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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal anterior definitive endoderm morphology +   
abnormal bilaminar embryonic disk morphology +   
abnormal cervical sinus morphology 
abnormal egg cylinder morphology +   
abnormal embryonic cloaca morphology +   
abnormal embryonic lymph sac morphology +   
abnormal gastrula morphology 
abnormal germ layer morphology +   
abnormal gonadal ridge morphology +   
abnormal head fold morphology +   
abnormal intraembryonic coelom morphology 
abnormal limb bud morphology +   
abnormal mesenchyme morphology +   
abnormal mesonephros morphology +   
abnormal neural fold morphology +   
abnormal neural plate morphology +   
abnormal neural tube morphology +   
abnormal notochord morphology +   
abnormal pharyngeal arch morphology +   
abnormal pharyngeal groove morphology 
abnormal pharyngeal membrane morphology 
abnormal pharyngeal pouch morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the balloonlike diverticulae of the embryonic pharyngeal endoderm that line the inside of the branchial arches; these paired endodermal evaginations develop in a craniocaudal sequence between the branchial arches, e.g. pouch 1 lies between arches 1 and 2; in mammals, there are four well-developed pairs of pouches (the fifth and sixth pair is vestigial or absent); the pouch endoderm reaches the branchial groove ectoderm to form the double-layer branchial membranes that separate them
abnormal pleuropericardial membrane morphology +   
abnormal pluripotent precursor cell morphology +   
abnormal prechordal plate morphology +   
abnormal primitive streak morphology +   
abnormal septum transversum morphology  
abnormal somite development +   
abnormal tail bud morphology +   
abnormal tail fold morphology 
abnormal urogenital fold morphology  
abnormal urorectal septum morphology 
disorganized embryonic tissue  
embryo cyst  
embryo tissue necrosis +