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Methionine is an essential amino acid derived from diet and necessary for normal mammalian growth and development. As an amino acid methionine is used for the synthesis of proteins while its metabolic cycle provides a number of metabolites important for a range of other metabolic pathways and processes. Methionine adenosyltransferases (Mat) catalyze the formation of S-adenosylmethionine (known as AdoMet or SAM) using ATP in two consecutive reactions of which the second is rate-limiting. Mammals

Pathway Diagram:

Ariadne Genomics Inc. S-adenosylmethioninamine ---> methylthioadenosine dimethylglycine ---| Bhmt Srm Sms polyamine metabolic pathway S-adenosylmethionine ---> S-adenosylhomocysteine AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases betaine 5-methyl-THF THF dimethylglycine homocysteine methylthioadenosine spermine metabolic pathway methyl group transfer  to carbon, nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur atoms on proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, small molecules Cbl ATP ---> S-adenosylmethionine methylthioadenosine ---> 1-phosphomethylthioribose AdoMet radical reactions involved in co-factor and other natural products biosynthesis in anaerobic organisms S-adenosylmethionine ---> S-adenosylmethioninamine spermidine metabolic pathway Mtap S-adenosylmethioninamine 1-phosphomethylthioribose ATP methionine adenosine Mtrr ---> Mtr Mtrr Mat2b ---> Mat2a Mat2b folate cycle metabolic pathway Amd1 S-adenosylhomocysteine ---| AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases homocysteine metabolic pathway diet ---> methionine diet 5-methyl-THF ---> THF adenosine <--> S-adenosylhomocysteine Ahcy Mat2a Mat1a 1-phosphomethylthioribose ---> methionine methionine ---> protein biosynthesis protein biosynthesis methionine ---> S-adenosylmethionine S-adenosylmethionine ---> AdoMet radical reactions involved in co-factor and other natural products biosynthesis in anaerobic organisms Mtr homocysteine <--> S-adenosylhomocysteine folate mediated one-carbon metabolic pathway homocysteine ---> methionine Bhmt betaine ---> dimethylglycine S-adenosylhomocysteine S-adenosylmethionine

Genes in Pathway:

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methionine cycle/metabolic pathway term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ahcy adenosylhomocysteinase TAS
PMID:11741948 PMID:23073625 PMID:2292587 SMP:00033, RGD:730275, RGD:7242425, RGD:7242932 NCBI chr 3:143,569,134...143,584,359
Ensembl chr 3:143,569,094...143,584,393
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G Amd1 adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 1 ISO
PMID:23073625 PMID:2292587 SMP:00033, RGD:7242425, RGD:7242932 NCBI chr20:43,695,783...43,711,476
Ensembl chr20:43,697,237...43,711,476
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G As3mt arsenite methyltransferase TAS RGD PMID:11790780 RGD:625365 NCBI chr 1:245,595,939...245,628,921
Ensembl chr 1:245,596,108...245,627,872
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G Asmt acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase IDA RGD PMID:12198599 RGD:1359073 NCBI chr12:16,304,719...16,309,568
Ensembl chr12:16,304,719...16,309,568
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G Bhmt betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase IDA
PMID:15845641 PMID:23073625 SMP:00033, RGD:1359026, RGD:7242425 NCBI chr 2:24,859,871...24,879,449
Ensembl chr 2:24,859,873...24,879,742
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G Carm1 coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase 1 ISO RGD PMID:15866169 PMID:21074527 RGD:1359044, RGD:7242552 NCBI chr 8:20,097,262...20,141,950
Ensembl chr 8:20,097,254...20,147,689
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G Cbs cystathionine beta synthase ISO SMPDB SMP:00033 NCBI chr20:9,708,089...9,732,623
Ensembl chr20:9,708,090...9,732,764
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G Chdh choline dehydrogenase ISO SMPDB SMP:00033 NCBI chr16:5,194,269...5,225,541
Ensembl chr16:5,194,269...5,225,537
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G Comt catechol-O-methyltransferase TAS RGD PMID:12584150 RGD:1359089 NCBI chr11:82,568,052...82,587,642
Ensembl chr11:82,568,025...82,587,642
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G Cth cystathionine gamma-lyase ISO SMPDB SMP:00033 NCBI chr 2:246,975,888...247,002,234
Ensembl chr 2:246,975,894...247,002,234
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G Dnmt1 DNA methyltransferase 1 TAS
PMID:12473678 PMID:22342103 SMP:00033, RGD:1359078, RGD:7242551 NCBI chr 8:19,440,611...19,486,659
Ensembl chr 8:19,440,611...19,486,659
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G Dnmt3a DNA methyltransferase 3 alpha ISO RGD PMID:22342103 RGD:7242551 NCBI chr 6:26,791,517...26,902,161
Ensembl chr 6:26,822,609...26,896,687
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G Dnmt3b DNA methyltransferase 3 beta ISO RGD PMID:22342103 RGD:7242551 NCBI chr 3:142,130,588...142,169,128
