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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal aorta bulb morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the portion of the left ventricular outflow tract delineated by the sinotubular ridge superiorly and the bases of the valve leaflets inferiorly; it comprises the aortic sinuses, the aortic valve leaflets, the commissures, and the interleaflet triangles
abnormal ascending aorta and coronary artery attachment +   
abnormal sinotubular junction morphology +  
ascending aorta aneurysm +   
ascending aorta hypoplasia  
dilated ascending aorta +   
heart left ventricle to aorta tunnel 

Exact Synonyms: abnormal aortic bulb morphology ;   abnormal aortic root morphology ;   abnormal bulb of aorta morphology ;   abnormal bulb of ascending aorta morphology ;   abnormal root of aorta morphology ;   abnormal supraaortic valve area morphology
Xrefs: FMA:3740
Definition Sources:, PMID:10722531

paths to the root