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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal cerebral aqueduct morphology +   
abnormal midbrain roof plate morphology +   
abnormal midbrain size +   
abnormal oculomotor nucleus morphology  
abnormal pretectal region morphology +   
any structural anomaly of a narrow, transversely oriented rostral zone of the mesencephalic tectum, bounded caudally by the superior colliculus, rostrally by the habenular trigone, and laterally by the pulvinar thalami; the pretectal area contains several nuclei that receive fibers from the optic tract; it has bilateral efferent connections with the Edinger-Westphal nucleus of the oculomotor nuclear complex by way of which it mediates the pupillary light reflex
abnormal substantia nigra morphology +   
abnormal tegmentum morphology +   
abnormal trigeminal V mesencephalic nucleus morphology +   
absent midbrain  
midbrain atrophy  

Exact Synonyms: abnormal PRT morphology ;   abnormal pretectal area morphology ;   abnormal pretectum morphology
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-683-40008-8

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