Ensembl chr 3:142,130,592...142,169,124
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G Dot1l DOT1 like histone lysine methyltransferase ISO RGD PMID:12628190 PMID:22194015 RGD:1359080, RGD:7242554 NCBI chr 7:8,918,764...8,959,474
Ensembl chr 7:8,917,786...8,956,475
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G Ezh2 enhancer of zeste 2 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit ISO RGD PMID:22194015 RGD:7242554 NCBI chr 4:76,624,399...76,687,362
Ensembl chr 4:76,624,399...76,687,362
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G Gamt guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase IDA RGD PMID:15533043 RGD:1359081 NCBI chr 7:9,448,590...9,451,413
Ensembl chr 7:9,448,628...9,451,778
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G Gnmt glycine N-methyltransferase IDA
RGD PMID:15347642 PMID:23073625 PMID:22342103 RGD:1359070, RGD:7242425, RGD:7242551 NCBI chr 9:14,254,675...14,258,028
Ensembl chr 9:14,254,675...14,258,434
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G Hnmt histamine N-methyltransferase ISS RGD PMID:11566133 RGD:1359041 NCBI chr 3:6,591,804...6,623,821
Ensembl chr 3:6,591,463...6,624,012
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G Icmt isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase ISS RGD PMID:15625008 RGD:1359083 NCBI chr 5:162,804,368...162,811,129
Ensembl chr 5:162,804,368...162,811,128
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G Il4i1 interleukin 4 induced 1 ISO SMPDB SMP:00033 NCBI chr 1:95,299,457...95,324,564
Ensembl chr 1:95,295,601...95,324,562
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G Kmt5a lysine methyltransferase 5A ISO RGD PMID:22194015 RGD:7242554 NCBI chr12:32,139,353...32,167,777
Ensembl chr12:32,139,178...32,162,711
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G Mars1 methionyl-tRNA synthetase 1 ISO SMPDB SMP:00033 NCBI chr 7:63,121,142...63,138,550
Ensembl chr 7:63,121,142...63,138,495
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G Mat1a methionine adenosyltransferase 1A IDA
RGD PMID:9202427 PMID:23073625 PMID:2292587 RGD:1359039, RGD:7242425, RGD:7242932 NCBI chr16:16,983,084...17,001,284
Ensembl chr16:16,983,022...17,001,274
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G Mat2a methionine adenosyltransferase 2A TAS
PMID:11099469 PMID:23073625 SMP:00033, RGD:1359040, RGD:7242425 NCBI chr 4:104,489,877...104,495,447
Ensembl chr 4:104,488,466...104,495,493
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G Mat2b methionine adenosyltransferase 2 non-catalytic beta subunit ISO SMPDB
PMID:23073625 SMP:00033, RGD:7242425 NCBI chr10:25,106,928...25,122,982
Ensembl chr10:25,106,930...25,122,777
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G Mrm2 mitochondrial rRNA methyltransferase 2 ISO RGD PMID:11827451 RGD:1359074 NCBI chr12:14,309,556...14,314,759
Ensembl chr12:14,251,941...14,314,118
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G Msrb2 methionine sulfoxide reductase B2 ISO SMPDB SMP:00033 NCBI chr17:81,974,378...82,000,044
Ensembl chr17:81,974,196...82,000,043
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G Msrb3 methionine sulfoxide reductase B3 ISO SMPDB SMP:00033 NCBI chr 7:56,260,985...56,426,004
Ensembl chr 7:56,303,308...56,425,496
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G Mtap methylthioadenosine phosphorylase ISO
PMID:23073625 PMID:2292587 SMP:00033, RGD:7242425, RGD:7242932 NCBI chr 5:103,874,460...103,920,684
Ensembl chr 5:103,873,020...103,939,406
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G Mtfmt mitochondrial methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase ISO SMPDB SMP:00033 NCBI chr 8:65,953,787...65,971,841
Ensembl chr 8:65,953,767...65,971,841
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G Mthfr methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase ISO SMPDB
PMID:11933257 SMP:00033, RGD:1535021 NCBI chr 5:158,465,248...158,484,999
Ensembl chr 5:158,465,296...158,483,797
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G Mtr 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase IDA
PMID:15845641 PMID:23073625 PMID:20814827 SMP:00033, RGD:1359026, RGD:7242425, RGD:7242426 NCBI chr17:58,219,998...58,308,560
Ensembl chr17:58,220,071...58,304,822
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G Mtrr 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase reductase ISO RGD PMID:15979034 PMID:20814827 RGD:1359037, RGD:7242426 NCBI chr 1:34,866,991...34,899,425
Ensembl chr 1:34,867,089...34,899,425
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G Nnmt nicotinamide N-methyltransferase ISO RGD PMID:15922112 RGD:1359084 NCBI chr 8:48,928,663...48,947,734
Ensembl chr 8:48,933,598...48,946,655
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G Pcmt1 protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase 1 IDA RGD PMID:8263531 RGD:729481 NCBI chr 1:2,111,756...2,160,354
Ensembl chr 1:2,111,763...2,159,201
