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Ontology Browser

controlled ethanol content drinking water (XCO:0000023)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
alcoholic drink +     
ethanol +     
controlled 2-acetamidofluorene content drinking water 
controlled 3-methyl-4'-dimethylaminoazobenzene content drinking water 
controlled 4-nitroquinoline N-oxide content drinking water  
controlled acetyl-L-carnitine content drinking water 
controlled alendronate content drinking water +  
controlled ampicillin content drinking water 
controlled ampicillin sodium content drinking water 
controlled bisphenol A content drinking water 
controlled bisphenol F content drinking water 
controlled caffeine content drinking water 
controlled candesartan content drinking water 
controlled captopril content drinking water 
controlled cilazapril content drinking water 
controlled cisplatin content drinking water 
controlled ColonLYTELY content drinking water 
controlled corticosterone content drinking water 
controlled delapril content drinking water 
controlled deoxycorticosterone content drinking water +  
controlled dexamethasone content drinking water 
controlled dextran sulfate sodium content drinking water 
controlled E4177 content drinking water 
controlled enalapril content drinking water 
controlled enrofloxacin content drinking water 
controlled ethanol content deionized water used as vehicle 
controlled ethanol content drinking water +   
A drink made up of water and a specified amount of ethanol, the alcohol with chemical formula CH3-CH2-OH obtained from the fermentation of sugars and starches or by chemical synthesis which is the intoxicating ingredient of alcoholic beverages, for consumption by an organism in an experiment.
controlled ethanol content saline 
controlled fructose content drinking water +  
controlled glucosamine content drinking water +  
controlled glucose content drinking water +  
controlled HTE content drinking water 
controlled hydralazine content drinking water 
controlled hydralazine hydrochloride content drinking water 
controlled hydrochlorothiazide content drinking water 
controlled hydrogen ion content drinking water 
controlled lisinopril content drinking water 
controlled losartan content drinking water 
controlled meropenem content drinking water 
controlled metformin content drinking water 
controlled methylprednisolone sodium succinate content drinking water 
controlled metronidazole content drinking water 
controlled N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine content drinking water  
controlled N-propyl-N-nitrosourea content drinking water  
controlled neomycin sulfate content drinking water 
controlled NG-nitroarginine methyl ester content drinking water +  
controlled nicotinamide content drinking water 
controlled nisoldipine content drinking water 
controlled perindopril content drinking water 
controlled quinine content drinking water 
controlled ramipril content drinking water 
controlled reserpine content drinking water 
controlled resveratrol content drinking water 
controlled RU28362 content drinking water +  
controlled saccharin content drinking water  
controlled sodium content drinking water +   
controlled sucrose content drinking water 
controlled taxifolin content drinking water 
controlled tempol content drinking water 
controlled vancomycin content drinking water 
controlled vancomycin hydrochloride content drinking water 

Definition Sources: American_Heritage:The_American_Heritage_Science_Dictionary_2005, Dorland:Dorlands_Illustrated_Medical_Dictionary--31st_Ed, ISBN:978-1416049982

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