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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal small intestinal microvillus morphology +   
abnormal small intestine goblet cell morphology +   
blunted small intestinal villi  
branched small intestinal villi  
clubbed small intestinal villi  
decreased small intestinal villus height  
decreased small intestinal villus number  
fewer than normal numbers of the tiny hair-like projections which protrude from the inside of the small intestine and contain blood vessels that capture digested nutrients that are absorbed through the intestinal wall
decreased small intestinal villus size  
fused small intestinal villi  
small intestinal villus atrophy  

Exact Synonyms: decreased small intestinal villous number ;   reduced small intestinal villous number ;   reduced small intestinal villus number
Definition Sources:, PMID:16679353

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