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G Pemt phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase IDA RGD PMID:8344945 RGD:729486 NCBI chr10:44,775,910...44,849,990
Ensembl chr10:44,775,911...44,850,013
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G Pnmt phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase TAS RGD PMID:12438084 RGD:1359087 NCBI chr10:83,383,019...83,386,557
Ensembl chr10:83,384,923...83,386,556
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G Prmt1 protein arginine methyltransferase 1 ISS
RGD PMID:15866169 PMID:21074527 RGD:1359044, RGD:7242552 NCBI chr 1:95,458,853...95,468,176
Ensembl chr 1:95,458,850...95,468,345
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G Prmt2 protein arginine methyltransferase 2 ISO RGD PMID:21074527 RGD:7242552 NCBI chr20:12,394,748...12,420,643
Ensembl chr20:12,394,798...12,420,643
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G Prmt3 protein arginine methyltransferase 3 ISS
RGD PMID:15866169 PMID:21074527 RGD:1359044, RGD:7242552 NCBI chr 1:99,492,712...99,581,774
Ensembl chr 1:99,492,724...99,579,435
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G Prmt5 protein arginine methyltransferase 5 ISO RGD PMID:15866169 PMID:21074527 RGD:1359044, RGD:7242552 NCBI chr15:27,968,893...27,978,291
Ensembl chr15:27,968,910...27,978,296
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G Prmt6 protein arginine methyltransferase 6 ISO RGD PMID:15866169 PMID:21074527 RGD:1359044, RGD:7242552 NCBI chr 2:197,927,750...197,932,760
Ensembl chr 2:197,927,220...197,933,648
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G Prmt7 protein arginine methyltransferase 7 ISO RGD PMID:21074527 RGD:7242552 NCBI chr19:34,110,724...34,161,531
Ensembl chr19:34,110,747...34,162,577
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G Rnmt RNA (guanine-7-) methyltransferase ISO RGD PMID:11472630 RGD:1359071 NCBI chr18:61,886,230...61,909,775
Ensembl chr18:61,886,292...61,909,775
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G Setd7 SET domain containing 7, histone lysine methyltransferase ISO RGD PMID:22194015 RGD:7242554 NCBI chr 2:135,562,683...135,605,468
Ensembl chr 2:135,562,683...135,605,468
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G Setdb1 SET domain bifurcated histone lysine methyltransferase 1 ISO RGD PMID:11959841 RGD:1359072 NCBI chr 2:182,898,738...182,930,283
Ensembl chr 2:182,898,738...182,930,506
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G Shmt1 serine hydroxymethyltransferase 1 ISO SMPDB SMP:00033 NCBI chr10:45,468,698...45,490,833
Ensembl chr10:45,468,700...45,497,820
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G Sms spermine synthase ISO RGD PMID:23073625 RGD:7242425 NCBI chr  X:37,516,949...37,572,657
Ensembl chr  X:37,516,931...37,570,822
Ensembl chr 3:37,516,931...37,570,822
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G Smyd2 SET and MYND domain containing 2 ISO RGD PMID:22194015 RGD:7242554 NCBI chr13:101,425,270...101,466,576
Ensembl chr13:101,425,273...101,466,576
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G Srm spermidine synthase ISO SMPDB
PMID:23073625 SMP:00033, RGD:7242425 NCBI chr 5:159,025,875...159,029,076
Ensembl chr 5:159,025,873...159,029,405
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G Suv39h1 SUV39H1 histone lysine methyltransferase ISO RGD PMID:22194015 RGD:7242554 NCBI chr  X:14,421,028...14,433,993
Ensembl chr  X:14,421,109...14,433,982
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G Suv39h1-ps1 SUV39H1 histone lysine methyltransferase, pseudogene 1 ISO RGD PMID:22194015 RGD:7242554 NCBI chr  X:141,792,589...141,795,257 JBrowse link
G Suv39h2 SUV39H2 histone lysine methyltransferase ISO RGD PMID:11094092 PMID:22194015 RGD:1359810, RGD:7242554 NCBI chr17:74,756,290...74,775,332
Ensembl chr17:74,756,306...74,775,332
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G Trdmt1 tRNA aspartic acid methyltransferase 1 ISO RGD PMID:12794065 RGD:1359088 NCBI chr17:76,601,966...76,646,104
Ensembl chr17:76,610,543...76,645,439
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Additional Elements in Pathway:

(includes Gene Groups, Small Molecules, Other Pathways..etc.)
Object TypePathway ObjectPathway Object Description
Functional ClassAdoMet-dependent methyltransferases

Pathway Gene Annotations

Disease Annotations Associated with Genes in the methionine cycle/metabolic pathway
Disease TermsGene Symbols
abdominal aortic aneurysmAhcy , Ezh2 , Mthfr , Mtr , Mtrr , Nnmt
acanthosis nigricansPrmt7
acute biphenotypic leukemiaDot1l
acute kidney failureMthfr
Acute Lung InjuryIl4i1
acute lymphoblastic leukemiaDnmt3a , Ezh2 , Mthfr , Mtr , Mtrr
acute megakaryocytic leukemiaEzh2
acute monocytic leukemiaDnmt3a
acute myeloid leukemiaDnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b , Ezh2 , Mthfr , Mtrr
Acute PainComt
acute promyelocytic leukemiaDnmt3a
alcohol dependenceComt
alcohol use disorderComt
alcoholic liver cirrhosisMthfr
Alcoholic Liver DiseasesBhmt
allergic diseaseMthfr
alopecia areataDnmt1
Alzheimer's diseaseMthfr , Pcmt1 , Pnmt
