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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal aortic arch development  
abnormal basilar artery development 
abnormal dorsal aorta morphology +   
abnormal intersomitic artery morphology  
any structural anomaly of the small branching sprouts of the dorsal aorta that grow across the medial surface of the somite, turn right angles to grow over that surface and then fuse with other sprouts and form the vertebral arteries adjacent to the neural tube; the intersomitic arteries supply the body wall and persist in the adult as the posterior intercostal, subcostal and the lumbar arteries
abnormal intersomitic vein morphology 
abnormal pharyngeal arch artery morphology +   
abnormal umbilical artery morphology +   
abnormal vitelline artery morphology +   
absent intersomitic vessels  
persistent dorsal ophthalmic artery  
persistent trigeminal artery  
poor arterial differentiation  

Exact Synonyms: abnormal intersegmental artery morphology ;   abnormal somitic artery morphology
Definition Sources:, ISBN:0-683-40008-8

paths to the root