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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal adipose tissue apoptosis +   
abnormal anoikis +  
abnormal B cell apoptosis +   
abnormal cardiomyocyte apoptosis +   
abnormal chondrocyte apoptosis +   
abnormal dendritic cell apoptosis +   
abnormal embryonic tissue cell apoptosis +   
abnormal epidermal stem cell apoptosis  
abnormal female germ cell apoptosis +   
abnormal fibroblast apoptosis +   
abnormal glial cell apoptosis +   
abnormal interdigital cell death +   
abnormal intestine apoptosis +   
abnormal keratinocyte apoptosis +   
abnormal kidney apoptosis +   
abnormal lens epithelium apoptosis +   
abnormal lens fiber apoptosis +   
abnormal macrophage apoptosis +   
abnormal male germ cell apoptosis +   
abnormal melanoblast apoptosis +   
change in the timing or the number of melanoblasts undergoing programmed cell death; a melanoblast is a cell that originates from the neural crest and differentiates into a pigment cell
abnormal melanoblast migration  
abnormal melanoblast proliferation +   
abnormal neuron apoptosis +   
abnormal osteoblast apoptosis +   
abnormal ovary apoptosis +   
abnormal pancreatic islet cell apoptosis +   
abnormal periocular mesenchyme apoptosis +   
abnormal pituitary gland apoptosis +   
abnormal primordial germ cell apoptosis +   
abnormal retina apoptosis +   
abnormal skeletal muscle cell apoptosis +   
abnormal splenocyte apoptosis +   
abnormal T cell apoptosis +   
abnormal thymus apoptosis  
abnormal vascular endothelial cell apoptosis +   
abnormal vascular regression +   
decreased apoptosis +   
increased apoptosis +   

Definition Sources:

paths to the root