amino acid metabolic disorderAhcy , Cth , Gamt , Mat1a
amphetamine abuseComt
amyotrophic lateral sclerosisDnmt3a , Mthfr
angle-closure glaucomaMthfr
Animal Disease ModelsAhcy , Shmt1 , Srm
Animal Mammary NeoplasmsComt
ankylosing spondylitisMthfr
anxiety disorderDnmt1 , Dnmt3b
Aortic CoarctationMthfr
Aortic InjuriesPcmt1
aphthous stomatitisMthfr
Arsenic PoisoningAs3mt , Mthfr
Arterial Occlusive DiseasesMthfr , Nnmt
asthmaCarm1 , Dnmt1 , Hnmt , Mthfr , Prmt1 , Prmt2 , Prmt3 , Prmt5
atherosclerosisMthfr , Nnmt
atopic dermatitisHnmt
attention deficit hyperactivity disorderAs3mt , Comt , Mthfr
autism spectrum disorderCbs , Comt , Dnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b , Mthfr , Mtr
autistic disorderAsmt , Comt , Mthfr , Mtr , Pemt , Prmt2 , Prmt6 , Setdb1 , Shmt1 , Sms , Suv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1
autoimmune diseaseDnmt1
autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpuraDnmt3a , Dnmt3b
autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, deafness and narcolepsyDnmt1
autosomal dominant dyskeratosis congenita 6Prmt7
autosomal recessive intellectual developmental disorder 51Hnmt
autosomal recessive nonsyndromic deafnessMsrb3
autosomal recessive nonsyndromic deafness 74Msrb3
Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome type 3Prmt2
B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic LeukemiaDnmt3b , Mthfr
B-cell lymphomaEzh2
Banti's SyndromeMthfr
Bardet-Biedl syndromeComt
basal cell carcinomaNnmt
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndromeDnmt1
biliary tract benign neoplasmMtap
Binge DrinkingDnmt1
bipolar disorderComt , Mthfr
Birt-Hogg-Dube syndromePemt
Birth WeightAs3mt
Bloom syndromeMtfmt
bone marrow diseaseDnmt3a
brain diseaseMat1a
Brain Hypoxia-IschemiaDnmt3a
brain infarctionHnmt
Brain InjuriesComt , Dnmt1
brain ischemiaMthfr
Brain-Lung-Thyroid SyndromePrmt5
breast cancerComt , Shmt1
Breast NeoplasmsComt , Dnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b , Ezh2 , Mthfr , Mtr , Shmt1
Bronchial HyperreactivityHnmt
bronchiolo-alveolar adenocarcinomaDnmt1
Budd-Chiari syndromeMthfr
bulimia nervosaComt
cannabis abuseComt
cannabis dependenceComt
CarcinogenesisDnmt1 , Dnmt3a
carcinomaDnmt1 , Dnmt3b
cardia cancerMthfr
cardiovascular system diseaseCbs , Mthfr
carotid stenosisMthfr
cataractCth , Mthfr
cataract 15 multiple typesMars1
cataract 9 multiple typesCbs
catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardiaMtr
catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia 1Mtr
cerebellar ataxiaDnmt1
cerebral creatine deficiency syndromeGamt
cerebral infarctionBhmt , Cbs , Mthfr , Mtr
cervical cancerMthfr
cervix uteri carcinoma in situMthfr
Charcot-Marie-Tooth diseaseDnmt1 , Mars1
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease axonal type 2UMars1
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease dominant intermediate BCarm1
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2Mthfr , Srm
Chemical and Drug Induced Liver InjuryComt , Mat1a , Mthfr
Child Behavior DisordersComt
cholangiocarcinomaEzh2 , Mthfr
choline deficiency diseaseDnmt1
choreatic diseaseDnmt1
chromosome 11 partial duplication syndromeNnmt
Chromosome 16q12 Duplication SyndromePrmt7
chromosome 18p deletion syndromeRnmt
chromosome 1p36 deletion syndromeIcmt , Mthfr , Srm
chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, distalComt
chromosome 22q11.2 microduplication syndromeComt
Chromosome BreakageEzh2 , Suv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1
Chronic Experimental PancreatitisCbs
Chronic HepatitisGnmt
chronic kidney diseaseMthfr
chronic myeloid leukemiaDnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b , Ezh2 , Mthfr
chronic myelomonocytic leukemiaEzh2
clear cell renal cell carcinomaDnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Mthfr
cleft lipMthfr , Mtr
cleft palateMtr , Prmt1
cocaine dependenceComt
Cocaine-Related DisordersComt , Prmt6
cognitive disorderComt , Setd7
Cognitive DysfunctionMthfr
colon cancerEzh2
Colonic NeoplasmsDnmt1 , Mthfr
colorectal adenocarcinomaDnmt3b , Ezh2
colorectal adenomaEzh2
colorectal cancerEzh2 , Mtfmt
colorectal carcinomaEzh2
Colorectal NeoplasmsDnmt1 , Dnmt3b , Dot1l , Mthfr , Mtrr
combined deficiency of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors 1Mat2a
combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency 15Mtfmt
common bile duct neoplasmMtap
common variable immunodeficiency 2Pemt , Shmt1
congenital disorder of glycosylation type IImSuv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1
congenital heart diseaseDnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b , Mthfr
Congenital Upper Extremity DeformitiesEzh2
congestive heart failureChdh , Dnmt1 , Ezh2 , Pcmt1
connective tissue diseaseCbs
Conotruncal Cardiac DefectsMthfr
coronary artery diseaseCbs , Mat2a , Mthfr , Nnmt
Coronary DiseaseMthfr
coronary restenosisMthfr
cortical dysplasia-focal epilepsy syndromeEzh2
COVID-19Ezh2 , Shmt1
Craniofacial AbnormalitiesDnmt3a , Dnmt3b
Crohn's diseaseDnmt3a , Mthfr
cyclic hematopoiesisGamt
Cytomegalovirus InfectionsMthfr
