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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
blood lipid amount +   
cholesterol amount +   
eicosanoid amount +   
fatty acid amount +   
liver lipid amount  
muscle androstenone amount 
muscle dry matter amount 
muscle fatty acid amount +   
muscle glycogen amount 
muscle indole amount 
muscle lactate amount  
muscle lipid amount +   
The proportion, quantity, or volume of fat-soluble substances (molecules composed of carbon and hydrogen and are characteristically insoluble in water) in the tissue composed of contractile cells or fibers that effects movement.
muscle mineral amount +  
muscle nitrogen amount 
muscle protein amount +  
muscle ribonucleic acid amount 
muscle skatole amount 
muscle triglyceride amount 
muscle water amount 
skeletal muscle myosin isoform amount +  
skeletal muscle ribonucleic acid amount 
triglyceride amount +   

Definition Sources: ISBN:0-683-40008-8, ISBN:0-8036-1207-9

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