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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
common myeloid progenitor cell quantity 
erythropoiesis trait 
hematopoiesis location trait 
immune system organ development trait +  
leukopoiesis trait +   
Any measurable or observable characteristic related to the process of generating white blood cells (leukocytes) from the pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells of the bone marrow; two significant pathways generate various types of leukocytes: myelopoiesis, in which leukocytes in the blood are derived from myeloid stem cells, and lymphopoiesis, in which leukocytes of the lymphatic system (lymphocytes) are generated from lymphoid stem cells.
lymphangiogenesis trait 
thrombopoiesis trait +  

Exact Synonyms: immune cell development trait ;   leukocyte differentiation
Definition Sources: MeSH:D019891

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