demyelinating diseaseMat1a
depressive disorderDnmt3a , Mthfr
desmoplastic/nodular medulloblastomaAs3mt
developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 12Il4i1 , Prmt1
developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 30Cbs
developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 87Amd1
Developmental DisabilitiesAs3mt , Mthfr
Developmental DiseaseDot1l , Sms
dextro-looped transposition of the great arteriesMthfr
diabetes mellitusMthfr
diabetic angiopathyMthfr
Diabetic NephropathiesMthfr , Mtrr , Prmt1
diabetic retinopathyMthfr
Diamond-Blackfan anemiaSuv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1
diaphyseal medullary stenosis with malignant fibrous histiocytomaMtap
diffuse large B-cell lymphomaDnmt3a , Ezh2 , Mthfr , Prmt5
DiGeorge syndromeComt
dilated cardiomyopathyComt
dilated cardiomyopathy 1ADot1l
dilated cardiomyopathy 1AAMtr
disease of mental healthComt
Down syndromeHnmt , Mthfr , Mtrr
drug allergyHnmt
drug dependenceComt
Drug EruptionsMthfr
Drug-Induced DyskinesiaComt
Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse ReactionsMthfr , Mtr , Mtrr , Shmt1
DwarfismDnmt3a , Mtfmt , Prmt7
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome kyphoscoliotic type 1Mthfr
end stage renal diseaseMthfr
endometrial cancerComt
Endometrial NeoplasmsDnmt1 , Dnmt3b , Ezh2 , Mthfr
Endometrioid CarcinomasDnmt1 , Dnmt3b
endometriosisDnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b , Ezh2
endometriosis of uterusDnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b
epilepsyComt , Gamt , Mtr
epilepsy with generalized tonic-clonic seizuresMthfr
episodic ataxia type 2Carm1
Esophageal NeoplasmsSmyd2
esophagus squamous cell carcinomaDnmt3b , Ezh2
essential tremorHnmt
estrogen-receptor positive breast cancerCarm1
eumycotic mycetomaComt
Experimental ArthritisAhcy , Dnmt1
Experimental Autoimmune EncephalomyelitisComt
Experimental ColitisEzh2
Experimental Diabetes MellitusComt , Ezh2 , Mthfr , Mtr , Pemt , Pnmt
Experimental Liver NeoplasmsPemt
Experimental Mammary NeoplasmsDnmt3b
extrahepatic cholestasisSetd7
eye diseaseMthfr
facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy 4Dnmt3b
factor VIII deficiencyMthfr
Familial Atrial Fibrillation 6Mthfr , Srm
familial hypercholesterolemiaCarm1 , Dnmt1
familial hyperlipidemiaPrmt7
familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathyComt
familial Mediterranean feverMthfr
familial melanomaMars1
Familial Prostate CancerDnmt3b
Female InfertilityDnmt3b , Mthfr
fetal alcohol spectrum disorderDnmt1 , Dnmt3b , Mat2a , Mtr , Setd7
Fetal Growth RetardationComt , Cth , Dnmt1 , Dnmt3b
Folate-Sensitive Neural Tube DefectsMthfr , Mtr , Mtrr
follicular lymphomaEzh2 , Mthfr , Mtr
gastric body carcinomaDnmt3b
gastrointestinal stromal tumorMthfr , Mtr , Mtrr , Setdb1 , Shmt1 , Smyd2
gastrointestinal system diseaseMthfr , Mtr
Generalized EpilepsyPrmt7
genetic diseaseAhcy , Amd1 , Cth , Dnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b , Dot1l , Ezh2 , Gamt , Mat1a , Msrb3 , Mtfmt , Mthfr , Mtr , Mtrr , Prmt7 , Sms
Glandular and Epithelial NeoplasmsAs3mt
glioblastomaDnmt3a , Ezh2
Glucocorticoid Deficiency 5Comt
glutaric acidemia ICarm1
glutathione synthetase deficiencyAhcy , Dnmt3b
glutatione synthetase deficiency with 5-oxoprolinuriaAhcy , Dnmt3b
glycine N-methyltransferase deficiencyGnmt
graft-versus-host diseaseMthfr
Graves' diseaseDnmt1 , Mthfr
Growth DisordersDnmt3a
guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiencyGamt
Habitual AbortionsMthfr
head and neck squamous cell carcinomaDnmt3b
Hearing LossDnmt1 , Msrb3 , Mthfr , Mtr
heart diseaseMtr , Mtrr
heart septal defectMtrr
Helicobacter InfectionsMthfr
Hematologic NeoplasmsMthfr
hematopoietic system diseaseMthfr , Mtr
hemorrhagic diseaseComt
hepatic veno-occlusive diseaseMthfr
hepatitis BMthfr
hepatocellular adenomaCarm1
hepatocellular carcinomaBhmt , Carm1 , Comt , Dnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b , Ezh2 , Gnmt , Mat1a , Mthfr , Mtrr , Nnmt
hereditary breast ovarian cancer syndromeCbs
Hereditary Neoplastic SyndromesEzh2
hereditary sensory neuropathyDnmt1
hereditary sensory neuropathy type 1EDnmt1
hereditary spastic paraplegiaMars1
hereditary spastic paraplegia 31Mat2a
hereditary spastic paraplegia 70Mars1
heroin dependenceComt
Heyn-Sproul-Jackson SyndromeDnmt3a
high grade gliomaPcmt1 , Setdb1 , Suv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1
histiocytic sarcomaSuv39h2
homocystinuriaCbs , Mtr , Mtrr
Homocystinuria, Pyridoxine-ResponsiveCbs
homocystinuria-megaloblastic anemia cblE typeMtrr
homocystinuria-megaloblastic anemia cblG typeMtr , Mtrr
Huntington's diseaseHnmt , Setdb1
hyperhomocysteinemiaAhcy , Cbs , Cth , Gnmt , Mthfr , Mtr , Mtrr
hypermethioninemiaAhcy , Gnmt , Mat1a
hypermethioninemia with deficiency of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolaseAhcy
hypertensionAhcy , Cbs , Comt , Mtr , Pnmt
hypertrophic cardiomyopathyDnmt1
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 25Pnmt
hypoparathyroidism-deafness-renal disease syndromeSuv39h2 , Trdmt1
