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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal neurohypophysis development +   
abnormal neurohypophysis median eminence morphology  
abnormal pituicyte morphology  
abnormal pituitary infundibular stalk morphology +   
absent neurohypophysis  
ectopic neurohypophysis  
a posterior pituitary gland displaced distally in the infundibulum (pituitary stalk) due to defective neuronal migration during embryogenesis, tumors, trauma, or surgical transection of the pituitary stalk; may present with an empty pituitary fossa, hypoplasia or absence of the infundibular stalk and resultant short stature due to growth hormone deficiency; the location of the ectopic lobe can vary, but it is most commonly located along the median eminence in the floor of the third ventricle

Exact Synonyms: ectopic neurophysis ;   ectopic pituitary posterior lobe ;   ectopic posterior pituitary gland
Definition Sources:, PMID:24209704

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