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cytosolic iron-sulfur cluster protein assembly pathway (PW:0002636)
Annotations: Rat: (9) Mouse: (9) Human: (9) Chinchilla: (9) Bonobo: (9) Dog: (9) Squirrel: (9) Pig: (9) Naked Mole-rat: (8) Green Monkey: (9)     Pathway Diagram Browser
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cytosolic iron-sulfur cluster protein assembly pathway   
The cytosolic iron-sulfur cluster protein assembly pathway is dependent upon the core mitochondrial assembly and export pathways. The pathway is structurally distinct from the mitochondrial system.

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mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster export pathway  
mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster protein biogenesis pathway   

Definition Sources: PMID:25583461, PMID:26099175

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