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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal anterior uvea morphology +   
abnormal cilary zonule morphology  
any structural anomaly of the circumferential suspensory ligaments that anchor the lens to the ciliary process and are made of bundles of fibrillin microfibrils, an elaborate system of fibers that spans the gap between the lens and the adjacent nonpigmented ciliary epithelium; this fibrous rigging ensures lens centration; in species that accommodate, the zonule transmits the forces that flatten the lens, allowing the eye to focus on distant objects
abnormal conjunctiva morphology +   
abnormal conjunctival sac morphology  
abnormal cornea morphology +   
abnormal eye anterior chamber morphology +   
abnormal eye posterior chamber morphology +   
abnormal lens morphology +   
abnormal tear film morphology  
anterior staphyloma 

Exact Synonyms: abnormal Zinn zonule morphology ;   abnormal Zinn's zonule morphology ;   abnormal apparatus suspensorius lentis morphology ;   abnormal suspensory ligament of lens morphology ;   abnormal zonula ciliaris morphology
Definition Sources: PMID:23493297, PMID:24908666

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