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Ontology Browser

abnormal adrenal gland zona reticularis morphology (MP:0008295)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal adrenal gland x-zone morphology +   
abnormal adrenal gland zona fasciculata morphology +   
abnormal adrenal gland zona glomerulosa morphology  
abnormal adrenal gland zona intermedia morphology 
abnormal adrenal gland zona reticularis morphology  
any structural anomaly of the inner zone of the adrenal cortex that produces the enzymes that convert pregnenolone, a 21-carbon steroid, to 19-carbon steroids
abnormal adrenocortical cell morphology +   
absent adrenal cortex 
adrenal cortical hyperplasia  
thin adrenal cortex  

Exact Synonyms: abnormal adrenal reticularis morphology ;   abnormal zona reticularis morphology ;   abnormal zona reticulata morphology
Definition Sources: MESH:A06.407.071.140.970

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