idiopathic scoliosisPrmt5
IgA glomerulonephritisMtr
Imerslund-Grasbeck SyndromeTrdmt1
immune dysregulation-polyendocrinopathy-enteropathy-X-linked syndromeSuv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1
Immunoblastic LymphadenopathyDnmt3a
immunodeficiency 14Srm
immunodeficiency 35Dnmt1
immunodeficiency 42Setdb1
immunodeficiency 51Comt
immunodeficiency-centromeric instability-facial anomalies syndromeDnmt3b
immunodeficiency-centromeric instability-facial anomalies syndrome 1Dnmt3b
infantile Refsum diseaseGnmt
inflammatory bowel diseaseMthfr
Inherited Blood Coagulation DiseaseMthfr
inherited metabolic disorderMtr , Mtrr
Insulin ResistanceAs3mt , Prmt7
intellectual disabilityCbs , Comt , Cth , Dnmt3a , Gamt , Mthfr , Mtr , Nnmt , Prmt3 , Prmt7 , Rnmt , Sms
intermittent explosive disorderComt
intracranial sinus thrombosisMthfr
invasive ductal carcinomaEzh2
irritable bowel syndromeCbs
Joubert syndrome 1Pemt , Shmt1
juvenile myelomonocytic leukemiaDnmt3a , Ezh2
Kabuki Syndrome 1Dnmt3b
kidney diseaseMthfr
kidney failureMthfr
Kidney Reperfusion InjuryEzh2
Kuhnt-Junius degenerationMthfr
Left Ventricular HypertrophyEzh2 , Mthfr
Leigh diseaseGamt , Mtfmt
leiomyomaComt , Ezh2
LeukoencephalopathiesMthfr , Mtr
Leydig cell tumorPrmt5
liver benign neoplasmMthfr
liver cirrhosisDnmt1 , Mthfr , Pemt
liver diseaseMthfr
Liver NeoplasmsGnmt
long QT syndromeAhcy
lung adenocarcinomaAhcy , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b , Dot1l , Ezh2 , Shmt1 , Srm
lung cancerComt , Dnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b , Ezh2 , Mat2a , Setdb1
lung carcinomaDnmt1 , Dnmt3a
Lung NeoplasmsAs3mt , Dnmt3a , Mthfr
lung non-small cell carcinomaAmd1 , Dnmt1 , Ezh2
lung small cell carcinomaDnmt3b , Mthfr
Lymphatic MetastasisComt , Dnmt3b
lymphomaMthfr , Mtr
lysinuric protein intolerancePrmt5
male infertilityMthfr , Mtr , Mtrr
malignant astrocytomaPcmt1
malignant mesotheliomaSetdb1
malignant pleural mesotheliomaEzh2
MalnutritionCbs , Mthfr , Mtr
Maxillofacial AbnormalitiesMthfr
medulloblastomaDnmt1 , Prmt5
melanomaCbs , Cth , Dnmt3a , Mtap , Setdb1
Memory DisordersComt
Meniere's diseaseMthfr
metabolic dysfunction and alcohol associated liver diseaseBhmt , Dnmt1 , Pemt
metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver diseaseAhcy , Ezh2 , Gnmt , Mthfr , Pemt
Metabolic SyndromeNnmt
Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase DeficiencyMthfr
methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria type cblGMtr , Mtrr
MHC class II deficiencySetdb1
microcephalyDnmt3a , Mtfmt
Micronuclei, Chromosome-DefectiveAs3mt
Microsatellite InstabilityMthfr
Microvascular AnginaMthfr
middle cerebral artery infarctionDnmt1 , Dnmt3a
migraine with auraMthfr
mitochondrial complex I deficiencyGamt , Mtfmt
mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome 17Mrm2
mitral valve diseaseMthfr
morphine dependenceComt
Mowat-Wilson syndromeHnmt
Mthfr Deficiency, Thermolabile TypeMthfr
mucoepidermoid carcinomaDnmt1
mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIDMsrb3
multiple myelomaDnmt3a , Mthfr , Mtr , Mtrr , Prmt5
Multiple Primary NeoplasmsDnmt3b
multiple sclerosisPnmt
Multisystem Autoimmune Disease with Facial DysmorphismAhcy
Muscle HypotoniaDnmt3a
Musculoskeletal PainComt
myelodysplastic syndromeDnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b , Ezh2 , Mtrr
myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasmEzh2
myeloid leukemia associated with Down SyndromeEzh2
myeloid neoplasmDnmt3a , Ezh2 , Mthfr
myocardial infarctionMthfr
Myocardial Reperfusion InjurySuv39h1
Myoclonic EpilepsiesPrmt7
nasopharynx carcinomaEzh2
Neck PainComt
nemaline myopathy 6Mtfmt
neonatal abstinence syndromeComt
Neoplasm InvasivenessDnmt1
Neoplasm MetastasisDnmt3b , Ezh2 , Mthfr
Neoplasm Recurrence, LocalDnmt3a
Neoplastic Cell TransformationEzh2 , Suv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1
nephrotic syndrome type 5Cbs
nervous system diseaseMthfr , Mtrr , Shmt1
Nervous System MalformationsDnmt3a , Gamt
neural tube defectBhmt , Cbs , Mthfr
neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation 5Suv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1
Neurodevelopmental DisordersBhmt , Carm1 , Comt , Dnmt3a , Dot1l , Ezh2 , Icmt , Prmt7 , Sms
nicotine dependenceComt
non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathyMthfr
non-Hodgkin lymphomaBhmt , Cbs , Mthfr , Mtrr , Shmt1
nonphotosensitive trichothiodystrophy 9Mars1
nuclear type mitochondrial complex I deficiency 1Gamt
nuclear type mitochondrial complex I deficiency 27Mtfmt
obesityComt , Dnmt3a , Prmt7
Obesity and HypopigmentationAhcy
obsessive-compulsive disorderComt
open-angle glaucomaMthfr
opiate dependenceComt
Oral Lichen PlanusDnmt1 , Dnmt3b
oral squamous cell carcinomaDnmt3b , Ezh2 , Mthfr
osteosarcomaEzh2 , Mthfr
ovarian cancerComt , Shmt1
Ovarian NeoplasmsDnmt1 , Ezh2
pancreatic cancerEzh2 , Mtap , Mthfr , Mtr , Mtrr
pancreatic ductal carcinomaDnmt1 , Dnmt3b
Pancreatic Intraepithelial NeoplasiaDnmt1
panic disorderComt
papillomavirus infectious diseaseMthfr
Paranoid DisordersComt
