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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal adrenal cortex morphology +   
abnormal adrenal gland capsule morphology  
any structural anomaly of the thick capsule of dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds each adrenal gland and contains scattered elastic fibers; the capsule contains a rich plexus of blood vessels (mainly small arteries) and numerous nerve fibers; some blood vessels and nerves enter the substance of the gland in the trabeculae that extend inward from the capsule and then leave the trabeculae to enter the cortex
abnormal adrenal gland development  
abnormal adrenal gland weight +   
abnormal adrenal medulla morphology +   
absent adrenal gland  
adrenal gland cyst  
ectopic adrenal gland  
enlarged adrenal glands +   
small adrenal glands +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal suprarenal capsule morphology
Definition Sources:, ISBN:1581124686

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