments, PVA alpha II 78718 1498
LEXF1C/Stm timed urine volume to body weight ratio 0.9% sodium chloride solution (25 ml/kg) NBRP Urine Volume and Urine Electrolyte data urine output male 63 days 6 0.06 ul/min/g 0.0 0.01 metabolic cage urine volume measurement method 0 95277 1662
LEXF1C/Stm urine potassium level 0.9% sodium chloride solution (25 ml/kg) NBRP Urine Volume and Urine Electrolyte data urine potassium amount male 63 days 6 114.8 mmol/l 8.21 20.1 automated urine analysis 0 Analytical intruments, PVA alpha II 95280 1662
LEXF1C/Stm red blood cell count fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data erythrocyte quantity male 70 days 6 8.61 x 10E6 cells/ul 0.11 0.26 automated cell/particle size/count analysis method 0 Sysmex, F-800 type 78690 1498
LEXF1C/Stm prothrombin time fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood coagulation trait male 70 days 6 14.1 s 0.08 0.2 automated coagulometer method 0 Sysmex, CA-3000 type 78698 1498
LEXF1C/Stm brain weight to body weight ratio specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data brain mass male 70 days 6 0.76 % 0.01 0.03 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72368 41
LEXF1C/Stm both kidneys wet weight specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data kidney mass male 70 days 6 1.49 g 0.02 0.06 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72375 41
LEXF1C/Stm lung wet weight specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data lung mass male 70 days 6 1.03 g 0.02 0.05 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72371 41
LEXF1C/Stm blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data neutrophil quantity male 70 days 6 0.0 % 0.0 0.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0 May-Giemsa staining band neutrophil % 78721 1498
LEXF1C/Stm urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio 0.9% sodium chloride solution (25 ml/kg) NBRP Urine Volume and Urine Electrolyte data urine potassium amount male 63 days 6 260.0 uEq/100g/6 hrs 22.86 56.0 automated urine analysis 0 Analytical intruments, PVA alpha II 95281 1662
LEXF1C/Stm urine sodium level 0.9% sodium chloride solution (25 ml/kg) NBRP Urine Volume and Urine Electrolyte data urine sodium amount male 63 days 6 142.6 mmol/l 6.98 17.1 automated urine analysis 0 Analytical intruments, PVA alpha II 95278 1662
LEXF1C/Stm mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood hemoglobin amount male 70 days 6 29.5 g/dl 0.2 0.5 automated cell/particle size/count analysis method 0 Sysmex, F-800 type 78695 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma total bilirubin level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood bilirubin amount male 70 days 6 0.01 mg/dl 0.0 0.01 automated plasma analysis 0 PMID:15591307 total plasma bilirubin level 78711 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma sodium level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood sodium amount male 70 days 6 145.1 mmol/l 0.16 0.4 automated blood electrolyte analysis 0 Analytical intruments, PVA alpha II 78716 1498
LEXF1C/Stm post-insult time to onset of T-cell lymphoma controlled N-propyl-N-nitrosourea content drinking water (400 mg/l) (for 50 days) Lu LM, et al., Br J Cancer 1999 May;80(5-6):855-61. leukocyte integrity trait not specified 40 days-365 days 23 111.0 d 3.46 16.6 fluorescence-activated cell sorting method 0.0 0 70019 1280
LEXF1C/Stm percentage of study population developing leukemia during a period of time controlled N-propyl-N-nitrosourea content drinking water (400 mg/l) (for 50 days) Lu LM, et al., Br J Cancer 1999 May;80(5-6):855-61. leukocyte integrity trait not specified 40 days-365 days 23 4.3 % ex vivo light microscopy with immunohistochemistry 0.0 0 light microscopy with immuno 70042 1280
LEXF1C/Stm lung weight to body weight ratio specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data lung mass male 70 days 6 0.43 % 0.01 0.02 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72372 41
LEXF1C/Stm both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data kidney mass male 70 days 6 0.62 % 0.01 0.02 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72376 41
LEXF1C/Stm spleen wet weight specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data spleen mass male 70 days 6 0.45 g 0.01 0.03 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72379 41
LEXF1C/Stm both testes wet weight to body weight ratio specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data testis mass male 70 days 6 1.2 % 0.02 0.06 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72382 41
LEXF1C/Stm post-insult time to onset of leukemia controlled N-propyl-N-nitrosourea content drinking water (400 mg/l) (for 50 days) Lu LM, et al., Br J Cancer 1999 May;80(5-6):855-61. leukocyte integrity trait not specified 40 days-365 days 23 97.0 d ex vivo light microscopy with immunohistochemistry 0.0 0 light microscopy with immuno 70064 1280
LEXF1C/Stm mean corpuscular volume fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data erythrocyte size trait male 70 days 6 62.9 fl 0.61 1.5 automated cell/particle size/count analysis method 0 Sysmex, F-800 type 78693 1498
LEXF1C/Stm mean corpuscular hemoglobin fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood hemoglobin amount male 70 days 6 18.6 pg 0.12 0.3 automated cell/particle size/count analysis method 0 Sysmex, F-800 type 78694 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma albumin level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood albumin amount male 70 days 6 0.37 g/l 0.01 0.02 automated plasma albumin analysis 0 Hitachi, model 7170 78704 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood LDL cholesterol amount male 70 days 6 9.0 mg/dl 1.22 3.0 automated plasma analysis 0 PMID:15591307 78709 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma potassium level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood potassium amount male 70 days 6 4.0 mmol/l 0.09 0.23 automated blood electrolyte analysis 0 Analytical intruments, PVA alpha II 78717 1498
LEXF1C/Stm blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data eosinophil quantity male 70 days 6 1.0 % 0.41 1.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0 May-Giemsa staining 78720 1498
LEXF1C/Stm systolic blood pressure specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Blood Pressure and Heart Rate data arterial blood pressure trait male 56 days-70 days 6 serial mean 128.0 mmHg 4.49 11.0 tail cuff photoplethysmography 0 NP-NIBP Monitor MK-2000, Muromachi Kikai Co., Ltd, Japan 75090 14
LEXF1C/Stm heart rate specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Blood Pressure and Heart Rate data heart pumping trait male 56 days-70 days 6 serial mean 424.0 beats/min 9.39 23.0 tail cuff photoplethysmography 0 NP-NIBP Monitor MK-2000, Muromachi Kikai Co., Ltd, Japan 75091 14
LEXF1C/Stm blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data monocyte quantity male 70 days 6 0.0 % 0.0 0.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0 May-Giemsa staining 78724 1498
LEXF1C/Stm blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data neutrophil quantity male 70 days 6 13.0 % 1.63 4.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0 May-Giemsa staining segmented neutrophil % 78722 1498
LEXF1C/Stm timed urine volume 0.9% sodium chloride solution (25 ml/kg) NBRP Urine Volume and Urine Electrolyte data urine output male 63 days 6 23.08 ml/d 1.5 3.68 metabolic cage urine volume measurement method 0 95276 1662
LEXF1C/Stm body temperature specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Body Temperature data body temperature trait male 56 days-70 days 6 serial mean 38.0 degrees C 0.16 0.4 digital rectal thermometry 0 75092 22
LEXF1C/Stm body weight specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Body Weight data body mass male 70 days 6 251.7 g 3.67 9.0 whole body digital scale 0 70837 21
LEXF1C/Stm heart wet weight specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data heart mass male 70 days 6 0.79 g 0.02 0.05 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72369 41
LEXF1C/Stm spleen weight to body weight ratio specific pathogen-free condition NBRP Organ Weight data spleen mass male 70 days 6 0.19 % 0.01 0.01 Shimadzu electronic balance post excision weight measurement 0 72380 41
LEXF1C/Stm plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood alanine transaminase amount male 70 days 6 43.0 U/l 1.63 4.0 automated plasma analysis 0 PMID:15591307 78701 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood alkaline phosphatase amount male 70 days 6 266.0 IU/l 7.35 18.0 automated plasma analysis 0 PMID:15591307 78702 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood albumin amount male 70 days 6 1.43 null 0.03 0.08 automated plasma protein analysis 0 Hitachi, model 7170 plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio 78705 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma urea nitrogen level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood urea nitrogen amount male 70 days 6 7.32 mmol/l 0.19 0.46 automated plasma analysis 0 PMID:15591307 78712 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma triglyceride level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood triglyceride amount male 70 days 6 0.93 mmol/l 0.09 0.23 automated plasma analysis 0 PMID:15591307 78710 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma creatinine level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood creatinine amount male 70 days 6 0.27 mg/dl 0.0 0.01 automated plasma creatinine analysis 0 Hitachi, model 7170 78713 1498
LEXF1C/Stm total plasma calcium level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood calcium amount male 70 days 6 10.1 mg/dl 0.16 0.4 automated blood electrolyte analysis 0 Hitachi, model 7170 78715 1498
LEXF1C/Stm non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data leukocyte quantity male 70 days 6 0.0 % 0.0 0.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0 May-Giemsa staining unidentified differential wbc 78725 1498
LEXF1C/Stm blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data lymphocyte quantity male 70 days 6 86.0 % 2.04 5.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0 May-Giemsa staining 78723 1498
LEXF1C/Stm urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio 0.9% sodium chloride solution (25 ml/kg) NBRP Urine Volume and Urine Electrolyte data urine chloride amount male 63 days 6 385.0 uEq/100g/6 hrs 30.21 74.0 automated urine analysis 0 95283 1662
LEXF1C/Stm hematocrit fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data erythrocyte quantity male 70 days 6 54.1 % 0.49 1.2 automated cell/particle size/count analysis method 0 Sysmex, F-800 type 78692 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood aspartate transaminase amount male 70 days 6 68.0 U/l 3.27 8.0 automated plasma analysis 0 PMID:15591307 78700 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood HDL cholesterol amount male 70 days 6 56.3 mg/dl 3.14 7.7 automated plasma analysis 0 PMID:15591307 78708 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma glucose level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood glucose amount male 70 days 6 152.0 mg/dl 5.31 13.0 automated plasma analysis 0 PMID:15591307 78706 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma total protein level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood total protein amount male 70 days 6 63.0 mg/ml 0.82 2.0 automated plasma total protein analysis 0 Hitachi, model 7170 78703 1498
LEXF1C/Stm plasma phosphate level fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data blood phosphate amount male 70 days 6 7.3 mg/dl 0.12 0.3 automated blood electrolyte analysis 0 Hitachi, model 7170 78714 1498
LEXF1C/Stm blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data basophil quantity male 70 days 6 0.0 % 0.0 0.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0 May-Giemsa staining 78719 1498
LEXF1C/Stm urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio 0.9% sodium chloride solution (25 ml/kg) NBRP Urine Volume and Urine Electrolyte data urine sodium amount male 63 days 6 0.01 uEq/min/g 0.0 0.0 automated urine analysis 0 Analytical intruments, PVA alpha II 95279 1662