parathyroid carcinomaMtr , Setdb1 , Smyd2
Parkinson's diseaseHnmt , Mthfr , Mtrr
pathological gamblingComt
peripheral artery diseaseMthfr
peripheral T-cell lymphomaDnmt3a
Peritoneal AdhesionsEzh2
Peritoneal FibrosisDnmt1
Pick's diseaseHnmt
Pituitary Stalk Interruption SyndromeDnmt1
placental abruptionBhmt
Polyarteritis Nodosa, Childhood-OnsetComt
polycystic ovary syndromeComt
portal vein thrombosisMthfr
Potocki-Lupski syndromePemt , Shmt1
pre-eclampsiaComt , Gamt
pre-malignant neoplasmSuv39h1
Prenatal Exposure Delayed EffectsCbs , Mat2a , Mthfr , Mtr
primary ciliary dyskinesiaCbs
primary cutaneous T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomaDnmt3a
primary immunodeficiency diseaseComt , Dnmt3b
progressive myoclonus epilepsyCbs
Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy 12Prmt7
progressive myoclonus epilepsy 9Dot1l
prostate adenocarcinomaDnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b
prostate cancerAmd1 , Comt , Dnmt1 , Ezh2 , Kmt5a , Mthfr , Setdb1
prostate carcinoma in situCarm1 , Dnmt1
Prostatic NeoplasmsCarm1 , Comt , Dnmt1 , Dnmt3b , Dot1l , Ezh2 , Gnmt , Mtap , Mthfr , Setdb1
prostatitisDnmt3a , Dnmt3b
psoriasisCarm1 , Comt
pulmonary alveolar proteinosisMars1
Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionNnmt
pulmonary embolismBhmt , Mthfr
pyridoxine deficiency anemiaAhcy
rectal benign neoplasmMthfr
renal artery diseaseMthfr
renal cell carcinomaComt , Mthfr , Nnmt
renal hypoplasiaPrmt7
renal Wilms' tumorEzh2
Reperfusion InjuryPnmt
retinal diseaseMthfr
Retinal NeovascularizationCth
retinal vein occlusionMthfr
Rett syndromeSetdb1
rheumatoid arthritisDnmt1 , Dnmt3b , Mthfr , Sms
schizophreniaAs3mt , Comt , Dnmt1 , Dnmt3b , Hnmt , Mtap , Mthfr , Setdb1
Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic DisordersComt
sciatic neuropathyDnmt3a
severe combined immunodeficiency with sensitivity to ionizing radiationSuv39h2
severe congenital neutropenia 3Setdb1
severe congenital neutropenia 5Setdb1
Sezary's diseaseDnmt3a
short chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiencyKmt5a
Short Stature, Brachydactyly, Intellectual Developmental Disability, and SeizuresPrmt7
sickle cell anemiaMthfr
skin diseaseMthfr
skin melanomaDnmt3b
sleep disorderDnmt1
Smith-Magenis syndromeSms
spastic ataxiaDnmt1
Spastic ParaparesisDnmt1
Specific Granule DeficiencyPrmt5
spina bifidaMthfr , Mtr , Mtrr , Pcmt1
spinal cord diseaseMthfr
spinal muscular atrophyMars1
sporadic breast cancerMthfr
squamous cell carcinomaMthfr
steatotic liver diseaseMat1a , Mthfr , Prmt7
stomach cancerDnmt3a , Ezh2 , Mthfr
Stomach NeoplasmsDnmt1 , Dnmt3b , Mthfr
Striatonigral Degeneration, InfantileIl4i1
Subacute Necrotizing Encephalopathy of Leigh, InfantileGamt , Mtfmt
Sudden Hearing LossMthfr , Mtr
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability Lubs typeSms , Suv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability Snyder typeSms
systemic lupus erythematosusDnmt1
T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemiaDnmt3a , Ezh2
Tatton-Brown-Rahman syndromeDnmt3a
Temporomandibular Joint DisordersComt , Mtrr
tetralogy of FallotMthfr
thoracic aortic aneurysmCbs , Mat2a
Thrombocytopenia 1Suv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1
thrombophilia due to thrombin defectMthfr
Thrombotic MicroangiopathiesMthfr
transient cerebral ischemiaCbs , Gamt
transitional cell carcinomaMthfr
Transplant RejectionEzh2
Triple Negative Breast NeoplasmsPrmt5
type 1 diabetes mellitusDnmt3b , Mthfr
type 2 diabetes mellitusBhmt , Cbs , Dnmt1 , Mat1a , Mthfr , Mtr
ulcerative colitisHnmt , Mtrr
urinary bladder cancerAs3mt , Comt , Dnmt1 , Ezh2 , Mthfr , Mtr
Uterine Cervical NeoplasmsDnmt1 , Dnmt3b , Mthfr
Vascular CalcificationMthfr
vascular dementiaMthfr
vascular diseaseMthfr
velocardiofacial syndromeComt
Venous ThromboembolismMthfr
Venous ThrombosisComt , Mthfr
Ventricular Dysfunction, LeftNnmt
vitamin B12 deficiencyCbs , Mtr
Weaver syndromeEzh2
Weight GainEzh2
Wilson diseaseAhcy , Asmt , Bhmt
Wiskott-Aldrich syndromeSuv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1
withdrawal disorderComt
X-linked epilepsy with variable learning disabilities and behavior disordersSuv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1
X-linked severe congenital neutropeniaSuv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1
Zellweger syndromeGnmt
Pathway Annotations Associated with Genes in the methionine cycle/metabolic pathway
Pathway TermsGene Symbols
5'-end pre-mRNA capping pathwayRnmt
AGAT deficiency pathwayGamt
alkaptonuria pathwayComt , Pnmt
altered folate cycle metabolic pathwayMthfr , Mtr , Mtrr
altered folate mediated one-carbon metabolic pathwayMthfr , Mtr
aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthetic pathwayMars1 , Mtfmt
androgen signaling pathwayCarm1 , Prmt1
arginine and proline metabolic pathwayAmd1 , Gamt , Srm
aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency pathwayPnmt
beta-alanine metabolic pathwaySrm
Canavan disease pathwayIl4i1
carnitine biosynthetic pathwaySetd7 , Shmt1
catecholamine biosynthetic pathwayPnmt
