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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal first pharyngeal arch artery morphology  
abnormal fourth pharyngeal arch artery morphology +   
abnormal second pharyngeal arch artery morphology +   
abnormal sixth pharyngeal arch artery morphology +   
abnormal third pharyngeal arch artery morphology +   
absent pharyngeal arch arteries +   
aorta stenosis +   
coronary artery stenosis  
dilated pharyngeal arch artery +   
pharyngeal arch artery hypoplasia +   
pharyngeal arch artery stenosis  
diffuse constriction or narrowing of the vessels formed within the six (five in mammals) pairs of branchial arches in embryogenesis; in the adult, some of these vessels give rise to the great vessels
pulmonary artery stenosis  
renal artery stenosis 
retina artery stenosis 
spiral modiolar artery stenosis  
supravalvar pulmonary trunk stenosis  
umbilical artery stenosis  

Exact Synonyms: PAA stenosis ;   aortic arches stenosis ;   branchial arch artery stenosis
Related Synonyms: embryonic aortic arch artery stenosis
Definition Sources:

paths to the root