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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal chin morphology +   
abnormal face development +   
abnormal face shape +   
abnormal face size +   
abnormal facial muscle morphology +   
abnormal facial skin morphology +   
abnormal forehead morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the part of the face above the eyes; in human anatomy, the forehead is the fore part of the head, an area of the head bounded by three features, two of the skull and one of the scalp; the top of the forehead is marked by the hairline, the edge of the area where hair on the scalp grows while the bottom of the forehead is marked by the supraorbital ridge, the bone feature of the skull above the eyes; the two sides of the forehead are marked by the temporal ridge, a bone feature that links the supraorbital ridge to the coronal suture line and beyond
abnormal midface morphology +   
abnormal mouth morphology +   
abnormal nose morphology +   
abnormal paranasal sinus morphology +   
abnormal periorbital region morphology +   
abnormal snout morphology +   
facial cleft +   
increased facial tumor incidence +   
taut facial appearance 

Exact Synonyms: abnormality of the frontal region of the face
Narrow Synonyms: Low anterior hairline ;   deformity of the forehead ;   forehead anomaly ;   malformation of the forehead
Xrefs: HP:0000294
Definition Sources: HP:0000290

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