choline metabolic pathwayAhcy , Bhmt , Chdh , Mat2a , Mat2b , Mtr , Pemt
creatine metabolic pathwayGamt
cyanoamino acid metabolic pathwayShmt1
cystathioninuria pathwayCbs , Cth
cysteine and methionine metabolic pathwayAhcy , Amd1 , Bhmt , Cbs , Cth , Dnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b , Mat1a , Mat2a , Mat2b , Mtap , Mtr , Srm , Trdmt1
cysteine metabolic pathwayCth
dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency pathwayBhmt , Cbs , Cth , Gamt , Gnmt , Shmt1
dimethylglycine dehydrogenase deficiency pathwayBhmt , Cbs , Cth , Gamt , Gnmt , Shmt1
disulfiram pharmacodynamics pathwayComt , Pnmt
DNA modification pathwayDnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b
dopamine beta-hydroxylase deficiency pathwayComt , Pnmt
epinephrine biosynthetic pathwayPnmt
estrogen signaling pathwayCarm1 , Prmt1
folate cycle metabolic pathwayMthfr , Mtr , Mtrr , Shmt1
folate mediated one-carbon metabolic pathwayGnmt , Mtfmt , Mthfr , Mtr , Mtrr , Shmt1
folate metabolic pathwayGnmt , Mtfmt , Mthfr , Mtr , Mtrr , Shmt1
glutathione metabolic pathwaySrm
glycerophospholipid metabolic pathwayPemt
glycine metabolic pathwayShmt1
glycine N-methyltransferase deficiency pathwayAhcy , Amd1 , Bhmt , Cbs , Chdh , Cth , Dnmt1 , Il4i1 , Mars1 , Mat2a , Mat2b , Msrb2 , Msrb3 , Mtap , Mtfmt , Mthfr , Mtr , Shmt1 , Srm
glycine, serine and threonine metabolic pathwayBhmt , Cbs , Chdh , Cth , Gamt , Gnmt , Shmt1
guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency pathwayGamt
gyrate atrophy pathwayGamt
hawkinsinuria pathwayComt , Pnmt
hereditary folate malabsorption pathwayMtfmt , Mthfr
histidine metabolic pathwayHnmt , Prmt3
histidinemia pathwayHnmt , Prmt3
histone modification pathwayCarm1 , Dot1l , Ezh2 , Kmt5a , Prmt1 , Prmt2 , Prmt5 , Prmt6 , Prmt7 , Setd7 , Setdb1 , Smyd2 , Suv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1 , Suv39h2
homocysteine metabolic pathwayAhcy , As3mt , Asmt , Carm1 , Comt , Dnmt1 , Dot1l , Gamt , Gnmt , Hnmt , Icmt , Mrm2 , Mthfr , Nnmt , Pcmt1 , Pemt , Pnmt , Prmt1 , Prmt3 , Prmt5 , Prmt6 , Rnmt , Setdb1 , Suv39h2 , Trdmt1
homocystinuria pathwayAhcy , Amd1 , Bhmt , Cbs , Chdh , Cth , Dnmt1 , Il4i1 , Mars1 , Mat2a , Mat2b , Msrb2 , Msrb3 , Mtap , Mtfmt , Mthfr , Mtr , Shmt1 , Srm
hypermethioninemia pathwayAhcy , Amd1 , Bhmt , Cbs , Chdh , Cth , Dnmt1 , Il4i1 , Mars1 , Mat2a , Mat2b , Msrb2 , Msrb3 , Mtap , Mtfmt , Mthfr , Mtr , Shmt1 , Srm
hypermethioninemia pathwayAhcy , Amd1 , Bhmt , Cbs , Chdh , Cth , Dnmt1 , Il4i1 , Mars1 , Mat2a , Mat2b , Msrb2 , Msrb3 , Mtap , Mtfmt , Mthfr , Mtr , Shmt1 , Srm
hyperprolinemia type I pathwayGamt
hyperprolinemia type II pathwayGamt
lysine degradation pathwayDot1l , Kmt5a , Setd7 , Setdb1 , Suv39h1 , Suv39h2
mercaptolactate-cysteine disulfiduria pathwayCth
methionine cycle/metabolic pathwayAhcy , Amd1 , As3mt , Asmt , Bhmt , Carm1 , Cbs , Chdh , Comt , Cth , Dnmt1 , Dnmt3a , Dnmt3b , Dot1l , Ezh2 , Gamt , Gnmt , Hnmt , Icmt , Il4i1 , Kmt5a , Mars1 , Mat1a , Mat2a , Mat2b , Mrm2 , Msrb2 , Msrb3 , Mtap , Mtfmt , Mthfr , Mtr , Mtrr , Nnmt , Pcmt1 , Pemt , Pnmt , Prmt1 , Prmt2 , Prmt3 , Prmt5 , Prmt6 , Prmt7 , Rnmt , Setd7 , Setdb1 , Shmt1 , Sms , Smyd2 , Srm , Suv39h1 , Suv39h1-ps1 , Suv39h2 , Trdmt1
methotrexate pharmacodynamics pathwayMtfmt , Mthfr
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency pathwayAhcy , Amd1 , Bhmt , Cbs , Chdh , Cth , Dnmt1 , Il4i1 , Mars1 , Mat2a , Mat2b , Msrb2 , Msrb3 , Mtap , Mtfmt , Mthfr , Mtr , Shmt1 , Srm
monoterpenoid biosynthetic pathwayNnmt
mRNA decay pathwayRnmt
niacin metabolic pathwayNnmt
nonketotic hyperglycinemia pathwayBhmt , Cbs , Cth , Gamt , Gnmt , Shmt1
ocular nonnephropathic cystinosis pathwayCth
ornithine translocase deficiency pathwayGamt
p53 signaling pathwayKmt5a , Prmt5 , Setd7 , Smyd2
phenylketonuria pathwayIl4i1
phenytoin pharmacodynamics pathwayComt
polyamine metabolic pathwayAmd1 , Sms , Srm
prolidase deficiency pathwayGamt
putrescine metabolic pathwayAmd1
remethylation pathway of homocysteine metabolism - cobalamin dependentMthfr , Mtr , Mtrr
remethylation pathway of homocysteine metabolism - cobalamin independent, betaine dependentAhcy , Bhmt , Chdh , Mat2a , Mat2b , Mtr , Pemt
RNA transport pathwayPrmt5
sarcosinemia pathwayBhmt , Cbs , Cth , Gamt , Gnmt , Shmt1
selenoamino acid metabolic pathwayAhcy , Cbs , Cth , Mars1 , Mat2a , Mat2b , Mtr
spermidine metabolic pathwayAmd1 , Mat2a , Mat2b , Sms , Srm
spermine metabolic pathwayAmd1 , Mat2a , Mat2b , Sms , Srm
steroid hormone biosynthetic pathwayComt
transsulfuration pathway of homocysteine metabolismCbs , Cth
tryptophan metabolic pathwayAsmt
tyrosine metabolic pathwayComt , Pnmt
tyrosinemia type I pathwayComt , Pnmt
tyrosinemia type II pathwayIl4i1
tyrosinemia type III pathwayIl4i1
Wnt signaling, non-canonical pathwaySetdb1
Phenotype Annotations Associated with Genes in the methionine cycle/metabolic pathway

References Associated with the methionine cycle/metabolic pathway:

Ontology Path Diagram:

paths to the root
paths to the root

Import into Pathway Studio: