Phenominer Database Results (7 results)


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Strain Phenotype Conditions Study Experiment Name Sex Age # of Animals Value Units SEM SD Method Method Duration Post Insult Time Value Method Notes Clinical Measurement Notes Record ID Study ID
DMY/Kyo blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data neutrophil quantity male 70 days 6 1.0 % 0.41 1.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0 May-Giemsa staining band neutrophil % 76836 1498
DMY/Kyo blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data basophil quantity male 70 days 6 0.0 % 0.0 0.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0 May-Giemsa staining 76834 1498
DMY/Kyo blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data monocyte quantity male 70 days 6 1.0 % 0.41 1.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0 May-Giemsa staining 76839 1498
DMY/Kyo blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data eosinophil quantity male 70 days 6 0.0 % 0.41 1.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0 May-Giemsa staining 76835 1498
DMY/Kyo blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data neutrophil quantity male 70 days 6 11.0 % 2.04 5.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0 May-Giemsa staining segmented neutrophil % 76837 1498
DMY/Kyo blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data lymphocyte quantity male 70 days 6 88.0 % 2.04 5.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0 May-Giemsa staining 76838 1498
DMY/Kyo non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio fasting (for 16 hours) NBRP Hematology & Blood Biochemistry data leukocyte quantity male 70 days 6 0.0 % 0.0 0.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0 May-Giemsa staining unidentified differential wbc 76840 1498