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Ontology Browser

decreased circulating von Willebrand factor level (MP:0031164)
Annotations: Rat: (0) Mouse: (3) Human: (0) Chinchilla: (0) Bonobo: (0) Dog: (0) Squirrel: (0) Pig: (0) Naked Mole-rat: (0) Green Monkey: (0)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
decreased circulating angiotensinogen level  
decreased circulating antithrombin level  
decreased circulating C-peptide level 
decreased circulating C-reactive protein level  
decreased circulating cartilage oligomeric matrix protein level 
decreased circulating ceruloplasmin level  
decreased circulating complement protein level  
decreased circulating cytokine level +   
decreased circulating D-dimer level 
decreased circulating enzyme level +   
decreased circulating factor VIII level  
decreased circulating ferritin level  
decreased circulating fibrinogen level  
decreased circulating fibronectin level 
decreased circulating haptoglobin level  
decreased circulating lipocalin 2 level 
decreased circulating myoglobin level 
decreased circulating orosomucoid 1 protein level  
decreased circulating procalcitonin level 
decreased circulating prothrombin level  
decreased circulating serum albumin level  
decreased circulating serum amyloid protein level  
decreased circulating thrombin level 
decreased circulating total protein level  
decreased circulating transferrin level +   
decreased circulating troponin level  
decreased circulating type I collagen C-terminal telopeptide level  
decreased circulating von Willebrand factor level  
reduced blood level of the large multimeric glycoprotein produced by vascular endothelial cells and megakaryocytes that chaperones blood coagulation cofactor factor VIII and tethers platelets to the injured blood vessel wall
decreased glycosylated hemoglobin level  
increased circulating von Willebrand factor level  

Exact Synonyms: reduced circulating VWF level
Narrow Synonyms: decreased plasma VWF level ;   decreased plasma von Willebrand factor level ;   reduced plasma VWF level ;   reduced plasma von Willebrand factor level
Definition Sources:, PMID:29507883

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