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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal meiosis +     
abnormal chiasmata formation +   
abnormal chromosomal synapsis  
abnormal female meiosis +   
abnormal male meiosis +   
anomaly in the process of nuclear division that results in sperm with one half the normal chromosome number of the original cell
abnormal meiotic configurations +   
abnormal meiotic drive 
abnormal meiotic spindle assembly checkpoint  
abnormal meiotic spindle morphology  
abnormal meiotic telomere clustering +   
abnormal spermatid morphology +   
abnormal spermatocyte morphology  
abnormal spermatogonia proliferation  
abnormal spermiogenesis +   
abnormal synaptonemal complex  
arrest of spermatogenesis +   
meiotic nondisjunction +   
teratozoospermia +   
uniparental disomy 

Xrefs: GO:0007140
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-683-40008-8

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