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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal cranial neural crest cell proliferation +   
abnormal enteric neural crest cell proliferation +   
decreased B cell proliferation  
decreased CD8-positive, alpha-beta memory T cell proliferation  
decreased cerebellar granule cell precursor proliferation  
decreased chondrocyte proliferation  
decreased embryonic epiblast cell proliferation  
decreased endothelial cell proliferation  
decreased fetal cardiomyocyte proliferation  
decreased fibroblast proliferation +   
decreased granulosa cell proliferation  
decreased hematopoietic stem cell proliferation  
decreased hepatocyte proliferation  
decreased inner cell mass proliferation +   
decreased keratinocyte proliferation  
decreased kidney cell proliferation  
decreased lung endothelial cell proliferation  
decreased macrophage proliferation  
decreased mammary gland epithelial cell proliferation  
decreased melanoblast proliferation  
decreased mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development  
decreased myoblast proliferation  
decreased neural crest cell proliferation +   
reduced ability of the transient and migratory group of cells that emerge from the dorsal region of the neural tube and migrate to many peripheral locations to form various tissues of the adult to undergo rapid expansion by cell division
decreased osteoblast proliferation  
decreased otic epithelial cell proliferation  
decreased pancreatic beta cell proliferation  
decreased pancreatic endocrine progenitor cell proliferation  
decreased Schwann cell proliferation  
decreased Sertoli cell proliferation  
decreased skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation 
decreased splenocyte proliferation  
decreased T cell proliferation  
decreased trophectoderm cell proliferation  
decreased vascular endothelial cell proliferation  
decreased vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation  
increased neural crest cell proliferation +   

Exact Synonyms: decreased NCC proliferation ;   reduced NCC proliferation ;   reduced neural crest cell proliferation
Definition Sources:

paths to the root