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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal circulating valine level +   
decreased valine level +   
increased alanine level +   
increased arginine level +   
increased aspartic acid level  
increased beta-alanine level  
increased cystathionine level +   
increased cysteine level +   
increased gamma-aminobutyric acid level +   
increased glutamic acid level +   
increased glutamine level +   
increased glycine level +   
increased hydroxyproline level +   
increased isoleucine level +  
increased leucine level +   
increased lysine level +   
increased methionine level +   
increased ornithine level +   
increased phenylalanine level +   
increased proline level +   
increased serine level +   
increased taurine level +   
increased threonine level +   
increased thyroxine level +   
increased valine level +   
increase in the amount of valine (2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid), a branched-chain essential amino acid that is used in the biosynthesis of proteins, has stimulant activity, and promotes muscle growth and tissue repair

Definition Sources: GO:0006573,

paths to the root