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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal Bowman membrane morphology  
abnormal conjunctiva morphology +   
abnormal cornea endothelium morphology +   
abnormal cornea epithelium morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the smooth stratified squamous epithelium that covers the outer surface of the cornea
abnormal cornea size +   
abnormal cornea stroma morphology +   
abnormal Descemet membrane morphology +   
abnormal lacrimal apparatus morphology +   
abnormal tear film morphology  
absent cornea  
anterior iris synechia  
cornea abrasion  
cornea astigmatism 
cornea degeneration +  
cornea deposits  
cornea opacity +   
cornea perforation  
cornea scarring  
cornea ulcer  
cornea vascularization  
corneal-lenticular stalk  
fused cornea and lens  

Exact Synonyms: abnormal corneal epithelium morphology
Definition Sources:, MESH:A09.371.060.217.325

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